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Akaka Introduces Resolution Honoring Federal, State, and Local Government Employees

April 17, 2007

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) introduced a resolution today honoring public servants for Public Service Recognition Week.  Cosponsoring the resolution were Senators George Voinovich (R-OH), Joseph Lieberman (ID-CT), Susan Collins (R-ME), Carl Levin (D-MI), Ted Stevens (R-AK), Tom Carper (D-DE), John Warner (R-VA), and Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ).  Representative Danny Davis, Chairman of the House Civil Service Subcommittee, introduced a companion resolution in the House.  The resolution recognizes the contributions of federal, state, and local government employees and highlights the impact their work has on the lives of Americans.

This year, the 23rd annual Public Service Recognition Week will take place May 7-13, 2007.  Federal and state agencies across the nation plan to host activities to honor their achievements and improve public understanding of their contributions.  "Over hundreds of years our country has grown and prospered due in large part to the dedication of public servants at all levels of government," Akaka said. "I believe Public Service Recognition Week is a great occasion to draw attention to and underscore the valuable contributions of those who dedicate themselves to public service." 

"Each day public servants, in small and large ways, work to maintain, and in many cases enhance, the quality of our lives.  Public servants save lives as firefighters, police officers, or members of the Coast Guard; preserve our environment by keeping our national parks clean, discovering new ways to live "green," or working at waste water treatment plants.  In addition, they work to improve government services by eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse and keep our nation safe as members of our armed forces or as diplomats.  Public servants perform duties with excellence and professionalism that Americans rely on every day," Akaka said. 

Public Service Recognition Week provides an opportunity for all levels of government to showcase the rewarding and challenging careers in the public sector and inspire a new generation of public servants.  "Working for the public good is a high and noble calling, and this annual celebration is the perfect opportunity for federal agencies to recruit new employees," Akaka said.

"I want to thank all public employees for the work they do day after day to make government effective and I urge all Americans to join in federal, state, and local celebrations and recognize the outstanding contributions made by public servants," Akaka said.

Senator Akaka is the Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on the Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.


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April 2007

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