Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Amand, D. (1999). Les points faibles des batiments lapins. [Weak points in rabbit housing.] Cuniculture (147): 137-138, 140, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: housing, animal health, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, rabbit diseases, ventilation, heating, environmental control, isolation, rabbit droppings, animal diseases, Staphylococcus, French language, France.

Anous, M.R.; Mourad, M.; Ayyat, M.S. (2002). Evaluation of carcass composition of New Zealand White rabbits raised in two different housing systems. Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science 12 (2): 155-164, ISSN: 1110-2594.
Keywords: New Zealand White breed, housing, husbandry, carcass composition, carcass quality, carcass weight, carcass yield, selection criteria, selective breeding, slaughter weight, Egypt.

Ashour, G. (2001). Physiological adaptation of rabbits’ kits to housing conditions as related to growth. Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science 11 (1): 115-137, Egyptian Rabbit Science Association, ISSN: 1110-2594.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, housing, environmental impact, type of roofing, concrete roof, double metal sheets, single metal sheet roof, age differences, feed conversion efficiency, feed intake, growth, hematocrit, liveweight, seasonal variation.

Association Francaise de Cuniculture (2001). 12th Symposium on Housing and Diseases of Rabbits, Furbearing Animals and Pet Animals. Celle, Germany, 9-10 May 2001. World Rabbit Science 9 (3): 123-133, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: furbearing animals, pets, animal diseases, housing, nutrition, animal products, animal welfare, disease control, genetics, quality, reproduction, rabbits.

Autissier, C.; Bougneux, P.; Chayer, J.; Pouchelon, E. (2002). Observation des rachis de lapins hébergés sur de longues périodes dans les conditions de stabulation conformes celles préconisées dans l’annexe A de la convention STE 123. [Observation of rachis in rabbits during long periods in caged conditions conforming to those described in annex A of the STE 123 convention.] STAL 27 (2): 143-151, ISSN: 0339-722X.
Keywords: housing, animal welfare, legislation, lack of justification, cages, cage size, platforms, abnormal bone development, rachis, study validation, x-rays, French language.

Bargain, V. (2002). Systeme Cuniconfort, un concept d'atelier performant. [The “Cuniconfort” system, a concept for high performance.] Cuniculture 163: 13-15, 17-18, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: meat animals, feeding, housing. interconnected sheds, mutiple-purpose flat-deck cages, air conditioning

Batchelor, G.R. (1995). Group housing on floor pens and environmental enrichment of Sandy lop rabbits (Ii): the 24 hour behavioural time budget of group housed rabbits. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 46 (3): 167-190, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: breed, Sandy lop, housing, behavior, enrichment, group housing, floor pens.

Batchelor, G.R. (1995). Bodyweight changes in laboratory rabbits subjected to transport and different housing conditions. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 46 (2): 89-95, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: body weight, weight losses.

Bielanski, P. (2002). Effect of housing system on welfare of young New Zealand White rabbits. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 173-175, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, meat animals, housing systems, comparison, double-tiered, galvanized metal cages, pens on deep litter, multi-tiered wooden cages kept outdoors, animal welfare, carcass composition, carcass weight, feed intake, finishing, growth, liveweight gain, pens, performance traits.

Bosco, A.D.; Castellini, C.; Mugnai, C. (June 2002). Rearing rabbits on a wire net floor or straw litter: behaviour, growth and meat qualitative traits. Livestock Production Science 75 (2): 149-156, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: hybrid males, housing systems, comparison, wire netting, litter, straw bedded, animal behavior, growth, meat quality, stocking density, growth rate, liveweight gain, mortality, dressing percentage, carcass composition, body fat, muscles, pH, color, lipid peroxidation, oxidation, inhibitors.

