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Akaka Announces Pacific Federal Agency Will Remain Open

June 14, 2005

Washington, D.C. -- Today Senator Daniel K. Akaka announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Pacific Area Office, located in Honolulu, HI, will remain open. In February, FEMA announced internally that closure of the Pacific Area Office was being considered due to budget restrictions in fiscal year 2005.

Senator Akaka voiced his objection to the closure to senior Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FEMA officials at hearings and in private meetings. This afternoon, Akaka received confirmation from FEMA that the Pacific Area Office will remain open indefinitely.

"I am pleased and grateful that FEMA recognizes the need for a local emergency response presence in the Pacific," Senator Akaka said. "Hawaii is 2500 miles from the West Coast and cannot rely on the Region IX FEMA office, which is located in Oakland, CA, for assistance in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster."

"The Pacific Area Office is especially important to me because I fought for its creation in 1991 and 1992. I saw then the need for an office to coordinate and provide equipment for preparedness and response efforts in Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific Islands. Today, 14 years later, I can see the difference its made," said Senator Akaka.

The FEMA Pacific Area Office opened in April 1993. In January 1994 the Office moved operations to the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii, Fort Shafter Military Installation.

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June 2005

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