Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Web Site Resources

Website addresses change periodically. The selected sites listed are current as of August 2006. It should be noted that the recommendations on the proper care of rabbits vary widely depending on many factors including what breed, type of housing, and for what purpose the rabbits are kept. The following sites include rabbit care and welfare information for companion, commercial, and laboratory rabbits.

Animal Ethics Infolink
This website has been developed by the Animal Research Review Panel and NSW Agriculture’s Animal Welfare Unit. Its aim is to assist researchers, teachers and members of Animal Ethics Committees to access information about the operation of the Animal Research Act 1985, Animal Research Regulation 1995 and The Code of Practice in New South Wales. Included under the Animal Care section of this site is a link to a full text document entitled Guidelines for the Housing of Rabbits in Scientific Institutions August 2003. The document reviews housing, both group and single, pen design, management, care, handling, environmental enrichment, and record keeping for rabbits kept at scientific institutions.

Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)
National Agricultural Library, 10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 410, Beltsville, MD 20705, Tel: (301) 504-6212, Fax: (301) 504-7125, E-mail:
The Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) located at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library provides reference services primarily for patrons using animals covered by the Animal Welfare Act. AWIC produces bibliographies on the welfare and husbandry of dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, swine, cattle, horses, sheep, poultry, and other species. The Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin contains articles on environmental enrichment programs, refinement techniques, regulatory issues, and more. Full text information to many important regulatory documents are provided.

Database on Refinement of Housing and Handling Conditions and Environmental Enrichment for Animals Kept in Laboratories
An annotated database of articles, abstracts, book chapters, and books, on all aspects of refinement and environmental enrichment strategies for laboratory and farm animals are available at this site. The database is regularly updated and information on rabbits is included.

Audio Visuals Relating to Animal Care, Use and Welfare
This document is a listing of audiovisuals related to animal care that are currently in the National Agricultural Library (NAL) collection. All audio visuals are available to others on an interlibrary loan basis (see Document Delivery Services for more information and restrictions). They cannot be purchased from NAL. If you would like copies of the materials, please contact the producer. Use the find command in your browser and search on the word "rabbit" to find audiovisuals relating to the humane care and use of rabbits.

Biology of the Rabbit
One in a series of publications aimed at educating the general public, developed by the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association. This resource covers the biology of a rabbit, taxonomy, origin and habitat, uses, handling, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, reproduction, and diseases.

Care of Rabbits
Produced by the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, this fact sheet is aimed at pet owners and provides general information on the care of rabbits. Topics covered include housing, food and water, handling, exercise and medical problems.

Code of Recommendations for the Welfare of Livestock: Rabbits
This document is produced and made available by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), United Kingdom. Click on the rabbit icon and follow the link to welfare code.  These recommendations are aimed at those involved with the rearing of rabbits, and focuses on the importance of high standards of animal husbandry. Topics covered include housing, emergency precautions, accommodation, floors, ventilation, lighting, mechanical equipment, space allowances, feed and water, toe nail trimming, marking, handling and slaughtering, and care of rabbits that are kept outside.

Comfortable Quarters for Rabbits in Research Institutions
Full text article discussing improvements that can be made in the housing of laboratory rabbits kept in research institutions. Topics covered include pen design, species specific behaviors, social interaction, dominance hierarchies, physical substrates, environmental enrichment, bedding, straw, shavings, shredded paper, gentle handling techniques, and human animal interaction.

CSIRO Crusader Meat Rabbit Production,,.html
This site focuses on research and development of meat rabbit production in Australia. Links to full text articles on common rabbit diseases with photos, spreadsheets on expected farm income, information on rabbit breeds, husbandry, equipment, and other information.

Digital Resources for Veterinary Trainers
This site offers a large range of teaching materials - both digitized 35mm slides and digital video clips for those involved in training laboratory animal staff. Teaching materials are made available for purchase through the University of Newcastle, United Kingdom. Subject coverages of the materials include care, handling, husbandry, welfare, anesthesia, and surgical procedures of rabbits and other laboratory animal species.

DORA: Diseases of Research Animals
DORA (Diseases of Research Animals) is a teaching resource compiled by faculty and graduate students in the Laboratory Animal Medicine Area Program, Research Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (RADIL), University of Missouri. Information provided for ferrets, gerbils, guineapigs, hamsters, mice, rabbits, and rats. This resource contains images, bibliographical references, and slides. Disease diagnosis, treatment, control, etiology, transmission, clinical signs, and pathologies are reviewed.

Exotic pet
This site is owned and administered by two veterinarians with many years of exotic pet experience. The site contains information on the general health, diseases, and medical care of exotic pets including rabbits.

