Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Abdel-Samee, A.M. (1997). Response of New Zealand white rabbits to thermal stress and its amelioration during winter and summer of North Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Arid Environments 36 (2): 333-342.
NAL Call Number: QH541.5 D4J6
Keywords: heat stress, husbandry, Egypt.

Amand, D. (1999). Les points faibles des batiments lapins. [Weak points in rabbit housing.] Cuniculture (147): 137-138, 140, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: housing, animal health, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, rabbit diseases, ventilation, heating, environmental control, isolation, rabbit droppings, animal diseases, Staphylococcus, French language, France.

Antinoff, N. (1999). Physical examination and preventive care of rabbits. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice 2 (2): 405-27, ISSN: 1094-9194.
Abstract: As rabbits gain increasing popularity as house pets, more rabbit owners are seeking basic preventive veterinary care. Although a knowledge of the unique anatomic and physiologic characteristics of pet rabbits is essential, annual examination and review of diet and husbandry are as important as with any other species. Many disease states can be detected or prevented with routine veterinary care. Despite all the advances in diagnostic testing in veterinary medicine, there will never be a substitute for a complete physical examination.
Keywords: review, pets, diseases, prevention and control, physical examination, veterinary care.

Autissier, C.; Bougneux, P.; Chayer, J.; Pouchelon, E. (2002). Observation des rachis de lapins heberges sur de longues periodes dans les conditions de stabulation conformes a celles preconisees dans l’annexe A de la convention STE 123. [Observation of spines of rabbits caged for long periods under conditions in compliance with Annex A of Convention STE 123 of the European Council.] STAL 27 (2): 143-151, ISSN: 0339-722X.
Keywords: bone, skeletal system, spine, skeletal system, X-ray, examination method, Convention STE 123 of the European Council, abnormal bone development, caged housing conditions, French language.

Barlow, N.D.; Kean, J. (1998). Simple models for the impact of rabbit calcivirus disease (RCD) on Australasian rabbits. Ecological Modelling 109 (3): 225-241, ISSN: 0304-3800.
Keywords: mathematical techniques, pathological techniques, viral disease, epidemiology modelling, control implications, viral diseases, rabbit calcivirus disease, epidemiology, mathematical modeling, control implications, Australasia, Australasian region.

Batchelor, G.R. (1995). The use of bodyweight as a welfare indicator in laboratory rabbits: an individual response. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 46 (2): 37-55, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: animal welfare, body weight.

Bauck, L. (1995). Affezioni oftalmiche nei conigli e nei roditori da compagnia. [Ophthalmic conditions in pet rabbits and rodents.] Veterinaria 9 (3): 93-99, ISSN: 0394-3151.
Keywords: guineapigs, rats, hamsters, gerbils, rodents, rabbits, reviews, eye diseases, Italian language.

Bennegadi, N.; Gidenne, T.; Licois, D. (2001). Impact of fibre deficiency and sanitary status on non-specific enteropathy of the growing rabbit. Animal Research 50 (5): 401-413.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A64
Keywords: diarrhea, digestive system disease, fiber deficiency, nutritional disease, health risk index, analytical method, digestion, mortality, nutritional status, sanitation.

Boucher, S. (2001). Imagerie medicale chez les NAC (nouveaux animaux de compagnie): L’echographie chez les Rongeurs et chez les Lagomorphes. [Imaging in new pets: ultrasonography in Rodentia and lagomorphs.] Le Point Veterinaire 32 (214): 12-13, ISSN: 0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, echography, diagnosis, French language.

Boucher, S. (2002). Dermatofitosi dei roditori e dei lagomorfi da compagnia. [Ringworm in rodents and companion animal lagomorphs.] Summa 19 (8): 21-27.
Keywords: rabbits, rodent, pets, ringworm, Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum persicolor, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, treatment, antifungal agents, chlorhexidine, clinical aspects, dermatomycoses, diagnosis, disinfection, iodine, ketoconazole, lesions, natamycin, sulfur, thiabendazole.

Boucher, S. (1998). Diagnostic et traitement des parasitoses digestives des lagomorphes et des rongeurs de compagnie. [Diagnosis and treatment of intestinal parasitoses in lagomorphs and pet rodents.] Pratique Médicale & Chirurgicale de l'Animal de Compagnie 33 (4): 303-316, ISSN: 1157-6960.
Abstract: A general account is given of the helminths and protozoa found in the intestines and liver of lagomorphs and pet rodents. Detection, diagnosis, pathogenicity and treatment are discussed.
Keywords: pets, rodents, rabbits, helminths, diagnosis, drug therapy, detection, pathogenicity, parasites, French language.

