-CITE- 30 USC CHAPTER 6 - SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUEL DEMONSTRATION PLANTS 01/03/2007 -EXPCITE- TITLE 30 - MINERAL LANDS AND MINING CHAPTER 6 - SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUEL DEMONSTRATION PLANTS -HEAD- CHAPTER 6 - SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUEL DEMONSTRATION PLANTS -End- -CITE- 30 USC Secs. 321 to 325 01/03/2007 -EXPCITE- TITLE 30 - MINERAL LANDS AND MINING CHAPTER 6 - SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUEL DEMONSTRATION PLANTS -HEAD- Secs. 321 to 325. Omitted -COD- CODIFICATION Section 321, acts Apr. 5, 1944, ch. 172, Sec. 1, 58 Stat. 190; Mar. 15, 1948, ch. 117, 62 Stat. 79; Sept. 22, 1950, ch. 988, Sec. 1, 64 Stat. 905, authorized the Secretary of the Interior for not more than eleven years to construct, maintain, and operate plants producing synthetic liquid fuel from coal, oil shale, agricultural and forestry products and prescribed the size of the plants and amount of production. Section 322, act Apr. 5, 1944, ch. 172, Sec. 2, 58 Stat. 190, in order to carry out the 11 year demonstration plant program, authorized laboratory research and development, acquisition by purchase of license of secret processes, inventions, etc., acquisition of land, plants, etc., contracting for personnel, and cooperation with other Federal and State agencies. See note for section 321 above. Section 323, acts Apr. 5, 1944, ch. 172, Sec. 3, 58 Stat. 191; Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, Sec. 4(2), 65 Stat. 709, related to licenses and patent rights under the 11 year demonstration plant program. See note for section 321 above. Section 324, act Apr. 5, 1944, ch. 172, Sec. 4, 58 Stat. 191, provided that moneys received under this chapter for products and royalties from the 11 year demonstration plant program be paid into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts and a report to Congress on all operations under this chapter be rendered by the Secretary on or before the first day of January of each year. See note for section 321 above. Section 325, act Apr. 5, 1944, ch. 172, Sec. 5, 58 Stat. 191, authorized the Secretary to issue rules and regulations to carry out the 11 year demonstration plant program under this chapter and provided that the authority and duties of the Secretary be exercised through the Bureau of Mines. See note for section 321 above. -MISC1- AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Section 6 of act Apr. 5, 1944, as amended by acts Mar. 15, 1948, and Sept. 22, 1950, Sec. 1, authorized appropriations of not to exceed $87,600,000 to carry out the provisions of this chapter. MORGANTOWN, W. VA., EXPERIMENT STATION Section 2 of act Sept. 22, 1950, provided that out of the $87,600,000 authorized to carry out this chapter, not to exceed $2,600,000 be used for the construction and equipment of an experiment station in or near Morgantown, West Virginia, for research in mining, preparation, and utilization of coal, petroleum, natural gas, peat, and other minerals. -End-