Danbaro, G.; Yaku (2001). Performance of rabbits on deep litter. In: Food Security for Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Papua New Guinea Food and Nutrition 2000 Conference, PNG University of Technology, Lae, Papua New Guinea, June 26-30, 2000, Bourke, R.M.; Allen, M.G.; Salisbury, J.G. (Eds.), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra: Australia, pp. 650-651, ISBN: 1-86320-308-7.
NAL Call Number: S542.A8A34 no. 99
Keywords: breed, Canberra, half lop rabbits, fryer rabbits, deep litter housing, stocking densities, fattening performance, feed conversion, efficiency, feed intake, stocking density, Papua New Guinea.

Das, S.K.; Bujarbaruah, K.M.; Sarkar, A.B.; Rajkowa, C. (2001). Mortality and morbidity pattern of rabbits as influenced by housing, space, breed and season. Indian Veterinary Journal 78 (1): 30-33, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, breeds, meat animals, housing, hutches, breed differences, coccidiosis, floor space, morbidity, mortality, seasonal variation, summer, India.

Das, S.K.; Sarkar, A.B.; Bora, N.N.; Nath, D.R.; Barua, K.K. (2002). Effect of housing, floorspace and breed on the carcass traits and composition of broiler rabbits. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (10): 1051-1054, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed differences, Soviet Chinchilla, New Zealand Whites, carcass composition, carcass weight, dressing percentage, floor space, liveweight, offal, housing, slaughter weight.

Drescher, B.; Reiter, J. (1996). Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Gruppengrosse bei Mastkaninchen in Gruppenhaltung auf Kunststoffrosten. [The optimization of group size for fattening rabbits in group housing on grids made of artificial material.] Berliner und Munchener tierarztliche Wochenschrift 109 (8): 304-8.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 B45
Abstract: ZIKA-fattening rabbits in groups of 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 animals (5 rabbits/m2) have been proved in 6 repetitions with all together 144 animals during the fattening period of nine weeks in regard to their fattening performance, health and behaviour. The aim was to find an optimal group size for fattening rabbits with respect to animal welfare. The results show, that fattening performance and health of the rabbits have not been influenced remarkably by group size, whereas behaviour was different in so far, as the rabbits in groups of 16 showed a greater percentage of relaxed positions as well as a remarkable smaller percentage of aggressive behaviour. Therefore the group with 16 fattening rabbits is that, which can be advised for the fattening of rabbits in the Hohenheimer group housing.
Keywords: husbandry, animal welfare, behavior, female, male, floors, floor coverings, health status, housing, population density, growth and development, psychology, German language.

Fantuzzi, P. (1999). Attrezzature giuste per allevatori in gamba. [Correct equipment for good breeders.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 36: 2, 21-24.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, animal welfare, production, intensive rabbit rearing, cage flooring, wall design, water dispensers.

Fernández Carmona, J.; Cervera, C.; Sabater, C.;  Blas, E. (1995). Effect of diet composition on the production of rabbit breeding does housed in a traditional building and at 30 deg C. Animal Feed Science and Technology 52 (3/4): 289-297, ISSN: 0377-8401.
NAL Call Number: SF95.A55
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White crossbreds, feeding, rabbit milk, yields, heat stress, liveweight gain, mortality, litter weight, reproduction, feed intake, fibre, intake, environmental temperature, milk yield, nutrition.

Finzi, A.; Margarit, R. (1999). Gabbie del passato e modelli per il futuro. [Cages from the past and models for the future.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 36: 2, 25-29, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, traditional systems, modern systems, caging, outdoor rearing, cement rearing units, Italian language.

Finzi, A.; Amici, A. (1996). A new open-air rabbit-farming system. In: Livestock Farming Systems: Research, Development Socio-Economics and Land Management. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium Aberdeen, Scotland, 1-2 September, 1994, Dent, J.B.; McGregor, M.J.; Sibbald, A.R. (Eds.), pp. 178-182. Wageningen Pers: Wageningen, Netherlands, ISBN: 90-74134-40-8.
NAL Call Number: 49.9 Eu7 no.79
Keywords: husbandry, breeding, extensive farming, reproduction, animal welfare, Southern Europe.

