U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Press Room: Press Releases

July 31, 2008

Kerry, Snowe Press SBA on Energy Efficiency to Ease Crisis

WASHINGTON – Senators John F. Kerry (D-Mass) and Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) today urged the Small Business Administration to implement several energy initiatives aimed at helping small businesses through the current energy crisis. With rising energy prices topping the list of concerns of small business owners, the Senators requested that the SBA redouble their efforts to implement programs passed as part of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

“Small businesses are hurting and the SBA can help alleviate the strain of the current energy crisis,” said Kerry. “Small businesses account for more than half of our fuel consumption, and we should give them the tools to become more energy efficient, whether its loans to purchase renewable energy systems or effective telecommuting programs. Every drop of oil or kilowatt of electricity saved is more money in a company’s bottom line.”

“With over three quarters of small business owners reporting an inability to cope with exorbitant energy prices, it is vital that the SBA swiftly implement the provisions that Chairman Kerry and I included in last year’s Energy Independence and Security Act,” said Senator Snowe. “The SBA has the opportunity and the responsibility to play a leading role in combating climate change and curbing skyrocketing energy prices. I hope that the SBA will fully implement the critical provisions to make loans for energy efficiency improvements, promote small business energy audits, and establish a priority for energy efficiency projects under the Small Business Innovation Research program. With energy prices where they are today, the SBA cannot afford to drag its feet and stand by while the American economy suffers.”

In a July 31st letter, Senators Kerry and Snowe, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, called on Acting SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza to implement a number of initiatives passed as part of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which became public law 110-140 in December of 2007. Specifically the bill calls for the SBA to develop and implement programs to do the following:


  • Establish an Energy Clearinghouse program that works with the EPA’s Energy Star program to help educate small businesses on energy efficiency;
  • Create a small business energy efficiency pilot grant program that would offer grants to Small Businesses Development Centers to conduct energy audits of small businesses and help them reduce their energy consumption;
  • Encourage innovation in the field of energy efficiency by requiring Federal Agencies to give priority to SBIR/STTR program solicitations by small businesses that participate in or conduct energy efficiency or renewable energy system research and development;
  • Allows loans to be made through the SBA’s Express Loan program for the purpose of purchasing a renewable energy system or financing of energy efficiency projects;
  • Establish a renewable fuel Capital Investment Company program designed to promote the research, development, production, and marketing of renewable energy resources;
  • Initiate the small business telecommuting pilot program authorized in the Energy Bill to provide information regarding telecommuting options to small business owners and their employees.


To read the full text of the letter sent to Acting Administrator Carranza, please click here.

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