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Retired: 1998 Recommended Specifications for Public Access Work Stations in Federal Depository Libraries

[ Note: These 1998 standards are now superseded. For a complete explanation of LPS' current workstation recommendations and requirements, go HERE. ]

(to be published in Administrative Notes, vol. 19, no. 9 (June 15, 1998)

These recommended specifications are intended to assist depository librarians who are planning purchases of new personal computers (PCs) for public use in Federal depository libraries. This document supersedes the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) "Recommended Specifications for Public Access Work Stations in Federal Depository Libraries" (AdNotes, v. 18, no. 9, June 15, 1997).

If you have any questions about these specifications, please contact Cynthia Etkin, Inspector, at cetkin@gpo.gov or by voice at (202) 512-1119.

Recommended New Work Station Configuration


  • Processor
    IBM-compatible Pentium chip, 233 MHz minimum. Consider 266Mhz or 300 MHz, and Pentium or Pentium II MMX processors. System board should be "ATX" form factor.

  • Memory (RAM)
    32 MB minimum - 64 MB recommended.

  • Ports
    One (1) Serial
    One (1) Universal Serial Bus (USB)
    One (1) Parallel
    One (1) P/S-2 Mouse
    One (1) SVGA Video (If video is built into system board.)

  • I/O bus
    PCI/ISA (should have at least four available slots after system is configured for delivery)

  • Video
    64 or 128 bit PCI interface SVGA controller. Should come with 2MB Windows RAM (WRAM) or Video RAM (VRAM), and be expandable to at least 4MB WRAM or VRAM. Recommend the selected device provide MPEG hardware acceleration.

    *FOR CARTOGRAPHIC DATA USE: 64 or 128 bit PCI interface SVGA controller with 8MB WRAM or VRAM.

  • Audio
    Sound Blaster 16 or better, or compatible (only if appropriate for library setting).

  • Drive Bays
    One (1) 3.5" half-height (HH).
    Three (3) 5.25" HH Externally Accessible.
    Two (2) 3.5" HH Internal.


  • Hard Disk Drive
    3.0 gigabytes (Gb) or greater capacity, partitioned into smaller drives for quicker access time. IDE or SCSI interface.

    *FOR CARTOGRAPHIC DATA USE: 9.0 Gb or greater capacity.

  • Removable/External Storage
    3.5" 1.44MB drive. Use an older system for 5.25" floppy conversion.

    Also, strongly recommend additional external and/or exchangeable drives, especially drives such as Zip or Jaz drives for downloading files too large to fit on a regular floppy disk, and tape drives for periodic backup.

  • CD-ROM Drive
    16X speed minimum; 24X speed recommended. Single platter or changer design. Should support all available standard CD formats. Avoid proprietary I/O designs.


  • Monitor
    17" Super VGA (SVGA) Multimedia monitor, 0.28 dpi or smaller. May want to consider rotatable displays if in a technical services area or if users do a lot of word-processing.

    *FOR CARTOGRAPHIC DATA USE: 21" monitor, Super VGA (SVGA) compatible, with at least 70 MHz vertical refresh rate at 1024x768 resolution non-interlaced, 0.28 or smaller dot pitch; display card which supports 1024x768 resolution at 70 MHz or faster.

  • Printer
    Ink Jet or laser printer. Must support PostScript. 10MB Memory, minimum. More recommended if using PostScript or color.

    *FOR CARTOGRAPHIC DATA USE: Color ink jet plotter, 36", 600 dpi, 68 Mb or more memory, or access to a comparable networked printer

  • Keyboard and Pointing Device
  • Microsoft-compatible keyboard, plus mouse or other compatible pointing device. Strongly recommend ergonomically-designed products.

  • Internet Connectivity
    Local Area Network with TCP/IP (Strongly Recommended)
    Dial-up SLIP/PPP connection using 56kbps or better Modem (internal modem would be advisable to reduce cabling and power requirements)


  • Operating System
    MS-DOS 6.22 with Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11,
    Microsoft Windows 95b (OEM release which includes "FAT-32" and other fixes),
    Microsoft Windows 98
    Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation

  • Communications
    Package which supports multiple file transfer protocols; several terminal emulations such as ANSI-BBS, TTY, VT-100. Data transfer rates up to 56 kbps. Supports Hayes "AT" compatible modems; manages telnet sessions. Must have ability to "script" log-on files.

