Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Ambriz, G.D.; Contreras, M.; Jose, L.; et al. (2003). Estudio comparativo de los testiculos, epididimos, glandulas sexuales accesorias y espermatozoides en tres especies de lagomorfos (Romerolagus diazi, Lepus californicus y Oryctolagus cuniculus). [Comparative study of the testicles, epididymes, accessory sexual glands and spermatozoa of three lagomorph species (Romerolagus diazi, Lepus californicus and Oryctolagus cuniculus).] Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie 88: 257-269, ISSN: 0065-1737.
NAL Call Number: 410 Ac84
Keywords: Lepus californicus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Romerolagus diazi, North American wild lagomorphs species, comparative study, male, reproductive organs, size, weight, sperm, morphology, testis, accessory glands of male, sperm ducts, epididymus.

Berepubo, N.A.; Nodu, M.B.; Monsi, A.; Amadi, E.N. (1996). Reproductive response of prepubertal female rabbits to photoperiod and/or male presence. Discovery and Innovation 8 (1): 73-77.
Keywords: sexual maturity, females, light regime, housing, males, proximity of males, estrous cycle, estrus, litter size, pseudopregnancy, kindling rate.

Blasco, A.; Argente, M.J.; Santacreu, M.A.; Sorensen, D.; Bidanel, J.P.A. (2001). Bayesian analysis of response to selection for uterine capacity in rabbits. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 118 (2): 93-100, ISSN: 0931-2668.
NAL Call Number: 442.8 Z35
Keywords: uterus, reproductive system, analytical method, best linear unbiased prediction selection method, breeding method, uterine capacity selection response.

Boussarie, D. (2001). Routine sterilization techniques in companion rodents and lagomorphs. European Journal of Companion Animal Practice 11 (1): 61-78.
NAL Call Number: SF981.E8
Keywords: chinchillas, gerbils, guineapigs, hamsters, mice, rabbits, rats, anesthesia, anesthetics, anti-infective agents, castration, drug therapy, estrus cycle, postoperative care, pseudopregnancy, reproduction, sexual maturity, sterilization, surgery, surgical operations, techniques.

Boussarie, D. (2002). Reproduction des nouveaux animaux de compagnie. La st rilisation des rongeurs et des lagomorphes. [Neutering in rodents and lagomorphs.] Le Point Veterinaire 33 (223): 34-36, ISSN: 0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, sterilization, drugs, surgical operations, French language.

Boussarie, D. (1997). Chirurgie de convenance des rongeurs et lagomorphes de compagnie. [Castration for pet rodents and lagomorphs.] Pratique Médicale and Chirurgicale de l'Animal de Compagnie 32 (5): 371-391, ISSN: 1157-6960.
Keywords: castration, reproduction, anesthesia, surgery, rodents, rats, gerbils, rabbits, hamsters, French language.

Bousses, P.; Chapuis, J.L. (1998). Deferred seasonal increase in testes weight under poor nutritional conditions in a sub-Antarctic population of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of Zoology 245 (3): 285-291, ISSN: 0952-8369.
NAL Call Number: QL1.J68
Keywords: body weight, seasonal changes related to nutrition, food plants, seasonal nutritional quality related to testis weight, food availability, testis seasonal weight changes, relationships, testis, seasonal weight changes in relation to nutrition, evolutionary adaptation, testis weight, nutrition relationships, Indian ocean islands, Kerguelen islands, armor, molloy and morne, testis weight related to nutrition.

Capello, V. (1998). La sterilizzazione chirurgica del coniglio da compagnia. [Surgical castration of pet rabbits.] Veterinaria 12 (5): 93-101, ISSN: 0394-3151.
Keywords: castration, surgery, ovariectomy, genitalia, anatomy, Italian language.

Capello, V. (1997). La determinazione del sesso nel coniglio e nei piccoli roditori da compagnia. [Sex determination of rabbits and small pet rodents.] Veterinaria 11 (6): 89-98, ISSN: 0394-3151.
Keywords: pets, sex diagnosis, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, guineapigs, chinchillas, rabbits, Italian language.

