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apres at the river ranch
beautiful spring-like day at shrapline meadows =))
tahoe hot tub bblbblbblbblbblbblbbl ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Thinking on Buy & send real gifts to people you only know thru a website. Compassion w/o trust. (via @rafer of course)
Bob Mould & Mark Eitzel @ Cafe Du Nord 2/27
RT @hrheingold: @jah Just get down on your knees and thank your unholy gods that your home shitpipe works, and that's no joke!
My guess is that Goog is gonna change their favicon regularly like their homepage logo. Why else would they release such an ugly one?
... than saving bookmark as. Too bad you can only right-click and edit properties if a bookmark is in the top bar, not a subfolder
I <3 that FF3 let's u drag fav icons from the location bar to the bookmark bar to your desired folder. So much faster than saving bookma ...
Welcome back to Oakland Jason Giambi. We've been keeping things laid back and serious ... just how you like it.
Congrats @montro @tempo @amylola (& too mamy investors to @)
It's NUCKING FUTS how many Twitter apps, tools & services exist & how many actually offer value. Twitter truly IS the platform @ev spoke of.
Our senior engr. @thrashr888 announced he's in snipper mode ... ( 2 weeks to go before big launch =)
Not so private joke for @oesterle @rafer [flickr link] from this We need one too!
WHACKY!: to 'fix' Firefox Mac from skipping dropdown menus when tabbing: Go to System Prefs->Keyboard/Mouse-> Click 'All controls' at bottom
80.63% of dog owners outlook for 2009 is hopeful or cautiously optimistic [] 75.92% for cat owners []
With Apple's move to DRM-free music sales, we've crossed the continental divide of the old and new music businesses.
Congrats to (@smithmag) on the redesign!


Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca danah boyd Brian Walsh sean bonner derek dukes Om Malik Joshua Kinberg Narendra Dave McClure Niall Kennedy David Ulevitch Paul Thrasher Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh adam rifkin tommy payne Scott Beale Erika Hall Rob Hayes Oren Michels Blake Burris Jim Young Hiten Shah Jackson West Nikolaj Nyholm Cameron Walters George Kelly Sanford B
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