Gacek, L.; Barabasz, B. (2002). Improvement of welfare using plastic crates in commercial rabbit breeding. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 191-194, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: New Zealand White, commercial breeding, animal welfare, meat animals, plastic crates, disinfection, feed conversion efficiency, female animals, reproductive performance, finishing, liveweight gain, pups, housing.

Gacek, L. (2002). Effect of visual contact on reproductive and rearing performance of rabbits. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 181-184, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: cages, cage design, galvanized wire-mesh cages, plastic cages allowing visual contact, non-transparent plastic cages, indoor rearing, outdoor rearing, conception rate, fattening performance, feed conversion, feed intake, finishing, liveweight gain, housing, reproductive performance, Poland.

Gao, W.Y.; Wu, Y.; Xue, J. (2003). Natural lighting rabbitry design. Journal of Economic Animal 7 (2): 18-20, ISSN: 1007-7448.
Keywords: housing, design, husbandry, farm structure, natural light, lighting parameters, open angle of incident daylight, span of incident daylight and incident angle, Chinese language.

Gerson, P. (2000). The modification of “traditional” caging for experimental laboratory rabbits and assessment by behavioural study. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal 51 (1): 13-36.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: cages, enrichment.

Gilmore, J. (1995). Building a rabbit shelter for temperate climates. Small Farm Today 12 (3): 38-39.
NAL Call Number: S1 M57
Keywords: housing, design, construction.

Hackbarth, H.; Bohnet, W.; Tsai, P. (1999). Allometric comparison of recommendations of minimum floor areas for laboratory animals. Laboratory Animals 33 (4): 351-5, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Abstract: The recommendations for minimum floor area given in the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes (1986), as well as in the Publication on the Planning and Structure of Animal Facilities for Institutes Performing Animal Experiments of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science (GV-SOLAS 1989), are plotted in a double logarithmic system in order to get an allometric function of recommended floor area to body weight. Both recommendations correspond very well with the so-called metabolic body weight seen at the allometric exponent of 0.73 and 0.70 respectively. Thus the recommendations in general attribute the floor space according to the metabolic body weight of the animal. Nevertheless, despite this general rule, some species are recommended less space than others when measured on this allometric scale. Thus it must be questioned why, for example, rabbits, chicken and pigs are recommended less space than other species. The general allometric measure seems at least to be a good scale for the comparison of recommended floor space, and for the discussion of species-specific needs for more or less space.
Keywords: cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rodents, rabbits, primates, swine, chickens, husbandry standards, laboratory animals.

Hansen, L.T.; Berthelsen, H. (2000). The effect of environmental enrichment on the behaviour of caged rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 68 (2): 163-178, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: housing, cages, conventional caging, enriched caging, shelter, platforms, animal welfare, space requirements, stress, enrichment, behavior, restlessness, timidity grooming, bar-gnawing.

Held, S.D.E. (1995). Choices of laboratory rabbits for individual or group-housing. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 46 (1/2): 81-91, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: housing, groups, social dominance.

Held, S.D.E. (2001). The behavioural repertoire of non-breeding group-housed female laboratory rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Animal Welfare 10 (4): 437-443. ISSN: 0962-7286.
NAL Call Number: HV4701 A557
Keywords: female animals, floor pens.

Hubrecht, R.; Beeston, D.; Cubitt, S.; Gunn-Dore, D.; Grey, C.; Hawkins, P.; Howard, B.; McBride, A.; Moore, S.; Ostle, T.; Wickens, S.; Weduwen, S. der; Wills, T. (1999). Refining rabbit housing, husbandry and procedures: report of the 1998 UFAW/RSPCA Rabbit Behaviour and Welfare Group Meeting. Animal Technology 50 (3): 155-164, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: housing, husbandry, animal welfare, behavior, floors, cages, legislation, laboratory animals.

Hubrecht, R. (2000). Advancing rabbit and rodent housing and husbandry research. In: Progress in the Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Bologna, Italy, August 29 to September 2, 1999, Balls, M.; Zeller, A.M. van; Halder, M.E. (Eds.), Elsevier Science B.V.: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1257-1267, ISBN: 0-444-50529-6.
NAL Call Number: QL1.D48 v. 31
Keywords: laboratory animals, rodents, rabbits, experiments, housing, husbandry, animal welfare, enrichment.

