December 6, 2006

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Iraq Study Group Report

Washington, DC – “Today’s report from the Iraq Study Group shows the growing bipartisan consensus that we need a dramatic change of course in Iraq, including a redeployment of American troops. I received a briefing from the Iraq Study Group this morning on their recommendations and I look forward to reading the full report. I also look forward to the opportunity to question the Iraq Study Group members at tomorrow’s Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. And while meeting privately this morning with Defense Secretary nominee Dr. Robert Gates, we discussed the report.

The Iraq Study Group has spent several months looking at the challenges we face in Iraq. I hope the White House takes its recommendations into full account. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to press the Administration to act to change its strategy.

The American people have spoken. The Iraq Study Group has spoken. Experts across the political spectrum have spoken. Even the President’s nominee for Defense Secretary has spoken. Now it’s time for the President to listen and change the course in Iraq.”

Click here for more of Senator Clinton's statements concerning the war in Iraq


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