Boucher, S. (2000). Conduite tenir devant une dystocie chez les rongeurs et les lagomorphes (de compagnie). [Dystocia in companion rodents and lagomorphs.] Le Point Veterinaire 31 (211): 589-591.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, dystocia, parturition complications, rodents, French language.

Boucher, S. (2001). Dermatologie des NAC (nouveaux animaux de compagnie). Teignes des rongeurs et des lagomorphes de compagnie. [Ringworm in rodents and pet lagomorphs.] Le Point Veterinaire 32 (220): 32-37, ISSN: 0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, rodents, rabbits, dermatomycoses, Microsporum, Trichophyton, epidemiology, diagnosis, zoonoses, therapy, deuteromycotina, fungi, infectious diseases, skin diseases, French language.

Boucher, S. (2001). Management of dystocia in pet rodents and lagomorphs. [Condotta da tenere in caso di distocia: nei roditori e nei lagomorfi da compagnia.] Summa 18 (7): 71-73.
Keywords: pets, chinchillas, guineapigs, rabbits, rodents, dystocia, parturition, surgery.

Bowen, Z.; Read, J. (1998). Population and demographic patterns of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) at Roxby Downs in arid South Australia and the influence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease. Wildlife Research 25 (6): 655-662. ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, disease incidence effect on demography, population dynamics, observations and impact of disease, significance for control, effects of viral disease incidence, Australia.

Brown, S.A. (1997). Gastrointestinal physiology and disease in the domestic pet rabbit. In: The 21st Annual Waltham/OSU Symposium for the Treatment of Small Animal Diseases: Exotics, September 27-28, 1997, Sokolowski, J.H.; Gumbs, M.W. (Eds.), pp. 41-45, Waltham USA Inc.: Vernon, USA.
Keywords: gastrointestinal diseases, cecum, stomach, mouth, concretions, bezoar, digestive tract motility, colon, enterotoxaemia, intestinal diseases, obstruction, enteritis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, Campylobacter, Clostridium spiroforme, ileus.

Capello, V. (1998). Osteosintesi della tibia mediante fissazione esterna in un coniglio nano da compagnia: descrizione di un caso clinico e considerazioni generali in merito alla sintesi ossea nel coniglio. [Osteosynthesis of the tibia by external fixation in a pet dwarf rabbit: description of a clinical case and a general discussion on bone fixation in rabbits.] Veterinaria 12 (4): 87-97, ISSN: 0394-3151.
Keywords: pets, case reports, fractures, fracture fixation, Italian language.

Capello, V. (1999). Approccio diagnostico alle patologie cutanee del coniglio e dei piccoli roditori da compagnia. (Parte prima). [Diagnostic approach to skin diseases of pet rabbits and small rodents. I. The dermatological examination and diseases of rabbits.] Veterinaria 13 (1): 69-77, ISSN: 0394-3151.
Keywords: pets, skin diseases, diagnosis, neoplasms, clinical examination, Italy, Italian language.

Capucci, L.; Nardin, A.; Lavazza, A. (June 1997). Seroconversion in an industrial unit of rabbits infected with a non-pathogenic rabbit haemorrhagic disease-like virus. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 40 (25): 647-50, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Abstract: A serological survey of 238 rabbits for antirabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) antibodies was made in an industrial rabbitry where no signs of the disease had been reported for four years. Seroconversion was repeatedly detected and was due to a calicivirus antigenically related to RHDV but without its pathogenicity. There was a seroprevalence of 33.3 per cent among young animals at weaning at 31 days old, 27.6 per cent at five to seven days after weaning, 56.1 per cent at 13 to 14 days after weaning, 90.3 per cent at 19 to 20 days and 100 per cent at 32 to 33 days after weaning, and all the breeding rabbits were seropositive. In the last group and in the young at weaning, the anti-RHDV antibodies were mainly class IgG, but they were IgM and IgA at 13 to 14 days after weaning. In older fattening rabbits, there was a decrease of IgM and IgA and an increase of IgG confirmed seroconversion without any specific signs of rabbit haemorrhagic disease. On the basis of these results, the probable time of infection of the meat rabbits with this non-pathogenic virus was immediately after weaning.
Keywords: husbandry, antibodies, viral immunology, caliciviridae infections, hemorrhagic disease virus, prevalence, serology.