Ivan, T.; Guido, G.; Clara, C. (2003). Effetto della tecnica del cambio gabbia sulle performance di coniglie sottoposte ad un ritmo riproduttivo estensivo. [Effect of changing cages on the reproductive performance of extensively reared rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 57-60.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, cages, cage changing, conception rate, litter size, mortality, reproduction, stillbirths, Italy, Italian language.

Kersten, A.M.P. (1995). Nesting behaviour and reproduction of individually caged and group housed rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology: Exeter, UK, 3-5 August, 1995, Rutter, S.M.; Rushen, J.; Randle, H.D.; Eddison, J.C. (Eds.), Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW): Potters Bar, United Kingdom, pp. 189-190, ISBN: 0-900767-92-8.
NAL Call Number: SF756.7.I57 1995
Keywords: mating behavior, cages, groups.

Klusek, J.; Rafay, J.; Swiderska-Kolacz, G.; Kolataj, A. (1995). Influence of displacement stress on the concentration of some lipids in rabbit organs. Archiv für Tierzucht 38 (6): 673-677, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: New Zealand White, Zobor, Nitran breed, genetic strain, displacement, stress, lipids, organs, cholesterol, animal welfare, housing, breeds, kidneys, liver, serum, lipid metabolism, breed differences, triglyserols, husbandry, cage changes.

Kowalska, D.; Bielanski, P.; Brzozowski, M. (2002). Effect of pen size on young rabbit welfare. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 195-198, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, animal welfare, female animals, floor area, milk production, pens, rabbit housing, reproductive performance, size, space requirements.

Krohn, T.C. (1999). The effects of feeding and housing on the behaviour of the laboratory rabbit. Laboratory Animals 33 (2): 101-107, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Keywords: feeding, timing, abnormal behavior, bar biting, housing, group housing, floor pens, cages.

Kuznetsov, L.V. (1999). Systems for housing rabbits. Russia. Krolikovodstvo i Zverovodstvo (3): 28-30, ISSN: 0023-4885.
NAL Call Number: 40.28 K9
Keywords: production, housing, cages, sheds, structures, microclimate, Russia, Russian language.

Lambertini, L.; Vignola, G.; Zaghini, G. (2001). Alternative pen housing system for fattening rabbits: effects of group density and litter. World Rabbit Science 9 (4): 141-147, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001.
Keywords: housing systems, comparison, cages, cage raised, group housed, pen raised, wheat straw litter, wood shavings litter, meat animals, meat quality, carcass quality, carcass weight, dressing percentage, fat, feed conversion efficiency, feed intake, finishing, growth rate, liveweight gain, mortality, protein content, slaughter weight, stocking density, water content.

Lambertini, L.; Vignola, G.; Gramenzi, A.; Zaghini, G.; Benassi, M.C. (2001). Allevamento alternativo del coniglio su lettiera: effetti di densit e livello proteico dei mangimi. [Alternative husbandry for rabbits on litter. Effects of rabbit density and the protein content of feed.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (5): 57-60, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: husbandry, cages, deep-litter pens, feed conversion efficiency, dietary protein, litter, liveweight gain, performance, feeding, stocking density.

Lebas, F.; Coudert, P.; De Rochambeau, H.; Thebault, R.G. (1997). The Rabbit: Husbandry, Health and Production, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), Animal Production and Health Division: Rome, Italy, 205 p., ISBN- 92-5-103441-9.
Keywords: husbandry, production, health, nutrition, feeding, reproduction, breeds, breeding, housing, rabbit meat, hides and skins, hair, rural development, diseases, animal products, meat, production, socioeconomic development.

Lebas, F. (2001). Engraissement en parcs: avantages et inconvénients. [Fattening in enclosures: advantages and disadvantages.] Cuniculture 160: 163, 165-167, 169-170, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: aggressive behavior, housing, wire-walled pens, carcass yield, fattening performance, mortality, pens, French language.