Castellini, C. (2003). La gestione della riproduzione. [Management of reproduction in rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (4): 12-35, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: husbandry, artificial insemination, reproduction, semen, Italian language, Italy.

Castellini, C.; Lattaioli, P.; Bernardini, M.; Dal Bosco, A. (2000). Effect of dietary alpha-tocopheryl acetate and ascorbic acid on rabbit semen stored at 5 degree C. Theriogenology 54 (4): 523-533, ISSN: 0093-691X.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A1T5
Keywords: semen, storage, spermatozoa, motility, viability, alpha tocopheryl acetate, vitamin E, antioxidant, dietary supplements, dosage, ascorbic acid, antioxidant, artificial insemination, sperm cryopreservation, fertility, oxidative stability, storage temperature.

Costa, L.C.; Murgas, L.D.S.; Miliorini, A.B.; Oliveira, S.L.; Silva, F.P.C.; Pereira, R.A.N. (2002). Influencia do selenio sobre a qualidade do semen de coelhos da raca California. [Influence of selenio on quality of the semen of rabbits of the race California.] Revista Brasileira de Reproducao Animal 26 (2): 117-118, ISSN: 0102-0803.
NAL Call Number: QP251.R48
Keywords: commercial species, male, breed, California, semen quality, reproductive system, sperm, morphology, motility, vigor, selenium, dietary supplement, Portuguese language.

de Leon, R.P.; Guzman, G.; Quesada, M.E.; Mora, M.; Febles, M. (2002). Environmental effects on reproductive and pre-weaning performance of rabbit purebreds. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science 36 (2): 105-115, ISSN: 0864-0408.
NAL Call Number: S1.R4
Keywords: breed, California, chinchilla, New Zealand White, Semi Giant, productive indicators, environmental effects, fertility, birth traits, total and born alive, still births, weaning traits, mortality at weaning, percentage litter weaned, number weaned per litter, litter weight, average individual weight, GLM model, mathematical and computer techniques, analysis of variance, fertility, kindling month, mixed feeding conditions, mortality, pre-weaning performance, environmental effects, reproductive performance.

de Castro, M.P.V.; Vicente, J.S.; Lavara, R. (1999). Effect of conservation time and number of rabbit spermatozoa on fertility. Annales de Zootechnie 48 (5): 407-412, ISSN: 0003-424X.
NAL Call Number: 49 F84
Keywords: spermatozoa, reproductive system, conservation time, fertility, number, refrigeration, preservation method, French language.

del Sol, M.; Vasquez, B. (2003). Mesoscopia e histologia de la glandula vesicular en el conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus). [Mesoscopy and histology of the vesicular gland in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).] International Journal of Morphology 21 (4): 325-330.
NAL Call Number: QH351.I58
Keywords: reproductive system, accessory glands of male, vasicular gland, morphofunctional studies, histology, anatomy, morphological analysis, Spanish language.

El-Maghawry, A.M.; Ahmed, S.S.; Yamani, K.A.; Radwan, H. (1999). Some reproductive and productive traits of New Zealand White, Rex rabbits and their crosses. Journal of Rabbit Science 9 (2): 159-177.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, Rex crosses, liveweight gain, gestation period, heterosis, litter size, litter weight, seasons, weaning weight, crossbreeding, conception rate, female fertility, growth, body weight, intensive husbandry, parity.

Forcada, F.; Lopez, M. (2000). Repeated surgical embryo recovery and embryo production in rabbits. Animal Reproduction Science 64 (1-2): 121-126, ISSN: 0378-4320.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A5
Keywords: breed, Gigante de Espana, doe, embryo, female, gonadotropin releasing hormone, corpora lutea, endocrine system, reproductive system, oviduct, intramuscular injection, repeated surgical embryo recovery, experimental method, surgical method, embryo production, ovulation.

