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Akaka Supports Efforts Behind Baseball Player Justin "Pono" Tokioka

December 6, 2005

Honolulu, HI -- U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka today stated his support of a deaf 10-year-old boy, Justin "Pono" Tokioka who was denied direct access to a sign-language interpreter at a state PONY baseball tournament. PONY officials have rejected requests to amend their rules to allow sign-language interpreters without considering them team personnel.

Today, Senator Akaka called Pono "a true warrior."

"Fifteen years ago, Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act to tear down the barriers of ignorance and indifference that face millions of our citizens, our friends and family members, everyday. We've come a long way, but as Pono can tell you, we have more to go," said Senator Akaka.

"I hope this particular situation can be resolved amicably, because there can be no argument to support the decision to deny Pono and his teammates, his right to play ball. I also hope that Pono's story serves as a reminder to all that we must be vigilant in ensuring freedom and liberty for all Americans, the same freedoms many of us take for granted," he stated.

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December 2005

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