Lella, T. di; Nizza, A.; Meo, C. di; Cutrignelli, M. I.; Mascia, G. (1996). Prestazioni produttive di conigli in accrescimento allevati all'aperto o in ambiente condizionato. [Performance of growing rabbits raised outdoors or in an air-conditioned shed.] Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 22 (6): 379-386, ISSN: 0390-0487.
NAL Call Number: SF1.Z6
Keywords: breed, Hyla, housing, seasonal variation, outdoor cages, air-conditioned sheds, environmental temperature, liveweight gain, feed intake, winter, spring, summer, organs, body weight, carcass composition, carcass yield, feed conversion efficiency, Italian language.

Lenarduzzi, M.; Borso, F. da (1997). Aspetti igienico-sanitari in diverse tipologie di allevamenti cunicoli. [Hygiene and health aspects of various types of rabbit housing.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 34 (2): 51-55, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: diseases, hygiene, housing, Italian language.

Love, J.A. (1994). Group housing: Meeting the physical and social needs of the laboratory rabbit. Laboratory Animal Science 44 (1): 5-11, ISSN: 0023-6764.
NAL Call Number: 410.9 P94
Keywords: group housing, single caging, group sizes, management, space allocation, diet, stress, stereotypy, behavior, activity, disease, economic guidelines.

Lupo, C.; Fontani, G.; Girolami, L.; Lodi, L.; Muscettola, M. (2000). Immune and endocrine aspects of physical and social environmental variations in groups of male rabbits in seminatural conditions. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 12 (3): 281-289, ISSN: 0394-9370.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E82
Keywords: proteins, IFN [gamma], production in peripheral blood mononucleated cells, glucocorticoid receptor activity, evidence for endocrine links with social environmental changes, plasma corticosterone levels, immune parameter links, social environmental change relations, hormones, social environmental variation relations, agonistic behavior, seminatural conditions.

Luzi, F.; Heinzl, E.; Crimella, C.; Orsenigo, R.; et al. (1996). Utilizzo di materiali alternativi per la preparazione del nido nella specie cunicola: aspetti produttivi e sanitari. [Utilization of alternative materials for rabbit nest boxes: production and health aspects.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 33 (7/8): 53-57, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, nests, nest box lining, litter, wool, paper, contamination, growth, bacteria, fungi, mortality, Italian language.

Luzi, F.; Heinzl, E.; Crimella, C.; Orsenigo, R. Piantanida, L.; Vallone, L.; Dragoni, I.; Gallazzi, D. (July-Aug. 1996). Utilizzo di materiali alternativi per la preparazione del nido nella specie cunicola. Aspetti produttivi e sanitari (Veneto). [Alternative materials for nests in rabbit species. Productive and health aspects (Veneto).] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 33 (7-8): 53-57, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: nest boxes, statistical methods, mortality, weight gain, animal performance, biological contamination, cladosporium, wool, paper, respiratory diseases, veterinary hygiene, microbiological analysis, housing, biological analysis, contamination, deuteromycotina, fungi, hygiene, Italy, Italian language.

Luzi, F.; Bolis, S.; Heinzl, E.L.; Castrovilli, C.; Crimella, C.; et al. (1999). Performance in plein, air rabbit rearing: fattening period. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes 41: 47-50, ISSN: 1022-1379.
Keywords: breed, Hyla and Grimaud hybrids, New Zealand White, finishing, cages, fattening, performance, mortality, respiratory diseases, strains, growth, housing, outdoor rearing systems, caging, husbandry, seasons, heat stress,  Italy.

Marionnet, V. (2001). Optimiser le logement avec un sevrage adapté. [Optimised housing for early weaned rabbits.] Cuniculture 159: 109-111, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: meat animals, housing, sheds, cages, nest boxes, “all in, all out” system, husbandry, production systems, France, French language.

Marionnet, D. (1998). Désinsectisation ou la destruction des mouches et insectes dans les élevages. [Disinsectization or fly and insect control in rabbit housing.] Cuniculture 141: 124-125, 127-128, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: livestock, housing, pest control, insects, French language, France.