Cere, N.; Humbert, J.F.; Licois, D.; Corvione, M.; Afanassieff, M.; Chanteloup, N. (1996). A new approach for the identification and the diagnosis of Eimeria media parasite of the rabbit. Experimental Parasitology 82 (2): 132-138, ISSN: 0014-4894.
NAL Call Number: 436.8 Ex7
Keywords: coccidia, Eimeria media, diagnostic techniques, identification, new method.

Chomel, B.B. (1998). Diseases transmitted by pets. World Health 51 (4): 24-25, ISSN: 0043-8502.
Keywords: pets, cats, rabbits, turtles, rodents, reptiles, disease transmission, rabies, treatment, vaccines, zoonoses, Pasteurella multocida, Bartonella henselae, Yersinia, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Toxoplasma.

Cooke, B.; Saunders, G. (2002). Special issue. Rabbit haemorrhagic disease in Australia and New Zealand. Wildlife Research 29 (6): 521-706, ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, New Zealand, Australia.

Crossley, D.A. (2003). Oral biology and disorders of lagomorphs. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice 6 (3): 629-59. ISSN: 1094-9194.
NAL Call Number: SF997.5.E95E97
Abstract: Rabbit medicine, and dentistry in particular, is still at an early stage of development. With an understanding of the underlying oral physiology it is possible to devise an appropriate treatment regime for most dental problems after the nature and extent of disease has been assessed. Although many of the dental problems that are seen in practice cannot be cured, most can be controlled or managed to allow the affected rabbit to maintain a good quality of life. The continuously growing nature of the teeth makes recurrence and progression of problems the norm, so owner education and ongoing monitoring of animals is essential. By assessing the effects, beneficial or otherwise, of out treatments and communicating this to others, we will develop our knowledge and skills. Several treatments that are suggested in this article must be considered as “experimental” because they have not been assessed in large numbers of animals. If they work for you, or more importantly, if you find unexpected complications with a treatment method (as has happened with the use of calcium hydroxide paste treatment of abscess cavities) then please publicize the fact so that others can avoid the problem. Until the message on prevention can be reliably transmitted to owners, we will continue to have oral and dental problems to manage. After confidence and experience has been gained in anesthetizing rabbits it is possible to refine one's dental skills to be able to rapidly perform a thorough examination and basic treatments. Major and complex treatments require careful consideration because they may add to the animal's problems, rather than improving the situation. The best method for learning rabbit dentistry is to routinely perform postmortem examinations following euthanasia of affected animals, and spend an hour or two practicing handling the instruments and performing procedures on a cadaver. If you are not confident in your ability or do not have the best equipment for the job, the client should be informed and offered the opportunity to be referral to a “specialist.”
Keywords: dental care, veterinary, anatomy, histology, tooth diseases, pathology, therapy.

Cutler, S.L. (1998). Ectopic Psoroptes cuniculi infestation in a pet rabbit. The Journal of Small Animal Practice 39 (2): 86-87, ISSN: 0022-4510.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 J8292
Keywords: Psoroptes cuniculi, infestation, skin lesions, otitis externa, ears, abdomen, ivermectin, insecticides, case reports.

Das, S.; Ghosh, N.; Roy, S.K. (1999). Physiological responses of three genetic groups of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) under hot humid climate of West Bengal. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal 23 (4): 277-280, ISSN: 0250-5266.
NAL Call Number: SF601.I45
Keywords: adult, breed, White Giant, crossbreed, local breed, climate, humidity, physiological response, pulse rate, rectal temperature, respiration rate, temperature, West Bengal, India.

Davis, T.S. (2000). Healthy looking rabbit with a decreased appetite. Lab Animal 29 (8): 19-21, ISSN: 0093-7355.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L33
Keywords: laboratory animals, appetite, intake, feed dispensers, pelleted feeds.

Delisle, F. (1996). La cancérologie des autres animaux de compagnie. 1. Les mammif res. [Neoplasms of other companion animals. 1. The mammals: Mice, rats, hamsters, guineapigs, gerbils, rabbits and ferrets.] Le Point Vétérinaire 28 (177): 272, ISSN: 0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, rats, hamsters, guineapigs, gerbils, rabbits, neoplasms, treatment, symptoms, French language.