  • Client Software
    World Wide Web graphical browser with forms support. Java-enabled browsers such as Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape Navigator 4 are required for use of some online databases (for example, the DOE/GPO Infobridge partnership). Also recommend ANSI Z39.50 compatible, GILS-aware client (for example, BookWhere 2000, ITS for Windows, etc.). Also, consider EINet WinWais 2.06 customized for use with GPO Access Wais databases. �

  • Viewers
    WWW graphical browser (see above) will handle both GIF and JPEG graphics. Additional PDF viewer and MPEG player; strongly recommend viewers for other file formats such as TIFF.

    *FOR CARTOGRAPHIC DATA USE: GEOTIFF file viewer. Viewing software for raster data, such as Photo Shop or Print Shop.

  • Applications Software
    Consider getting an integrated "office suite" product such as Microsoft Office or Corel WordPerfect8 Suite. Otherwise:
      dBASE file format compatible or dBASE and ASCII comma delimited file importing database management software; useful to have fixed field format (SDF) import ability.
      Lotus .WK1 file format compatible software; support for other formats such as Excel and Quattro Pro.
      Word Processing
      Software capable of importing major text file formats (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Multimate, etc.) and ASCII text files.
  • Mapping Software
    *FOR CARTOGRAPHIC DATA USE: Data manipulation package, such as ArcView 3.0 or higher, Landview, MapInfo 4.5 or higher, or other similar packages.

Related Issues and Considerations

These specifications are intended to assist depository staff in making informed purchases which will best achieve the goal of providing public access to Federal Government information in a variety of electronic formats.

These guidelines are aimed at providing reasonably robust workstations which should provide years of service before they become obsolete, but LPS encourages the purchase of equipment that exceeds these specifications if at all economically feasible. The speed at which computer capabilities are evolving indicates that the higher the initial outlay, the longer the useful life for the equipment.

Depository libraries must have computer equipment sufficient to allow timely and equitable public access to Government electronic information products and should allow printing or downloading information selected by the user. During a depository library inspection LPS will use a functional approach to determine compliance with this requirement.

LPS cannot anticipate or address every possible depository library computer scenario and depository libraries are encouraged to adapt this menu of specifications to fit their local situations. Depositories may require multi-purpose single workstations, electronic access in networked environments, or a combination of both. Given the large variation in the size of Federal depository libraries and the numbers of users served, LPS can not recommend a universal standard for the number of public access workstations in any given library. However, when assessing workstation needs, librarians should consider such local factors as: �

  • the amount of information provided over the Internet compared with the amount from CD-ROM

  • whether and how the workstations are networked

  • to what extent users are permitted to perform additional information processing at the public access workstations

  • whether users are experiencing extended waiting times at library peak service hours, etc.

When configuring workstations bear in mind that some government CD-ROM products now link to the web to update information on the CD-ROM. This means that for the user to get the newer information and the full benefit of the product at least one workstation must have both CD-ROM capability and Internet accessibility with a graphical browser.

Additional or different capabilities may be desirable for workstations used by library staff. Some libraries may elect to add applications software, such as spreadsheet, word processing, or data base software, to their public access workstations, but this is a local resource management decision.

Many depository libraries have existing computer equipment that is no longer "state of the art." These specifications should not be applied retrospectively to existing equipment, although they may assist in determining the appropriate time for replacement or upgrading.

LPS has deliberately not provided specifications for Apple Macintosh (Mac) or UNIX workstations. Based on responses to the 1995 and 1997 Biennial Surveys, Mac's are the computer of choice for a small minority of the depository libraries. However, depository libraries which have a Mac or UNIX environment should assess their functional capabilities in light of these specifications. �

LPS works with the Cartographic Users Advisory Council (CUAC) to develop any additional specifications which support GIS applications. These are included in the recommendations with the indicator *For cartographic data use.

LPS anticipates updating these specifications annually. For additional information, or if you have any questions about these specifications, please contact Cynthia Etkin, Inspector, at cetkin@gpo.gov or by voice at (202) 512-1119.

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: August 28, 2000 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/retired/rs98.html
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