Martrenchar, A. (2001). Wire-floor pens as an alternative to metallic cages in fattening rabbits: influence on some welfare traits. Animal Welfare 10 (2): 153-161, ISSN: 0962-7286.
NAL Call Number: HV4701 A557
Keywords: meat animals, finishing, cages.

Mattes, S. (1997). 10 th Symposium on Housing and Diseases of Rabbits, Furbearing Animals and Pet Animals. World Rabbit Science 5 (4): 129-133, ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: production, reproduction, breeding, nutrition, management, milk yield, growth, meat carcasses, probiotics.

Matthes, S. (2001). 12. Arbeitstagung uber Haltung und Krankheiten der Kaninchen, Pelztiere und Heimtiere 9.-10. Mai 2001 in Celle: in Zusammenarbeit mit der World Rabbit Science Association und dem Institut fur Tierzucht und Tierverhalten der FAL / Leitung. [12th Symposium on Housing and Diseases of Rabbits, Furbearing Animals and Pet Animals.] Deutsche Veterinarmedizinische Gesellschaft: Giessen, Germany, 305 p., ISBN: 3935747020.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: disease, housing, care, production, German and English language.

Meo, C. di; Piccolo, G.; Stanco, G.; Gazaneo, M.P.; Taranto, S.; Nizza, A. (2003). Effect of density and group composition on the performance of fattening rabbits. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 441-443, ISSN: 1594-4077.
NAL Call Number: SF1.I83
Keywords: housing, feed conversion, feed conversion efficiency, feed intake, finishing, growth rate, liveweight gain, mortality, sex differences, skin lesions, stocking density, trauma.

Metzger, S.; Kustos, K.; Szendr, Z.; Szabó, A.; Eiben, C.; Nagy, I. (2003). The effect of housing system on carcass traits and meat quality of rabbit. World Rabbit Science 11 (1): 1-11, ISSN: 1257-5011.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: New Zealand White, housing, deep litter, pen-housed, cage-housed, carcass composition, carcasses, dressing percentage, fat, legs, liveweight, meat quality, pens, pH, protein, rabbit meat, water content.

Michl, R.; Hoy, S. (1996). Ergebnisse kontinuierlicher Gasmessungen in der Mastkaninchenhaltung mit Hilfe des Multigasmonitoring. [Results of continuous gas measurements rabbit housing by using multi-gas monitoring.] Berliner und Munchener tierarztliche Wochenschrift 109 (9): 340-3, ISSN: 0005-9366.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 B45
Abstract: Investigations of slatted floor keeping of rabbits in an air conditioned chamber with multigas monitoring over a period of more than two month have shown that the average values per week were on a low level between 575 and 685 ppm (carbon dioxide), 3.4 and 5.6 ppm (ammonia) resp. Concentration of ammonia reached in maximum 12.3 ppm for a short time. Nitrous oxide concentration was measured on a global value (253 up to 317 ppb). A slight tendency of increasing CO2 and NH3 values with the begin of light period--obviously related to increased locomotoric activity--approximately was observed. In slatted floor keeping calculated emission of ammonia was very low (0.23 gram per 500 kg an hour).
Keywords: air conditioning, air pollution, ammonia, analysis, carbon dioxide, gases, housing, nitrous oxide, time factors, German language.

Mobolaji-Bukola, P.U.; Allison-Oguru, E.A.; Berepubo, N.A.; Oruwari, B.M. (2002). Bio-economic evaluation of the performance of rabbits raised under two different housing systems. Tropicultura 20 (4): 176-180, ISSN: 0771-3312.
NAL Call Number: HD1417.T76
Keywords: breed, Chinchilla, New Zealand White, Dutch housing, comparison, conventional hutch with cage system versus non-conventional floor housing system, meat animals, body weight, cost benefit analysis, economic evaluation, housing, Nigeria, West Africa.