Fortun, L.L.; Prunier, A. (1999). Effects of lactation, energetic deficit and remating interval on reproductive performance of primiparous rabbit does. Animal Reproduction Science 55 (3-4): 289-298, ISSN: 0378-4320.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A5
Keywords: female, does, feeding, restricted, ad libitum, milk production, conception rate, adipose tissue, ovulation rate.

Fuentes, V.; Villagran, C.; Navarro, J. (2002). Sexual behaviour of male New Zealand White rabbits in an intensive production unit. Journal of Dairy Science 85 (Suppl. 1): 83, ISSN: 0022-0302.
NAL Call Number: 44.8 J822
Keywords: breed, New Zealand white, commercial species, female, male, aggression, ejaculation, urination, environmental temperature, grasping, housing, intensive production unit, kicking, mating, mounting, photoperiod, sexual behavior.

Gacek, L. (2002). Effect of visual contact on reproductive and rearing performance of rabbits. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 181-184, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: cages, cage design, galvanized wire-mesh cages, plastic cages allowing visual contact, non-transparent plastic cages, indoor rearing, outdoor rearing, conception rate, fattening performance, feed conversion, feed intake, finishing, liveweight gain, housing, reproductive performance, Poland.

Giri, S.C.; Yadav, B.P.S. (2002). Role of gonadotropin in broiler rabbit production. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (11): 1207-1208, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, broiler, commercial species, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin, fertility drug, hormone, drug, parental administration, conception rate, kidding, litter size, meat, meat product.

Gogol, P.; Bochenek, M. (2000). Sperm chromatin stability and semen fertility of transgenic and non-transgenic rabbits. Theriogenology 53 (1): 514, ISSN: 0093-691X.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A1T5
Keywords: non-transgenic, transgenic, semen fertility, sperm chromatin stability, theriogenology, transgenesis.

Hood, G.M.; Chesson, P.; Pech, R.P. (2000). Biological control using sterilizing viruses: Host suppression and competition between viruses in non-spatial models. Journal of Applied Ecology 37 (6): 914-925, ISSN: 0021-8901.
NAL Call Number: 410 J828
Keywords: pests, domestic cat, house mouse, European rabbit, viruses, biocontrol agent, competitor, pathogen, myxomatosis, fungal disease, viral infection, viral disease, sterilization, pest control, method, viral vectored immunocontraception [VVIC ], contraception method, pest control method, biological control, birth rates, competition, demographics, epidemiology, genetic engineering, host suppression, host parasite models, mortality rates, non spatial models.

Ivan, T.; Guido, G.; Clara, C. (2003). Effetto della tecnica del cambio gabbia sulle performance di coniglie sottoposte ad un ritmo riproduttivo estensivo. [Effect of changing cages on the reproductive performance of extensively reared rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 57-60. ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, cages, cage changing, conception rate, litter size, mortality, reproduction, stillbirths, Italian language.

Kerr, P.; Twigg, L.; Silvers, L.; Lowe, T.; Forrester, R. (1998). Serological monitoring of the epidemiology of myxoma virus to assess the effects of imposed fertility control of female rabbits on myxomatosis. Wildlife Research 25 (2): 123-131. ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: fertility, imposed fertility control on females, epidemiology, natural viral disease, viral diseases, myxomatosis, epidemiology, implications for effects of fertility control, western Australia, wellstead, viral disease epidemiology, implications for impact of fertility control.

Kersten, A.M.P. (1995). Nesting behaviour and reproduction of individually caged and group housed rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology: Exeter, UK, 3-5 August, 1995, Rutter, S.M.; Rushen, J.; Randle, H.D.; Eddison, J.C. (Eds.), Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW): Potters Bar, United Kingdom, pp. 189-190, ISBN: 0-900767-92-8.
NAL Call Number: SF756.7.I57 1995
Keywords: mating behavior, cages, groups.

