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iPhone got stolen last night, have to get another sim for backup phone until new iPhone comes out :(
@iaindodsworth I love tweetdeck! Fantastic job thus far!
I really think tweetdeck might be the client that brings me back to handles twitter's greatest weakness well (noise)
testing out tweetdeck...I think I'm in love
Still trying to recover from this crazy weekend.
Lupe is the best cook in the world!
*correction* I meant Unison, not Transmit...stupid award of the day goes to me.
You really have to be a mac fanboy to like Transmit. What utter garbage. Anyone who has used Newsleecher would be dismayed by Transmit.
Why are the most ubiquitously covered services often not the best of breed? ie Beanstalk, Flickr and Freshbooks
Evidence is one of the worst classes in law school btw...just in case anyone was wondering.
@PuppyLv0e done and done
@nick difference between pro-choice and pro-late-term nick / and your cunt remark is just tripe...I don't like McCain, I just hate ignorance
I <3 Symfony - but I might be moving most of my projects over to django to take advantage of GAE
@nick has the cunt remark even been proven? and Obama is a good Christian? Really? 3 words: late term abortion
Pet peeve alert: the word is adjudication NOT adjudiFIcation
I just purchased some Tiger Balm pain relief patches...reminds me of when I lived in Hong Kong
I just had my maid make chilaquiles...yumtackular.
Work, work, and more work. This holiday just wasn't long enough. And I start my summer semester of law sc... -
Working like a dog, as usual. Is it bad that my background is tech and I hate computers?


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