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@miz_ginevra The waiters? How about the judges? This season seems like a pretty weak field.
Prepping for afternoon Traywick opening. If you're in Berkeley, stop by between 3-5. D me for details if you need em.
Breakfast for lunch with the kids at Saul's. Blueprint mucking, writing and dinner prep later. Still not @mike_ftw's friend.
@mulegirl Cant you just talk to @mike_ftw or did he trade you in for a whopper, too?
i love being flamebroiled, it confirms my street value of 1/10th of a whopper.
Paging George Hormel.
Firemen with axes just showed up at our gate. Awesome. (Look, @daveman692, a post about SFO just like you do!)
Of course I'm not going to be foolish enough to try to write my own device drivers for the thing.
Thank goodness @edanuff ordered two netbooks so I could take one off his hands. Wouldn't have ordered one on my own, and I like it.
@summize please add ability to search by posting client. (e.g. via:pheltup) kthxbye!
killing with kindness.
@gknauss you need to back away from the internet.
@sarahcuda tell geoff that i stacked the deck; it was never a fair fight.
what were the nine kinds of pie that harold liked?
i wonder if el ten eleven will see a bump in sales because of the objectified trailer.
Crab cakes plus a frisee salad with warm bacon vinaigrette and a poached egg. Delicious.
Kids and I shot some footage of our morning around Berkeley. Will edit later; determined to show them how easy it is to make video.
@gknauss hey, if you don't have any new years resolutions picked out, maybe i could suggest DON'T USE THE SELF-CHECKOUT LINE EVER AGAIN.
you know what's great? i installed destroytwitter and it didn't destroy twitter, nor did it tweet all my friends about itself. until now.
@edanuff The sequence of those two tweets is just classic.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Tim Roberts sara Jason Goldman Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca Matt Jones Ryan Freitas Brian Oberkirch Raj Bala adam rifkin Erika Hall Rear Adm. Monteiro bryan mason lane becker joshua schachter judith Cameron Marlow Matt Jacobs Caterina Dinah Sanders Todd Schomer Ben Brown Reid Hoffman Walt Dickinson Meg Hourihan fake mat honan Andre Torrez jeff reine Tom Coates Matt Biddulph
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