
The National Women's Business Council is a bi-partisan federal advisory council created to serve as an independent source of advice and policy recommendations to the President, Congress, and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues of importance to women business owners. The Council's mission is to promote bold initiatives, policies and programs designed to support women's business enterprises at all stages of development in the public and private sector marketplaces -- from start-up to success to significance.

NWBC Responds to Women’s Procurement Rule

The National Women’s Business Council submitted a letter to the U.S. Small Business Administration in response to its newest proposed rule affecting the women-owned business federal contract assistance procedures. In the letter, Council Chair Carole Jean Jordan states that, due to time restrictions, the Council is unable to offer a sound recommendation to the question of which data set, the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) or the Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners (SBO), will provide the soundest basis to identify industries in which women-owned businesses are underrepresented in Federal procurement.

Click here to read the Council’s letter.

NWBC Unveils Policy Toolkit

New backgrounders on key policy issues are now available. Based on conversations with women business owners at town hall meetings and other events around the country, the issue briefs offer insights into the priorities of women entrepreneurs, such as Access to Capital, Affordable Health Care, Taxes, Procurement, and Education & Workforce Development. Each backgrounder also includes key statistics and policy recommendations direct from women business owners. Together, these backgrounders can be used as a toolkit for addressing important issues on a local, state and national level.

Click here to download the backgrounders.

Other News

  • The November/December issue of Engage! is now available. Engage! is distributed via email to leaders in government and the women's business community to communicate current issues affecting women business owners and entrepreneurs. To receive future issues of Engage! via email, send your contact information to Allison Gilmore at
  • Between FY 2004 and FY 2008, there was 16.6% increase in the average value of SBA loans and financing made to women-owned firms. Overall SBA loan dollars to women business owners were up 9.3% during this period. However, the number of loans and financings to women-owned businesses declined by 6.2%.

    Click here to read NWBC’s newly-updated Issue Brief on SBA Loans to Women-Owned Businesses.
  • Speakers Bureau: Members of the National Women's Business Council often speak about women's business ownership and Council initiatives at events across the country. To invite a Council member to speak at your upcoming event, email us at