News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

PHOTO: Veterans Deserve Answers After Troubling GAO Report

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Leaders and members of the American Legion testify at a hearing of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. During the hearing, Senator Murray unveiled a shocking new report which showed that the VA misled Congress about its budget problems and failed to accurately plan for the impact of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Who paid the price for the VA's deceptions? America's veterans, and that's just wrong,” Murray told the Committee. “I am committed to making sure we get to the bottom of this – and more importantly – learn from these mistakes so that every veteran can get the respect, healthcare and benefits they have earned.”

American Legion members, who filled the audience, responded with applause when Senator Murray concluded her statement.

Murray’s Testimony
