News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Urges Full Benefits for Our Veterans

Calls partial boost to concurrent receipt a “good step”

For Immediate Release:
Friday, October 17, 2003

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – House Republicans yesterday announced a plan to partially overturn a discriminatory policy against disabled veterans.

Senator Murray has worked with her Senate colleagues for years to end this unfair law requiring disabled veterans to forfeit one dollar of retirement compensation for every dollar they receive in disability pay.

In 2002, she helped push legislation through the Senate to allow veterans “concurrent receipt” of both benefits.

While Murray has worked to fulfill this obligation for all disabled veterans, the House plan – which will be phased in over ten years – provides concurrent receipt benefits for only about half the veterans whose retirement benefits are reduced or eliminated under current law.

Senator Murray released the following statement:

“I have worked for years to end this unfair practice against our military veterans. The actions taken in the House to increase benefits for some of our veterans are a good first step, but we still have much more to do.

With a new generation of combat veterans deployed around the world, the federal government must gladly meet its obligations to veterans rather than look away in favor of other priorities.

Our vets deserve our support and gratitude for the service they provided to keep our country free. We should be extending additional aid, not penalties, to those injured during service.

I will continue to push for full benefits for all of our veterans.”
