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Senators Durbin, Akaka, and Cochran Introduce Bipartisan Homeland Security Education Act to Increase Math, Science, and Foreign Language Instruction

May 3, 2007

Released by Senator Durbin's office: 

[WASHINGTON, DC] - U. S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), and Thad Cochran (R-MS) today introduced the Homeland Security Education Act to strengthen instruction in science, math, and foreign language in our nation's schools. 

"Our security and economic future depends on the next generation of workers and their ability not just to keep up, but to innovate" said Durbin.  "Science and technology are the engines of economic growth.  We must invest in our students and our educational system by providing the training and resources needed in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and foreign languages."

"America's workforce needs scientific and foreign language skills to adapt to the challenges of globalization and to counter the threats posed to our nation's security," said Akaka.  "We need to reinvigorate our educational system to ensure that tomorrow's workers can compete and succeed in a multi-lingual and technologically complex environment.  I thank Senator Durbin for his leadership in sponsoring this bill that will strengthen our economy and our security.  I am proud to be a cosponsor."

Cochran said, "Addressing the need for a highly skilled workforce in math, science, and technology and combining those skills with foreign language and international cultural education will ensure that American students are qualified to advance research and economic development while preserving our nation's role as a world leader."

Reports show that prior to 9/11, the Intelligence Community was not prepared to handle the challenge of translating the volumes of foreign language counter-terrorism intelligence it had collected.  The Intelligence Community faced backlogs in material awaiting translation, including papers providing details on foreign research and development in scientific or technical areas; a shortage of language specialists and language-qualified field officers; and a readiness level of only 30 percent in the most critical foreign languages. 

The Homeland Security Education Act provides the framework to enhance our education system ensuring that our nation will have individuals possessing these critical skills in the future by:

  • Awarding scholarships to students as an incentive for them to earn undergraduate degrees in science,technology, engineering, mathand foreign language studies;
  • Awarding scholarships to practicing scientists and engineers and those who are fluent in foreign languages to return to schoolto obtain their credentials for teaching in elementary or secondary schools.
  • Encouraging public private partnerships to improve science and math curricula; upgrade laboratory facilities; provide scholarships for students to study math, science, or engineering at the university level; and establish internship and mentoring opportunities for students in grades K through 12;
  • Developing cultural awareness and immersion programs in colleges and universities that combine science, technology, and engineering instruction with foreign language to expand international understanding and scientific collaboration; and
  • Creating language learning pathways to facilitate proficiency in critical foreign languages from kindergarten through graduate school

The Homeland Security Education Act also establishes programs to increase the number of teachers in the fields of science, math, and foreign language through scholarships tied to service agreements and would improve foreign language teacher professional development through partnerships between local education agencies and institutions of higher education to hold summer workshops and provide distance learning.

The Homeland Security Education Act builds on similar legislation introduced by Durbin and Akaka in both the 107th and 108th Congress.  They were joined by Senator Cochran in the 109th Congress. 


Year: 2008 , [2007] , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1900

May 2007

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