Luzi, F.; Crimella, C. (1998). Effect of change of cage 2 days before artificial insemination on reproductive performance of rabbit does. World Rabbit Science 6: 1, 195-198. ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: artificial insemination, reproductive performance, change, PMSG, HCG, estrus, induction, parity, fertility, litter size, cages, lactation, biotechnology.

Moura, A.S.A.M.T.; Costa, A.R.C.; Polastre, R. (1999). Estimates of genetic parameters and genetic trends for reproductive traits in Botucatu rabbits selected for litter and growth performance traits. Journal of Animal Science 77 (Suppl. 1): 140-141, ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Keywords: breed, Botucatu, genetic parameter estimation, growth performance, litter traits, reproductive traits, meeting.

Negatu, Z.; McNitt, J.I. (2002). Hormone profiles and nest-building behavior during the periparturient period in rabbit does. Animal Reproduction Science 72 (1-2): 125-135, ISSN: 0378-4320.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A5
Keywords: doe, female, mammary tissue, reproductive system, beta-endorpin, beta-estradiol, bromocriptine, hormone, progesterone, prolactin, nest building behavior, periparturient period, pregnancy.

Nicodemus, N.; Gutierrez, I.; Garcia, J.; Carabano, R.; De Blas, Carlos (2002). The effect of remating interval and weaning age on the reproductive performance of rabbit does. Animal Research 51 (6): 517-523, ISSN: 1627-3583.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A64
Keywords: breed, New Zealand x Californian, doe, female, early weaning, feed efficiency, fertility, lactation, litter size, mating, mortality, parturition interval, reproductive performance.

Nottola, S.A.; Macchiarelli, G.; Motta, P.M. (1997). The angioarchitecture of estrous, pseudopregnant and pregnant rabbit ovary as seen by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. Cell and Tissue Research 288 (2): 353-363, ISSN: 0302-766X.
NAL Call Number: QH581.A1Z4
Keywords: blood vessels, pseudopregnant and pregnant conditions, pregnancy, ovarian angioarchitecture, ovary, angioarchitecture, estrus, SEM analysis.

Oogjes, G. (1997). Ethical aspects and dilemmas of fertility control of unwanted wildlife: an animal welfarist’s perspective. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development 9 (1):163-7, ISSN: 1031-3613.
NAL Call Number: QP251.R47
Abstract: Proposals to manipulate the fertility of wild, free-living animals extend the domination humans already exercise over domesticated animals. Current lethal methods for population control include poisoning, trapping, hunting, dogging, shooting, explosives, fumigants, and deliberately introduced disease. Animal welfare interests are based on individual animal suffering, but those interests are often overshadowed by labelling of groups of animals as pests, resource species, national emblem or endangered species. Public concern for animal welfare and acceptance of new population control methods will be influenced by such labels. The animal welfare implications of new population control technology must be balanced against the existing inhumane lethal methods used. It will be difficult to resolve the dilemma of a mechanism for disseminating a fertility control agent that will cause some animal suffering (e.g. a genetically-manipulated myxoma virus for European rabbits), yet may reduce future rabbit populations and therefore the number suffering from lethal methods. An Animal Impact Statement is proposed as a tool to assist debate during development of fertility control methods and for decision making prior to their use. A comprehensive and objective Animal Impact Statement may introduce an ethic that moves the pendulum from attitudes that allow sentient animals to be destroyed by any and all available means, towards a more objective selection of the most effective and humane methods.
Keywords: review, wild animals, animal welfare, contraception, ethics, pest control, Australia.

Rodriguez, D.R.; Lopez, F.M.; Rangel, S.R.; Mariscal, A.V. (2003).Influence of short-term relocation and male exposure on sexual receptivity and reproduction in artificially inseminated lactating doe rabbits. Animal Reproduction Science 78 (1-2): 111-121, ISSN: 0378-4320.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A5
Keywords: New Zealand White, breed, doe, artificial insemination, laboratory techniques, kindling rate, lactation, litter size, male exposure, parturition, relocation effect, reproductive performance, sexual receptivity.

