News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Secures $3 Million to Help American Soldiers Detect Chemical and Biological Hazards on the Battlefield

Murray meets with employees and tours CombiMatrix Facility in Mukilteo

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, December 17, 2003

(SEATTLE, WA) - Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) visited CombiMatrix Corp. in Mukilteo, Washington. The company is developing a technology that will allow American troops to instantly identify chemical and biological hazards on the battlefield.

Murray, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, has worked over the years to invest in new technologies to protect American troops. Murray secured $3 million in the Fiscal Year 2004 Defense Appropriations Act and $3.6 million in Fiscal Year 2003 to develop a portable system to allow troops to continuously detect multiple chemical and biological threat agents in the field.

“Our soldiers risk their lives for us, and they deserve accurate, instant information on the threats they face in combat,” Murray said. “I’m proud that a Washington state company is on the cutting edge of this new technology that will protect our troops.”

Amit Kumar, the CEO of CombiMatrix, said, "Sen. Murray is a leader both in promoting the development of Washington as a biotechnology center and in ensuring that America possesses the systems needed for defense against biological and chemical threats. CombiMatrix was thrilled at the chance to show the Senator how we are supporting her work towards both of these goals."

This new capability will be a dramatic improvement over existing technology because troops will not have to wait for samples to be analyzed in a lab. In addition, unlike existing testing equipment that can only be used once, this new technology will provide continuous monitoring.

Murray toured the facility today to congratulate CombiMatrix workers and local suppliers on their efforts to protect American troops.
