News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Receives Top Award from Emergency Management

National Emergency Management Association honors Senator Murray for her work involving emergency management and homeland security

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, February 11, 2004


(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – In a reception held by the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) on Wednesday, Senator Patty Murray was awarded the Congressional Recognition Award for her contributions in recognizing emergency management and homeland security.

“When a disaster strikes in one of our communities, the phone rings at the desk of the local emergency manager,” Murray told members of NEMA. “If our local communities don’t have solid emergency response plans, all of our efforts are undermined.”

Last year, Murray proposed an amendment to the Homeland Security bill to increase Emergency Management Planning Grants by $100 million.

“We cannot afford to cut corners when it comes to our security, and we don’t want our communities to have to choose between preparing for a tornado or preparing for a smallpox attack,” said Murray.

NEMA’s three missions are:

  • Serve as a vital emergency management information and assistance resource.
  • Serve as a vital emergency management information and assistance resource.
  • Advance continuous improvement in emergency management through strategic partnerships, innovative programs, and collaborative policy positions.

“Senator Murray has always been an advocate of emergency management and community preparedness,” said Glen Woodbury, Washington State’s Emergency Management Director. “Her wisdom and leadership have been a guiding force in achieving a safer environment for our citizen, communities and our nation.”
