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microsoft has officially jumped the shark: (hat tip @neb)
the sagrada familia, on twitter: "Is very strange to wake up each morning and have houndreds of japanesse people inside"
Robbed @ the Crunchies! Google Reader can suck it!
looking forward to the day when there's as big a fetish culture around "reboxing" for return as there is around
donated to a low-income reading program via and just got a packet of (adorable!) thank-you notes from the kids.
Early morning Hall & Oates medley ("She's a rich girl...") in the Satisfactory as we all sit here hitting refresh on
Remember: vote for Get Satisfaction for a Crunchie IF ONLY to see what I will be wearing (or not wearing) when we accept:
Conclusion: If you are 4 years old, the "Face Melter" iPhone app is the coolest thing ever.
Best ever new wedding tradition: dramatic performance of the online personal ads the newlyweds read the day they found each other.
Just met a guy who was on Wheel of Fortune. Weirdly impressed by this.
touring the Adaptive Path Austin office with @paulawellings.
20 minutes into 2009, and I'm already winning!
Inexplicably, between every karaoke song there's a small bulldog in a bowtie doing high kicks. Can't wait for the new year.
for the record: i have no idea why i want to win @ the crunchies, but i do. so that's that.
Get Satisfaction must win "best Web app" @ the Crunchies! You can help. Vote early, vote often, vote daily. DO IT FOR ME.
Eastside Latte on the porch of Progress Coffee, Austin, Texas. Sunny, 71 degrees. I could get used to this.
On a holiday lawn display tour in suburban Austin. @cskott: "Why is that snowman tending a grill?That's snowman suicide!"
and sure, he oversimplifies like crazy, but that doesn't mean Friedman's not dead on in this piece:
charmingly lyrical (metaphorically and literally) piece on celebrating Sir Isaac Newton's 10-day-long birthday:
The only place open to eat on Christmas Eve in Austin was Ruby's Barbeque. This was not a problem.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams sara Marc Hedlund Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai ario Josh Kopelman william Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Chris Baum rae brune Maggie Mason Lori Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca danah boyd sean bonner Matt Jones Manton Reece Chad Thornton erin decker Michael Ferguson derek dukes Ryan Freitas tedr Frank Harris Narendra
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