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Getting ready to go shopping with Aaron. Lazy Saturday.
OH: I'm going on a big adventure for wood. (@remarkk) #macfest
I love days when a lunch meeting is really a breakfast meeting in disguise. Late start today!
@BrianWright We should start a campaign or sign a petition, lol. Just get him off every media outlet I frequent. ;)
@jessemorgan How is the back of the house? You holding down the fort? Living room is under control.
Everytime I see Spencer Pratt on TV, I feel like the terrorists have won.
What is up with Grey's Anatomy showing a new episode every other week? Why is it so hard for TV to get it's act together? Bah.
Geeks rejoice.Ontario man builds female Android.
Great session at mars this morning! On to lunch at fresh with eliott from tucows! Busy day today!
Cool! Obama site launches a new site that allows anyone to submit a question to the administration!
Twirhl is not working for me. Does anyone know what's going on? Twitter search says something is up.
@negaratduke Awesome! Thanks for the great read. :)
Just posted some video clips of my CBC interview! :)
@stiennon try hotspot shield it's how I enjoy hulu
Hoping the universe will send me awesome SXSW accomodations soon :)
@SeanMoffitt Ha, so true. Ok, will turn it off...five more minutes. ;) If you don't hear any new tweets from me, send help. LOL
I don't know what this is, but i can't. stop. watching. Join me??
@vasta Long story, Ihave on for wordpress, it's the other pages that are the issue, lol. Ack.
I need to revamp my site and create some sort of CMS so that i can actually update it. Needs to be up yesterday. Know anyone who can help??


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