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Senate Approves Akaka Amendment to Immigration Bill: Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act

May 24, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) is pleased to announce that his "Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act" (S.AMDT.1186) was agreed to today by the full Senate as an amendment to the immigration bill.  The final vote was 87-9.  The amendment was cosponsored by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Majority Whip Richard Durbin (D-IL), fellow Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye (D), and Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Patty Murray (D-WA), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA).  The debate over the full immigration bill is expected to continue into early next month. 

"I am extremely pleased that my colleagues in the Senate saw fit to join me in honoring these brave Filipino veterans who fought alongside American troops to achieve victory in World War II," said Senator Akaka.  "It would be a great final honor for these heroes to be joined and cared for by their adult children as they move through their golden years.  Today's vote is dedicated to the valiant service these Filipino veterans provided of behalf of our great country."

We owe a great debt of gratitude to all veterans who sacrifice for our country," Majority Leader Reid said. "This bill finally and formally honors the service of all Filipino veterans of World War II and corrects an injustice more than 60 years old. We are grateful for the service of these brave men and are proud to ensure that all, not just some, Filipino veterans can enjoy the equal benefits they have earned."

"Filipino veterans served alongside U.S. soldiers, jointly leading us to victory in WWII," Majority Whip Durbin said. "Extending immigration rights to the children of these brave soldiers is an important way we can honor their service to America."

Senator Inouye said:  "I am pleased that the overwhelming majority of my colleagues voted in favor of this amendment.  By doing so, we have taken a major step forward in rectifying a major wrong that has been done to Filipino veterans who bravely fought alongside American servicemen during World War II.  They fought under U.S. command to defend their homeland and to protect U.S. interests, and, finally, in 1990, these Filipino veterans were offered the opportunity to gain U.S. citizenship.  This benefit, however, was not extended to their sons and daughters, and many have waited for many years, as part of a huge immigration backlog, to be reunited with their fathers, who are now in their 80s and 90s.  Senator Akaka's amendment will expedite the reunification of loved ones, and honor our commitment to Filipino veterans of World War II."

"This bill honors the sacrifice of veterans who fought alongside American soldiers by allowing them to reunite with their loved ones," said Senator Murray. "It's a way of showing our appreciation and providing justice to those whose sacrifices helped ensure our freedom."

"Our Filipino veterans have made tremendous sacrifices in our nation's defense so that later generations could thrive in freedom and prosperity," said Senator Cantwell. "Their own children deserve access to that same American dream, and they deserve to be reunited with their children. As a nation, we have a distinct and important responsibility to make sure service members, veterans, and their families receive the benefits, the care, and the recognition they have earned and so greatly deserve."        

AUDIO NEWS RELEASE from the U.S. Senate Floor:

  • - Statement of Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) in support of the Akaka amendment
  • - Statement of Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) to encourage his colleagues to support his amendment
  • - Presiding officer reads vote total (please be advised that Senator Hagel changed his vote to support the amendment after this point, so the final roll call vote is 87-9)

The full text of Senator Akaka's floor statement introducing the amendment can be found at:




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May 2007

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