News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Announces Over $268 Million for Washington State Priorities in the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Bill

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, June 27, 2002

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) today announced a total of $268.5 million for Washington state military priorities. The funding was approved by the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Committee.

The bill includes funding for projects ranging from new barracks for Fort Lewis to an emergency training center for Spokane.

"Our men and women in uniform sacrifice everyday to keep our families and communities safe. They deserve the best resources and facilities we can offer," Senator Murray said. "These federal dollars will help provide our armed forces with best tools and amenities to help them do their jobs."

The following projects received funding in the Military Construction Appropriations bill:


Fort Lewis

  • Barracks complex: $50 million
  • Battle simulation center: $24 million
  • Combined Arms Collective Training Facility: $29.8 million
  • Fence construction: $2.4 million



  • Missile Spares Storage building: $7.3 million
  • Relocation of Bangor waterfront maintenance shops: $5.9 million
  • Small Arms Training Center: $16.4 million


  • Enlisted quarters: $35.1 million
  • Ship movements office with control tower: $2.2 million
  • Waterfront revitalization: $8.5 million

    Puget Sound Naval Shipyard

  • Anti-terrorism/force protection improvements: $21.6 million
  • Industrial waste treatment facility: $11.4 million
  • Waterfront support facilities: $21 million

    Whidbey Island Naval Air Station

  • Aircraft direct refueling facility: $9.2 million
  • Ault Field security fencing:$8.4 million

    Port Hadlock:

  • Ammunition wharf improvements: $4 million



  • Spokane Combined Readiness Center: $11.6 million