Drescher, B.; Schlender-Böbbis, I. (1996). Pododermatitis beim Kaninchen. [Pododermatitis in the rabbit.] Kleintierpraxis 41 (2): 99-104, ISSN: 0023-2076.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 K67
Keywords: foot diseases, dermatitis, skin diseases, histopathology, pathology, classification, disease control, etiology, animal welfare, pododermatitis, German language.

Dubey, J.P.; Sreekumar, C.; Lindsay, D.S.; Hill, D.; Rosenthal, B.M.; Venturini, L.; Venturini, M.C.; Greiner, E.C. (2003). Besnoitia oryctofelisi n. sp. (Protozoa: Apicomplexa) from domestic rabbits. Parasitology 126 (6): 521-539, ISSN: 0031-1820.
NAL Call Number: 448.8 P21
Keywords: Besnoitia oryctofelisi, potozoan parasite, new species, hosts on rabbits, experimentally infected, mice, gerbils, rabbits, cats, cell cultures, Argentina.

Ennio, F. (1997). Welfare, animal-health and pharmacosurveillance in meat rabbit breedings: proposal for a surveillance and monitoring voluntary plan. In: International Conference on Animal, Poultry and Rabbit Production and Health, Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt 2-4 September, 1997, Marai, I.F.M.; El-Gaafary, M.N.; Tawfeek, M.I.; El-Rajim, M.I., Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture (EDICA): Cairo, Egypt, pp. 679-688.
Keywords: rabbit meat, animal welfare, drug residues, disease control, nutrition, feeds, drinking water, hygiene, meat production, zoonoses, husbandry, Italy.

Ewringmann, A.; Göbel, T. (1999). Untersuchungen zur Klinik und Therapie der Encephalitozoonose beim Heimtierkaninchen. [Clinical examination and therapy of encephalitozoonosis in pet rabbits.] Kleintierpraxis 44 (5): 357-372, ISSN: 0023-2076.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 K67
Keywords: antibodies, central nervous system, kidney diseases, uveitis, eye diseases, symptoms, blood chemistry, hematology, oxytetracycline, dexamethasone, vitamin B complex, inflammation, treatment, renal function, drug therapy, parasites, protozoal infections, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, protozoa, German language.

Facchin, E., Giovannoli, M.; Benedetti, R.; Zanon, F. (1999). Hygienic-sanitary plan in rabbit breeding belonging to Italian Rabbit Breeders Association (IRBA) selective programme: preliminary results. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes 41: 195-200, ISSN: 1022-1379.
Keywords: hygiene, animal welfare, animal health, drug therapy, animal husbandry, Italy.

Falck, G. (1997). Group A streptococci in household pets’ eyes: A source of infection in humans? Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 29 (5): 469-471, ISSN: 0036-5548.
Keywords: household pets, dog, cat, rabbit, guinea-pig, disease vector, host, disease vector, group A streptococci (Gram-Positive Cocci), human pathogen, eye secretions, disease transmission, zoonosis.

Fenner, F. (2002). Viruses, rabbits and wildlife. In: Perspectives on Wildlife Research: Celebrating 50 Years of CSIRO Wildlife and Ecology Saunders, Denis; Spratt, David; van Wensveen, Monica [Eds]. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Limited: Chipping Norton, New South Wales, p. 1-7. ISBN: 0949324914.
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, population Control, biological control, Myxomatosis, virus, history, Australia.

Finck, C. (2002). Dermatologie des rongeurs et des lagomorphes de compagnie. Le luf nuron contre les teignes des rongeurs et des lagomorphes. [Skin diseases in pet Rodentia and lagomorphs. Lufenuron against ringworm of Rodentia and lagomorphs.] Le Point Veterinaire 33 (228): 16-17, ISSN: 0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, rodents, rabbits, ringworm, drug therapy, oral administration, application methods, dermatomycoses, infectious diseases, mycoses, skin diseases, therapy, French language.

Fisher, P.G.; Lackner, P.A.; Donnelly, T.M. (2002). What’s your diagnosis? Epicorneal membrane on the eye of a rex rabbit. Lab Animal 31 (5): 23-25, ISSN: 0093-7355.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L33
Keywords: pets, rabbits, case reports, diagnosis, surgery, clinical aspects, eyes, conjunctiva, membranes, eye diseases, topical application, corticoids, ciclosporin, postoperative care, postoperative complications, drug effects, regrowth.

