U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Press Room: Press Releases

July 31, 2006

Kerry Reacts to Bush Economic Remarks

Following is a statement from Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), top Democrat on the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, in reaction to President Bush’s remarks on the economy and small businesses in Miami today:

“President Bush’s Miami photo op is nothing more than a one-note empty promise. He says he wants to ‘strengthen the small-business sector’ in this country, but his only policy is cutting taxes for the rich. The result? The Bush Administration is balancing the record deficits on the backs of small business owners. America’s entrepreneurs need more than lip service, they need Washington to keep promises. We should take steps to reduce skyrocketing health care costs for small businesses, increase small firms’ access to capital and federal contracts, and invest in training and counseling programs to ensure all entrepreneurs get the tools they need to succeed and help our economy grow.”

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