Morisse, J.P. (1999). Benessere animale, obiettivo prioritario. [Animal welfare, an important objective.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 36 (1): 20-27, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, housing, Italian language.

Morisse, J.P. (1999). Preference testing in intensively kept meat production rabbits for straw on wire grid floor. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 64 (1): 71-80, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: litter, straw, floor type.

Mucci, G. (2001). Un buon ambiente per un buon coniglio. [A good environment provides good rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (2): 26-28, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, drinking water, female fertility, light, meat quality, housing, temperature, ventilation, water quality, water temperature, Italian language, Italy.

Nieves, D.; Luna, A.; Febres, D. (1996). Effecto de la densidad de alojamiento en conejos de engorde. [Effect of housing density in fattening rabbits.] Revista Unellez de Ciencia y Tecnología, Producción Agrícola 14 (2): 21-32.
Keywords: housing, stocking density, growth, feed conversion efficiency, mortality, stress, feed intake, Spanish language, Venezuela.

Nizza, A.; Cutrignelli, M.I.; Sandulli, S. (2001). Influenza del vuoto sanitario sulle performances di conigli in accrescimento. [Effect of “all in-all out” on performance of growing rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (2): 31-34, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, housing, sheds, “all in-all out” system, husbandry, carcass weight, contamination, disinfection, fattening performance, feed conversion, hygiene, liveweight gain, performance, bacteria, Italy, Italian language.

Odier, C.; Lafargue-Hauret, P.; Remois, G.; Ledan, L (1999). Quel est l’avenir de la pratique d’un vide sanitaire global? [What is the future of the all in-all out method (in rabbit housing)?]. Cuniculture 149: 223-229, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: housing, mortality, disease prevention, French language.

Oliveira, M.C.; Almeida, C.V. (2002). Desempenho de coelhos em crescimento criados em diferentes densidades populacionais. [Performance of growing rabbits reared under different stocking densities.] Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. 54 (5): 530-533, ISSN: 0102-0935.
NAL Call Number: SF604 .A76
Keywords: growing rabbits, body weight, daily ration consumption, daily weight gain, feed gain ratio, production performance, rearing conditions, stocking density, total meat production, Portuguese language.

Owiny, J.R. (2001). Hip dysplasia in rabbits: association with nest box flooring. Comparative Medicine 51 (1): 85-88, ISSN: 0023-6764.
NAL Call Number: SF77 C65
Keywords: laboratory mammals, hip dysplasia, floor type.

Paci, G.; Cossato, M.M.F. di; Piloni, S.; Bagliacca, M. (1999). Effetto della stagione e della tecnica di allevamento sulle prestazioni produttive e sulla qualita della carne di coniglio. [Effect of season and housing system on productive performance and meat quality of rabbit.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 36 (9): 30-36, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, meat quality, performance, cages, open air housing, dry matter, feed intake, growth rate, mortality, winter, feed conversion, summer, housing, Italian language.

Papp, Z. (1997). Klímaélettani vizsgálatok nyulakon. [Studies on the climate physiology of broiler rabbits.] Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja 119 (2): 85-88,  ISSN: 0025-004X.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V644
Keywords: climate, physiology, housing, climatic factors, environmental temperature, Hungarian language.

Radev, V.; Petkova, O.; Varlyakov, I.; Otuzbirov, R. (1997). Influence of free box raising and final fattening in cages on some biochemical parameters of rabbit meat from White New Zealand breed. Zhivotnov’dni Nauki 0 (Suppl.): 18-22.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, finishing, amino acids, liver, longissimus dorsi, muscles, protein synthesis, free range husbandry, lipids, nucleic acids, body weight, Bulgarian language.

Raje, S. (1997). Group housing for male New Zealand White rabbits. Lab Animal 26 (4): 36-38, ISSN: 0093-7355.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L33
Keywords: strains, housing, behavior patterns, enrichment, animal welfare.

Restelli, G.L.A.; Tangorra, F.M. (2000). La gestione delle deiezioni negli allevamenti intensivi. [Excrement management in intensive animal rearing.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 37 (5): 40-42, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: intensive rabbit breeding, meat animals, manure, removal, animal welfare, toxic gases, costs, droppings, housing, belt conveyors, noise, Italian language, Italy.

