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May 14, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Announces New Chief of Staff Will Be Terry Lierman

Bill Cable to Retire After 40 Years of Public Service


WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) announced today that his Chief of Staff, Bill Cable, will retire on June 1.  Hoyer has selected Terry Lierman, currently the State Chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party, as his new Chief of Staff.


"I am sad that after 40 years of public service and dedication to the Democratic Party, Bill Cable has decided to retire at the end of this month," Hoyer said.  "He has been an exceptional Chief of Staff, and I wish him all the best as he retires to spend more time with his wife and his grandson, Jackson."


"However, I am delighted that Terry Lierman has agreed to come on board," Hoyer added.  "With his deep knowledge of national and Maryland state politics, as well as extensive policy experience, Terry's expertise will help us run the House Floor effectively while advancing the Democratic agenda.  I am confident that he will make a terrific Chief of Staff."


Cable began his career on the Hill 40 years ago, and then served as a Deputy Assistant to President Carter.  He worked at Timmons and Company as Vice President and General Counsel for 17 years.  Cable returned to the Hill several years ago to serve in several positions, including as Democratic Staff Director for the House Administration Committee under then-Ranking Democrat Hoyer and Administrative Counsel at the CAO.  He became Hoyer's Chief of Staff in his Whip Office early last year.


Lierman has served as the State Chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party since 2004, following his role as National Finance Co-Chair on Howard Dean's presidential campaign.  A former candidate for Congress in 2000, Lierman founded and directed Capitol Associates, a consulting firm focused on health issues, and previously served as Staff Director for the Senate Committee on Appropriations. 



