Using the Search Screen

The Search Screen is the point from which you will coordinate most of your search activities. You will use it to enter queries, initiate searches, activate advisors, and perform concept searching.

Selecting Databases to Search

The Search Screen comprises a list of databases available for searching. You can select/deselect active databases (i.e., those included in the current search) by clicking on their associated checkboxes. Searching multiple databases simultaneously is known as virtual database searching.

Entering Search Queries

In searching a database, you will enter a single query or a series of queries in the horizontal text box at the center of the Search Screen. A query is a word or phrase that describes the information you are seeking. A query word is a continuous string of characters containing--with the exception of search operators--no spaces or punctuation marks.

PLWeb Turbo is not case-sensitive in accepting queries. You can enter query words in upper-case, lower-case, or a combination of the two.

Editing of queries in the Search Screen is consistent with most text-editing conventions. You can use the Delete and Backspace keys as usual, you can manually position the cursor to insert text, and you can select a range of characters by dragging the cursor, etc.

Launching a Search

Once you have entered a query, you launch a search for records containing those words by clicking on the Get Results button.

Controlling Search Conditions

With the radio buttons below the query entry area, you can choose between standard and concept searching or activate one of PLWeb Turbo's advisors.

Canceling a Search in Progress

Should you wish to interrupt a search in progress, you can halt the ongoing transfer of page information using the method standard to your Web browser (e.g., clicking on NCSA Mosaic's logo, clicking on Netscape's Stop button, etc.)

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