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March 18, 2004


EIA Announces Upcoming Changes to Weekly Petroleum Status Report (WPSR) :
Earlier Release of Propane Data and Changes to Product Categories

Beginning Wednesday, April 14, 2004, propane/propylene product supplied, production, stocks, and imports will be integrated into the standard WPSR tables and will be included in the text, CSV, and XLS files released at 10:30 a.m. Also beginning on that date, new product categories for motor gasoline blending components, finished motor gasoline, and distillate fuel oil will be included. The PDF files for the entire WPSR will be released at 1:00 p.m. the same day. The most significant changes to the data and format follow:

  • All 4-week averages on Table 11 will be eliminated.
  • Stocks at Cushing, Oklahoma, will be added to the crude oil stocks section of Table 11.
  • Oxygenated gasoline, as a separate product category will be eliminated. Volumes of oxygenated gasoline will be included in "conventional gasoline." The new product category "conventional gasoline" is equal to the old "oxygenated" plus the old "conventional" gasoline categories.
  • Regarding year-ago comparisons, a time series for the new category "conventional gasoline" will be provided for weekly data back to 1994 and monthly back to 1993. These data will be used to provide year-ago comparisons for conventional gasoline. For series that begin in 2004, "NA" will be shown for year-ago comparisons.
  • Naphtha-type jet fuel as a separate category will be eliminated. Volumes of naphtha-type jet fuel will be included in "other oils."
  • The sulfur content sub-categories for distillate fuel oil will change. For production and stocks, an ultra low grade will be added, and the remaining categories will be re-classified:
    • 15 ppm sulfur and under
    • greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm sulfur
    • greater than 500 ppm sulfur
    Note: "15 ppm sulfur and under" plus "greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm" sulfur are equal to the old category ".05% sulfur and under".
    For distillate imports only, the 500 ppm and above category will be further divided into the following categories:
    • Greater than 500 ppm to 2000 ppm sulfur
    • Greater than 2000 ppm sulfur
    Note: The new sulfur categories translate into percentages of sulfur content as follows:
    • 15 ppm and under (.0015 % sulfur)
    • greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm ( .0015 to .05 % sulfur)
    • greater than 500 ppm ( .05 % sulfur)
    • greater than 2000 ppm (imports only) ( .20 % sulfur)
  • There will be the following new categories of motor gasoline blending components:
      RBOB for blending with ether
      RBOB for blending with alcohol
      GTAB reformulated
      GTAB conventional
      All other blending components
      For definitions of these categories see Definitions of Petroleum Products.

  • On Table 11, PADD-level detail will be published for propane, and the new categories for finished motor gasoline, distillate fuel oil, and motor gasoline blending components.

  • Beginning with 2004 data, the definition for "other oils" will be aviation gasoline, kerosene, natural gas liquids and LRGs (except propane/propylene), other hydrocarbons and oxygenates, naphtha-type jet fuel, aviation gasoline blending components, petrochemical feedstocks, special naphthas, lube oils, waxes, coke, asphalt, road oil, and miscellaneous oils. For 2003 and prior years, "other oils" include propane/propylene and exclude naphtha-type jet fuel.

  • There will be no changes to the categories of price data that EIA currently publishes until an analysis has been made as to how the market begins to account for the new products.

Sample Tables
1 U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet, 4 Weeks Ending PDF TXT CSV
2 U.S. Petroleum Activity, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
3 Stocks of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products, U.S. Totals, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
4 Stocks of Motor Gasoline by PAD District, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
5 Stocks of Distillate Fuel Oil by PAD District, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
6 Stocks of Residual Fuel Oil by PAD District, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
7 Stocks of Propane/Propylene by PAD Districts I, II, and III, and (IV & V), 2003 to Present PDF XLS
8 U.S. Imports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
9 U.S. Imports of Petroleum Products by Product, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
10 U.S. Petroleum Products Supplied, 2003 to Present PDF XLS
11 U.S. and PADD Weekly Estimates, Most Recent 5 Weeks PDF TXT CSV XLS
12 U.S. Petroleum Balance Sheet, Week Ending PDF TXT CSV

This Note to Editors was prepared by the Energy Information Administration, the independent statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. The information contained in the Note should be attributed to the Energy Information Administration and should not be construed as advocating or reflecting any policy position of the Department of Energy or any other organization.


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