News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Announces Good News for Clarkston Center

Confluence Interpretive Center to celebrate Lewis and Clark, provide local jobs

For Immediate Release:
Monday, September 22, 2003

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray today announced that she has included authorization language for the Clarkston Confluence Interpretive Center in the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations bill. The bill passed the full Senate on Tuesday evening by a vote of 92-0.

The Confluence Interpretive Center, to be located at the meeting of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers, will house a permanent Lewis and Clark exhibit as well as traveling exhibits and displays on regional culture and history.

“I am proud to have provided the authorization necessary to make this dream a reality,” Senator Murray said. “The local community has worked hard to make the Clarkston Lewis and Clark Bicentennial a success for both visitors and for the region’s economy. Clarkston has a rich story to tell, and I look forward to it being heard by visitors from across the country.”

Local partners including the City of Clarkston, Asotin County and the Port of Clarkston have contributed funds toward the Center’s construction, but work can not begin without Congressional authorization.

The Senate Energy and Water bill will now go to a conference with the House bill which does not include a similar authorization. The House must agree to the authorization before the project can move forward.
