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March 12, 2004
Stacey Farnen


WASHINGTON, DC -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), and House Democratic Caucus Chairman Bob Menendez (D-NJ) today issued the following statement of principles on matters related to the technology industry:

“House Democrats are valuable allies to the technology community, and we are pleased to offer our support for many of the positions outlined by the House New Democrat Coalition in its ‘e-genda,’ as well as objectives endorsed by the technology industry.  Many of these issues have been Democratic priorities for years, and we look forward to continuing to work with the high-tech industry to accomplish our mutual goals.  We urge President Bush and Republicans in Congress to join us in these efforts.

“Democrats support an active agenda to encourage high-tech job growth, industry expansion, worker training, and technological innovation.

“Democrats believe we must provide appropriate incentives for companies to keep manufacturing and service jobs in the U.S., including tax incentives for U.S. manufacturers and for employers who create new jobs.  We must also make health care more affordable for U.S. businesses.

“Democrats want to encourage a climate of innovation by investing in basic research and development and providing incentives for companies to keep research and development jobs in the U.S. through extension of the R&D tax credit.  The federal government must be a leader by investing in a balanced program of basic research, both within federal agencies and throughout our nation’s universities. 

“Democrats are fighting to create the world’s best workforce by investing in math and science education, including fully funding the math and science partnerships for K-12 teacher training in the No Child Left Behind Act.  We also support the Tech Talent bill, which helps universities increase the number of science, math, and engineering graduates.

“Democrats want to ensure that workers have the training and skills they need for the jobs of the future by adequately funding job training and worker retraining programs and expanding Trade Adjustment Assistance to help dislocated service workers.

“Democrats support the continued development of, and increased access to, information infrastructure, including a national broadband policy that leads to increased deployment of broadband technology in all areas of the country.  Democrats are also working to extend the Internet tax moratorium to encourage continued growth of the Internet.

“Democrats strongly believe that we must create a business climate in which innovation can flourish and workers have the education and training they need to succeed.  We look forward to working with the technology community to achieve these shared goals.”
