U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship

03/08/07 Hearing

Small Business Solutions for Combating Climate Change

To read Senator Kerry's statement from this hearing, please click here.

To watch this hearing, please click here.

Below is the witness list for this event.

     Senator Barbara Boxer
          Chairman, Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
     Mr. Dan Horowitz
          Assistant Administrator for Policy and Planning, U.S. Small Business Administration
     Mr. Bill Wehrum
          Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
     Mr. Byron Kennard
          Executive Director, Center for Small Business and the Environment
     Mr. Jim Barber
          President and CEO, Metabolix
     Mr. Chris Lynch
          Director, Environmental Management Assistance Program, Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers
     Mr. David Goldstein
          Co-Director, National Resources Defense Council's Energy Program
     Mr. Scott Hauge
          Vice President, National Small Business Association; Founder, Small Business California