Rommers, J.M.; Kemp, B.; Meijerhof, R.; Noordhuizen, J.P. (2001). The effect of litter size before weaning on subsequent body development, feed intake, and reproductive performance of young rabbit does. Journal of Animal Science 79 (8): 1973-82, ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Abstract: An experiment was performed to study the effect of litter size before weaning on subsequent body development and composition, feed intake, and reproductive performance of young rabbit does with the objective to improve reproductive performance. Litter size (LS) before weaning (treatment) was 6, 9, or 12 kits. After weaning (30 d), 58 female kits per treatment (in two successive replicates) were reared and fed for ad libitum intake to 14.5 wk of age (end of rearing). At 14.5 wk of age, receptive does were inseminated. Nonreceptive and nonpregnant does were inseminated at 17.5 wk of age. The experiment ended when the second litter was weaned. Part of the animals was slaughtered to determine body composition at the end of the experiment (replicate one) and at the end of rearing (replicate two). At weaning, BW differed among treatments (P < 0.05; 855, 773, and 664 +/- 15 g for LS6, 9, and 12, respectively). Compensatory growth was observed. At the end of rearing, LS12 does were smaller (P < 0.05) than LS9 and LS6 does (3,524, 3,778, and 3,850 +/- 48 g, respectively). After first lactation, no difference in BW among treatments was found. Compared with LS6, empty body weight (BW minus gut, bladder, and uterus content) of LS12 contained more (P < 0.05) nitrogen (32.5 vs 31.1 +/- 0.3 g/kg), more (P < 0.05) ash (30.7 vs 28.3 +/- 0.6 g/kg), and less (P < 0.05) fat (168.6 vs 200.2 +/- 8.6 g/kg). No differences in body composition among treatments were found at the end of the experiment. During rearing, LS12 had the lowest (P < 0.05) daily feed intake (152, 164, and 169 +/- 2 g/d for LS12, 9, and 6, respectively). During the reproductive period, no differences in feed intake among treatments were found. Kindling rate (the number of kindlings per number of inseminations) was not influenced by treatment. In the first parity, total litter size (number of alive and stillborn kits) was lower (P < 0.10) for LS12 than for LS9 (6.4 vs 8.6 +/- 0.5, respectively). When first mating was delayed by 3 wk, an increased (P < 0.05) total litter size was found regardless of treatment (7.5 and 9.4 +/- 0.3 for 14.5, and 17.5 wk, respectively). Decreasing litter size before weaning from nine to six kits did not alter future reproductive performance. Based on results of this study, it seems advisable to perform a limited standardization level (at nine kits) after kindling and postpone first mating to an older age (17.5 wk) to improve reproductive performance.
Keywords: husbandry methods, body composition, energy intake, female, litter size, growth and development, reproduction, weaning, weight gain.

Rommers, J.M.; Meijerhoft, R.; Noordhuizen, J.P.; Kemp, B. (2002). Relationships between body weight at first mating and subsequent body development, feed intake, and reproductive performance of rabbit does. Journal of Animal Science 80 (8): 2036-42. ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Abstract: A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the relationships between BW at first insemination and subsequent body development, feed intake, reproductive performance, and culling rate of rabbit does. Young rabbit does are vulnerable to body energy deficit in first lactation, resulting in decreased reproductive performance and high replacement rate. Heavy does at first insemination might be able to benefit from the extra amount of BW to cope with the energy deficit during first lactation. Data of three experiments were used in which does were given ad libitum access to feed during rearing and inseminated at 14.5 wk of age. The first two parities of each doe were recorded. Does were categorized in three groups based on their BW at 14.5 wk of age (first insemination): heavy (BW > or = 4,000 g), medium (BW 3,500 to 4,000 g), and small (BW < 3,500 g). Among does that kindled, differences in BW at first insemination were related to differences in voluntary feed intake and body growth rate during rearing. Heavy does consumed more feed per day (+ 45 g/d, P < 0.001) and had a higher BW gain (+ 12 g/d, P < 0.001) than small does from weaning (4.5 wk) to 14.5 wk of age. Body weight at first insemination did not affect BW, feed intake, and culling rate during the first two parities. Heavy does were heavier at first insemination and remained so throughout the reproductive period, but they followed a similar BW curve as medium and small does. A higher BW at first insemination (14.5 wk of age) improved litter size in the first parity (8.9, 7.7, and 6.4 for heavy, medium, and small does, respectively, P < 0.05). Extra BW at start of reproduction improves litter size in the first parity but does not contribute to an improved feed intake or increased BW development during reproduction.
Keywords: female, husbandry, body composition, body weight, physiology, eating, energy intake, lactation, litter size, parity, growth and development, reproduction

