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U.S. Senate Passes Resolution Recognizing the Filipino Centennial

December 15, 2005

Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka thanked his colleagues last night after the U.S. Senate passed a resolution recognizing the Filipino Centennial. Senator Akaka along with co-sponsor, Senator Dan Inouye, introduced the resolution which also acknowledges the contributions of the Filipino-American community to our country, and celebrates the long and productive relationship between the Philippines and the United States.

"I am pleased that my colleagues supported this very important resolution," stated Senator Akaka. "Despite being the second-largest Asian-American group in the United States, their story is largely unknown. This resolution pays tribute to the sacrifice of Filipino-Americans and their perseverance in the face of political, social, and ethnic adversity."

A similar resolution also successfully passed the House of Representatives.

Last week, Senator Akaka spoke at the opening ceremonies at the Filipino Centennial Celebration in Honolulu, where he acknowledged the contributions of the growing Filipino community. There are 275,000 Filipinos in Hawaii, making up 22% of the state's population.

Chairman of the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Ethnic Studies Department, Dean Alegado, said, "This resolution is tremendous, it gives recognition to the fact that one of the largest Asian Pacific American communities is now coming of age and making significant contributions to the nation as whole."

Belinda Aquino, the UH Director of the Philippine Studies, added, "I am very proud of this resolution. This is a time for great celebration in the Filipino Community and a time for reflection of the last 100 years."

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December 2005

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