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March 09, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

How Could Privatization Affect the 8 Million Americans With Disabilities on Social Security

Hoyer Invites Concerned Mother from His Recent Town Hall, Local Disabled Worker to Discuss Their Concerns

WASHINGTON – Deborah Mason of Waldorf, Maryland stood up at House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer’s (MD) recent Social Security Town Hall in La Plata, Maryland and spoke eloquently about her concerns with Social Security privatization and how it could affect her autistic son’s future. 

After meeting Mrs. Mason at his Town Hall, Congressman Hoyer invited her to Capitol Hill tomorrow to talk about why she has concerns that privatization could place her son’s future at risk.

Congressman Hoyer has also invited James Brown of Virginia, who was disabled by a traumatic brain injury several years ago and now depends on Social Security disability benefits, to discuss his concerns with Social Security privatization.

Representatives Jim Langevin (D-RI) and Major Owens (D-NY), leading Congressional advocates for people with disabilities, will join Representative Hoyer in hosting Mrs. Mason and Mr. Brown on Capitol Hill tomorrow.

The Representatives will also launch a new HouseDemocrats.gov “Faces of Social Security” webpage focused on telling the stories of how important strengthening Social Security is to people with disabilities.

WHO: House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Representatives Jim Langevin (D-RI) and Major Owens (D-NY) (tentative), Mrs. Deborah Mason of Maryland and Mr. James Brown of Virginia

WHAT: Press Conference on Social Security Privatization and People with Disabilities

WHERE: H-306 in the U.S. Capitol

WHEN: 1 PM, Thursday, March 10th

