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One of the unsung challenges of getting comfortable in a new place: finding a good place to sit and chill by yourself.
I haven't played with the 40D in a while...since it's my only day to myself this week, might as well take it in the backpack.
Debating whether to bring compact camera or full DSLR kit.
Awesome, now ranks users by swearability. Pleased to see that local talent @empirebetty is placing well worldwide.
@gabopagan: with screenplay by Quentin Tarantino to keep the film from imploding in the second half!
Note for @senia: I am totally up for vegetarian lunch, but my natural body impulse is to freak out :-)
@chris_haddad: Yes, but it was meat-free and possibly organic. And I am having vegetarian lunch in Cupertino. Someone let me out of here!
@chris_haddad I'm staying at my cousin's house, which unfortunately does not offer complimentary bathrobes. The coffee is great though.
Wishing I'd packed a bathrobe.
I think I will need to hack the post edit control panel to make this task less "wrist-slashy".
going to start recategorizing / reviewing all posts from 2008 to 2004. I suspect this will take several weeks if I do it in little chunks.
@HKintigh: So far, I've just sort of skimmed the first 30 pages of "The Power of Now". The challenge to thinking = self is interesting.
@CrazyOnYou: oh dinosaur brains...friend Lee recommended that to me ages ago! Must look for it.
@joanmarie: I think I mean both...wondering if there's a correlation!
@CrazyOnYou: I have never found a really good reference on the reticular activation system.
@manning999: Thanks for the welcome! I am way overdressed for the weather, decked out in all black east coast snow ninja layers :)
Was coveting the fire engine yellow Mini Cooper S until the silver Ford F-250 Super Duty pickup made it look silly.
Wondering if there are physiological/biochemical changes that accompany profound shift toward total belief.
After reading 3 separate books on self-transformation this week, thinking common factor is finding belief via shifted perspective.
Touched down in San Jose Mineta airport. Started reading 'The Power of Now' on the flight.


rabble sean bonner Xeni Jardin Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Johan Denoyer Scott Janousek Jason Calacanis Sean Oliver Dan Cederholm mdy Sooz Robert Brook Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag   christine Edward Vielmetti Chris Brogan Matt Homann Elisa Camahort Melanie Colleen Wainwright Mike Rundle Geoffrey Grosenbach chris sainsbury Keith marianne richmond masukomi Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith thomas marban Hickensian AJ Penninga Erik Dan Cramer Patrick Haney
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