Schaal, B.; Coureaud, G.; Langlois, D.; Ginies, C.; Semon, E.; Perrier, G. (2003). Chemical and behavioural characterization of the rabbit mammary pheromone. Nature 424 (6944): 68-72, ISSN: 0028-0836.
NAL Call Number: 472 N21
Keywords: milk, reproductive system, mammary pheromone, behavior, inclusive fitness, evolutionary success, maternal care, maternal odor cues, neonatal behavioral cues, newborn feeding behavior, oral grasping behavior, reciprocal female offspring exchange, energy, immunity, information.

Schueddemage, M.; Hoy, S.; Lange, K. (2000). Influence of artificial and natural light on behaviour during collection of semen and on spermatological parameters in rabbit bucks. Archiv fuer Tierzucht 43 (4): 351-362, ISSN: 0003-9438.
NAL Call Number: 49 AR23
Keywords: New Zealand White, hybrid, buck, male, artificial light, natural light, semen collection, sexual activity, spermatological parameters, German language.

Theau-Clément, M.; Saleil, G.; Cornet, P.; Ungar, R.; Ungar, J.C. (1998). Etude de l'efficacité du Dermojet automatique(R) pour induire l'ovulation des lapines. [Efficiency study of the automatic Dermojet(R) to induce the ovulation of rabbits.] Cuniculture 143: 234-236, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: ovulation, syringes, fertility, risk contamination, animal welfare, pregnancy, animal breeding, veterinary equipment, French language.

Twigg, L.E.; Williams, C.K. (1999). Fertility control of overabundant species; can it work for feral rabbits? Ecology Letters 2 (5): 281-285, ISSN: 1461-023X.
NAL Call Number: QH540.E262
Keywords: reproductive productivity, population dynamics, fertility control, Australia.

Ubilla, E.; Rebollar, P.G.; Pazo, D.; Esquifino, A.; Alvarino, J.M.R. (2000). Effects of doe-litter separation on endocrinological and productivity variables in lactating rabbits. Livestock Production Science 67 (1/2): 67-74, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: reproduction, artificial insemination, weaning, dams, kit production, lactation stage, suckling, litter size, blood plasma, prolactin, estradiol, milk yield, animal husbandry, litter weight, parturition, estrus, fertility, productivity.

Vasquez, M.R.; Petersen, J.; Mennicken, L. (1999). Maternal effects on development and performance of young rabbits. Zuechtungskunde 71 (5): 392-403, ISSN: 0044-5401.
NAL Call Number: 49 Z8
Keywords: Zika hybrid, does, young rabbits, husbandry, kid exchange method, performance, birth weight, twelve week body weight, German language.

Villagran, C.; Navarro, J.; Fuentes, V.O. (2003). Sexual exhaustion in White New Zealand male rabbits of different ages. Animal Reproduction Science 76 (3-4): 251-255, ISSN: 0378-4320.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A5
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, female, male, satiation, sexually receptive females, sexual activity, sexual exhaustion, number of ejaculations, age influence.

Zaja, C.J. (2002). Effect of weaning time on young rabbit welfare. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 177-179, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, pups, age differences, fattening performance, female animals, finishing growth, litter size, liveweight, reproductive performance, weaning.

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