News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Outraged that Senate Republicans Put Politics Above Our Troops

Troops, families deserve better; Webb bill was 'common sense' effort

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"As we have seen time after time, Senate Republicans once again today put President Bush ahead of our troops and their families.  

"Instead of protecting the President's failing agenda, we ought to be protecting the well-being of troops, their families back at home, and the future strength of our nation’s military.

"The Webb amendment called for a reasonable amount of time at home for our troops before heading back to do their dangerous missions in Iraq for a second, third or even fourth tour.

"Our troops are doing all we have asked of them and they are doing it well, without complaint. 

"The very least our grateful nation can give back is a reasonable amount of time at home to reconnect and rehabilitate with their families.

"Unfortunately, this common sense, family-friendly effort today fell victim to politics.  Make no mistake, the Republican party knows that our military recruitment is suffering, that our troops are stretched thin, and that families at home miss their loved ones.  All of America knows that.

"But instead of doing what is right, today Senate Republicans did what was asked of them – not by the troops or their families – but by the President of the United States.  And it's our troops and their families who will pay the price."