House Rabbit Society
The House Rabbit Society is an international nonprofit organization that rescues rabbits and educates the public on rabbit care and behavior. This site contains many quality photos and is very comprehensive. Information is presented on the general care, diet, litter training, housing, mental health, caring for babies and orphans, grooming, handling, and environmental concerns for companion rabbits.

How to Care for Rabbits
A fact sheet produced by the Humane Society of the United States. Basic information for the rabbit pet owner on housing, litter training, feeding, toys, and providing a safe environment.

Humane Husbandry Criteria for Rabbits
The Animal Welfare Institute outlines humane husbandry standards for farm animals including rabbits. The premise of AWI's humane husbandry program is that animals are allowed to behave naturally. The infliction of pain and fear are strictly prohibited. The major benefits of these criteria are increased space available to each animal and the increased opportunity for social interaction, comfort, and physical and psychological well-being. Housing, social interaction, physical substrates, environmental factors, lighting, hutch, cages, breeding, nesting, feeding, handling, transport, and slaughter guidelines are covered.

Missouri Alternatives Center
Through this site links to extension guide sheets from university research centers in the United States are made available. Information on raising meat rabbits, running commercial rabbitries, nutrition, housing, and slaughter methods are included. Click on “R” and follow the link to “rabbits.”

Pan-American Rabbit Science Site
Comprehensive site containing articles written by Robert McCroskey, from the Canadian Centre for Rabbit Production Development. Information is provided on rabbitry management for home or commercial meat production including recommendations on feeding, housing, breeding, health, disease and slaughter. Access to an in house database containing literature citations on rabbit production is available for a nominal fee. Links to other rabbit production science resources listed.

The Rabbit
This is an overview article written by veterinarian Anna Meredith, Head of Exotic Animal Services, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, covering the biology, husbandry, common clinical conditions and veterinary management of rabbits.

Rabbit Medicine
An article written by veterinarian Margaret A. Wissman, outlining basic information on breeds, life span, reproduction, feeding, and health.

Rabbit Pathology
This collection of photographs on rabbit pathology is made available on the Web by the Laboratory Animal Unit, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science. Images of various diseases and conditions affecting the teeth, intestines, kidneys, brain, and skin of the rabbit are included.

Rabbit References
This site was developed by dedicated pet rabbit owners. The rabbit reference sections contain links to information resources regarding rabbit health and medicine, care and feeding, health hazards, rescue and adoption, and rabbit related mailing lists.
Information on the basic care of the pet rabbit including housing (indoor and outdoor), diet, handling, and companionship.

Rabbit Research Center at Texas A&M University Kingsville
Description of the Rabbit Research Center at Texas A&M University Kingsville. An overview of the facility, research, management, breeds of rabbits, and out reach programs.

Rabbit Welfare Association
The Rabbit Welfare Association is a UK based organization for those who own or are interested in rabbits. The Association works with UK veterinarians to promote better veterinary care for both house rabbits and outdoor rabbits.

Raising Healthy Rabbits
Southern States feed company provides an online guide to raising healthy rabbits. The focus of the guide is on rabbit nutrition and health. Topics covered include: selecting stock, building hutches, breeding, gestation, birth, record keeping, feed and water requirements, diseases, and parasites.

Raising Rabbits for Fun and Food: A Primer on Backyard Meat Rabbit Raising Practices
A backyard rabbit meat producer shares information on raising meat rabbits for family consumption. Tips listed on breeding, feeds, feeding, and watering, how many rabbits to start with, housing, climate, performance goals, diseases, drug use, by-products and other markets, identification, sanitization, slaughtering and butchering, and start-up cost considerations. A listing of meat rabbit breeders, a recommended reading list, and related web links are available.

VeterinaryPartner Home Page provides reliable, up-to-date animal health information from the veterinarians and experts of the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). Quality information on rabbit care, health, surgery, feeding, behavior, and exercise written by Susan Brown, DVM.

World Rabbit Science Association (WRSA)
The World Rabbit Science Association is an international association that federates national and regional associations (branches) with the objectives of: exchanging knowledge and experience among members in all parts of the world who are contributing to the advancement of various scientific aspects of rabbit production; to promote the extension of knowledge by encouraging teaching, scientific research, practical experimentation, the collection and publication of useful statistics and documents in relation to rabbit production; to promote world rabbit congresses alone or in cooperation with other international bodies; and to cooperate with the FAO and other world organizations interested in rabbit meat, pelt or fur production.

Yahoo! Groups: rabbitvetlist
An unmoderated discussion group for clinical discussions on rabbit health. Associated with the British Houserabbit Association (BHRA), membership of this discussion forum is restricted to veterinary professionals and invited laypeople. Hosted by Yahoo Groups.

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