Rommers, J.M.; Meijerhof, R. (1998). La dimension de la cage influence-t-elle la productivité et le bien-tre des lapines? [Does cage size affect the productivity and welfare of female rabbits?] Cuniculture 140: 67-72, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: females, female fertility, litter size, behavior, animal welfare, housing, management, cages, cage size, weaning weight, French language, Netherlands.

Rommers, J.; Meijerhof, R. (1998). Effect of group size on performance, bone strength and skin lesions of meat rabbits housed under commercial conditions. World Rabbit Science 6: 3-4, 299-302, ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: housing, group size, density, floor space, finishing, behavior, aggression, skin lesions, weight gain, trauma, bones, bone strength.

Skolarski, I. (2001). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Käfighaltung von Weiblichen Laborkaninchen in Einzel- und Paarhaltung. [Comparative studies on the housing of single and pair-caged female laboratory rabbits.] Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin, Germany, 176 p.
Keywords: laboratory animals, thesis, behavior, aggressive, animal welfare, cages, physical activity, housing, German language.

Stauffacher, M. (2000). Refinement in rabbit housing and husbandry. In: Progress in the Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Bologna, Italy, August 29 to September 2, 1999, Balls, M.; Zeller, A.M. van; Halder, M.E. (Eds.), Elsevier Science B.V.: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1269-1277, ISBN: 0-444-50529-6.
NAL Call Number: QL1.D48 v. 31
Keywords: laboratory animals, rabbits, behavior, experiments, housing, husbandry, cages, stocking density.

Tangorra, F.M.; Restelli, G.L.A. (2000). Il tunnel, una soluzione alternativa. [The tunnel, an alternative solution.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 37 (3): 11-15, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, tunnels, protective structures, plastic tunnels, environmental control, domestic animals, livestock, Italian language.

Turner, R.J.; Held, S.D.; Hirst, J.E.; Billinghurst, G.; Wootton, R.J. (Oct, 1997). An immunological assessment of group-housed rabbits. Laboratory Animals 31 (4): 362-72, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Abstract: Laboratory rabbits kept in barren “traditional” cages tend to develop stereotypic behaviours and bone deformities. We have used an alternative regime, housing adult does as groups of four or five in floor pens (2.5-3 m2) supplied with hiding places and bedding. High- and low-ranking members of each group were identified, and their immunological status compared in terms of blood leucocyte function (chemiluminescence and mitogen tests), complement activity, and antibody production to soluble and cellular antigens. We found no evidence of immunosuppression, either in groups of a “docile” breed (New Zealand White) or Dutch crosses. These results, together with the animals’ general health and ease of handling, lead us to conclude that group-housed does are suitable for raising antisera and other purposes, provided that they are adequately monitored.
Keywords: antibody formation, immunology, animal behavior, physiology, complement activation, housing, phagocytes, drug effects, metabolism, respiratory burst.

Verga, M.; Ferrante, V. (2002). La ricerca su benessere e adattamento nel coniglio. [Studies on well-being and adaptation of intensively-reared rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 39 (2): 31-34, 36-39, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: animal welfare, well-being, adaptation, housing, Italian language.

World Rabbit Science Association (1996). Abstracts of papers presented during the 9th Symposium on Housing and Diseases of Rabbits, Furbearing Animals and Fancy Pet Animals, Celle, Germany, May 10-11, 1995. World Rabbit Science 4 (1): 1-10, ISSN: 0984-7847.
NAL Call Number: SF402.3.A7 2001
Keywords: rabbit diseases, furbearing animals, breeding, nutrition, physiology, feeding.

Xylouri-Frangiadaki, E.; Tserveni-Gousi, A.; Kouris, J. (2003). L’allevamento del coniglio in Grecia. [Rabbit farming in Greece.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 28-31, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: housing, hutches, sheds, cages, husbandry, litter size, meat production, Greece, Italian language.

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