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December 10, 1997

Oil, Gas Potential in Russia's West Siberian Basin
Exceeds Estimated Remaining U.S. Resource Base

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), continued development of the vast West Siberian Basin's remaining oil and gas resources will provide a significant source of energy to Russia and world markets through the mid twenty-first century. The basin provides about 70 percent of oil and 90 percent of natural gas produced in Russia and holds several of the world's largest oil and gas fields.

EIA estimates total remaining oil resources of the basin, discovered and undiscovered, at 167 billion barrels of oil and condensate--roughly equivalent to the estimated remaining U.S. resource base of 165 billion barrels, including Alaska (Figure 1). At an estimated 1,976 trillion cubic feet, the remaining natural gas resources of the West Siberian Basin exceed the estimated remaining U.S. natural gas resources of 1,419 trillion cubic feet (Figure 2).

By comparison, Saudi Arabia's oil resources are estimated at twice the resources of either the West Siberian Basin or the United States. Saudi Arabia's reported gas resources are significantly less than estimated gas resources of the West Siberian Basin and the United States.

About 40 percent of the estimated remaining oil and condensate resources in the West Siberian Basin lie in fields that are already in production. Another 30 percent of the estimated remaining resources are in fields already discovered, but not yet developed, and an equal amount is estimated to be undiscovered.

About 30 percent of the estimated remaining gas resources of the West Siberian Basin are in producing fields; another 17 percent lie in discovered, but still undeveloped fields. Fields not yet discovered are estimated to contain over half of the remaining gas resources of the basin.

This information is based on EIA's newly released report Oil and Gas Resources of the West Siberian Basin, Russia, which provides locations, basic reservoir data, and frequency distributions for over 1,500 reservoirs in 634 oil and 147 gas fields in the West Siberian Basin and reports estimated ultimate recovery of oil and gas for each field.

Oil and Gas Resources of the West Siberian Basin, Russia includes a PC spreadsheet file of reservoir parameter data. The printed publication, with its computer diskette, will be available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, 202/512-1800 or through EIA's National Information Center, 202/586-8800, in mid-December. Oil and Gas Resources of the West Siberian Basin, Russia may be accessed immediately in electronic format on EIA's Internet Web Site: http://www.eia.doe.gov. The direct Internet address is: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/natgas/siberian.html.

The report described in this press release was prepared by the Energy Information Administration, the independent statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy.  The information contained in the report and the press release should be attributed to the Energy Information Administration and should not be construed as advocating or reflecting any policy position of the Department of Energy or any other organization.


EIA Program Contact: Floyd Wiesepape, EIA/Dallas,(214)720-6166,

EIA Press Contact: Thomas Welch, 202/586-1178, thomas.welch@eia.doe.gov



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