President Monteiro’s Favorites

hotdogsladies Apparently, I also may have started a handful of ambitious new businesses with @mat and @Mike_FTW involving Spanish incorporation.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane A transcript: Putting up the tree or really bad sex? "Is it in? This hurts! Just fucking do it! Now I'm all sticky! God, I hate you."
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane Well, it's the day we get the Christmas tree. It's also the day, each year, that we come closest to getting a divorce.
THE_REAL_SHAQ I am only here to make u smile, so let me c yo grill
Michael Sippey
Ben Compton
bcompton @shortyawards @capnsmackers #business. It seems like I did this already, but someone who probably eats kittens changed it.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman I don't mind losing to guykawasaki, but capnsmackers?
Mia Eaton
VictoriaMia At first I thought the Shorty Award was just another one of @Mike_FTW 's penis jokes.
Ben Compton
bcompton It would really save me on my taxes if Jesus could come back before fiscal 2008 ends.
Remiel It might SEEM like Adobe Acrobat updates itself too often, but bear in mind the complexities of displaying PICTURES OF FUCKING PAPER.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Your tweet that linked to the exact same tweet on FriendFeed that linked to a two word post by Kottke linking to actual content was awesome.
MissRFTC VerdElf attempts to hide horrific facial wound:
favrd Yeah yeah. Deal with it.
Josh Hopkins
thedayhascome -@Mike_FTW I don't like @Mike_FTW's new background. I miss naked Bea Arthur.
Josh Hopkins
thedayhascome Podcasts have ruined me for braille.
Seven Morris
SevenMorris When -@Mike_FTW lies a baby cries, a girl tells her secret to the wrong friend, and the Internet suffers a brownout. But do not tell him
tj -@Mike_FTW Is dead. Ssh! Don't tell him, it's a surprise. Haley Joel Osment tells him at the end of the movie.
Ben Compton
bcompton Okay, genius. If "great suffering produces great art," explain to me how my 12 minute emo epic about my broken TiVo quote-unquote sucks?
Geoff Barnes
texburgher All the recent webcock-bashing has me concerned that you guys don't actually have any deals to offer me after all.
20lb_cat That piece of string has been staring at me all night. What the eff, string? I hate you so much.


noah Evan Williams veen Jason Shellen rae brune Richard Ault Matt Jones Michael Ferguson Ryan Freitas tedr Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Brian Oberkirch dakota smith Scott Beale Erika Hall Amanda bryan mason Michael Buffington Dan Saffer George Kelly Michael Sippey judith george Matt Jacobs Stewart Butterfield Caterina Nelson Minar Colleen Wainwright Walt Dickinson fake mat honan dana j. robinson Andre Torrez Keri Maijala Tom Coates
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