Flecknell, P. (1998). Developments in the veterinary care of rabbits and rodents. In Practice 20 (6): 286-295, ISSN: 0263-841X.
NAL Call Number: SF601 I4
Keywords: pets, rabbits, rodents, treatment, anesthesia, antibiotics, toxicity, dosage, rodents, blood sampling, drug therapy.

Frolich, K.; Streich, W.J. (1998). Serologic evidence of bovine viral diarrhea virus in free ranging rabbits from Germany. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34 (1): 173-178, ISSN: 0090-3558.
NAL Call Number: 41.9 W64B
Keywords: wild rabbits, viral diseases, bovine diarrhea virus, antibodies recorded, immune response, Germany, Europe.

Fukase, T. (1998). Pets 19. Rabbits (clinical part I). Journal of Veterinary Medicine 51 (2): 114-115, ISSN: 0447-0192.
Keywords: pets, hematology, blood chemistry, Japanese language.

Fukase, T. (1998). Pets. 20. Rabbits (clinical part II). Journal of Veterinary Medicine 51 (3): 198-199, ISSN: 0447-0192.
Keywords: pets, rabbit diseases, Pasteurella multocida, Gracilicutes, bacteria, prokaryotes, Japanese language.

Fukase, T. (1998). Pets. 21. Rabbits (clinical part III). Journal of Veterinary Medicine 51 (4): 291-292, ISSN: 0447-0192.
Keywords: pets, tooth diseases, teeth, fractures, Japanese language.

Gabrisch, K.; Zwart, P. (2001). Krankheiten der Heimtiere. [Diseases of pets.] Krankheiten der Heimtiere, Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei GmbH & Co.: Hannover, Germany, 1000 p., ISBN: 3-87706-527-9.
Keywords: pets, rabbits, guineapigs, hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils, Chinchilla, squirrels, ferrets, skunks, parakeets, parrots, pigeons, tortoises, snakes, lizards, fish, diagnosis, viral diseases, fungal diseases, parasites, risk, health, zoonoses, veterinary products, German language.

Garcia, A.; Fox, J.G. (2003). The rabbit as a new reservoir host of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Emerging Infectious Diseases 9 (12): 1592-1597, ISSN: 1080-6040.
NAL Call Number: RA648.5.E46
Keywords: breed, Dutch Belted, New Zealand White, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), bacterial disease, commercial vendors, local petting zoo, fecal samples, zoonosis, bacterial disease, transmission.

Göbel, T. (1999). Small mammals/exotics: treatment of bacterial infectious diseases in pet rabbits and other small mammals. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 21 (Suppl. 12): 95-106, ISSN: 0193-1903.
NAL Call Number: SF601 C66
Keywords: rabbits, rodents, Pasteurella, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, infectious diseases, drug therapy, treatment, bacterial diseases, antibiotics, fluoroquinolones.

Gorrel, C.J. (1997). Humane dentistry. The Journal of Small Animal Practice 38 (1): 31, ISSN: 0022-4510.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 J8292
Keywords: letter, animal welfare, dentistry, methods, surgery.

Gres, V; Voza, T; Chabaud, A; Landau, I. (2003). Coccidiosis of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in France. Parasite 10 (1): 51-57, ISSN: 1252-607X.
NAL Call Number: QL757.P3737
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, wild rabbits, Mammalian hosts, coccidia, protozoan parasite, Eimeria perforans, E. flavescens, E. piriformis, E. exigua, E. media, E. magna, E. coecicola, E. stiedai, E. roobroucki, E. intestinalis, prevalence, seasonal effects, France.

Grilli, G.; Lavazza, A.; Gallazzi, D. (2001). Allevamento cunicolo e implicazioni sanitarie. [Rabbit farming and implications for human health.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 38 (1): 20-26, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: meat animals, husbandry, housing, indoor, outdoor, livestock farming, pathogens, production data, farm licensing, public health, Italian language, Italy.

Grilli, G.; Piccirillo, A.; Pisoni, A.M.; Cerioli, M.; Gallazzi, D.; Lavazza, A. (2003) Re-emergence of fibromatosis in farmed game hares (Lepus europaeus) in Italy. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 153 (5): 152-3, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Keywords: husbandry, disease outbreaks, veterinary care, fibroma virus, pathogenicity, epidemiology, poxviridae infections, epidemiology, tumor virus infections, Italy.

Haffar, A. (1996). La consultation du lapin de compagnie: examen clinique, contention, prelevement. [Consultation of the pet rabbit: clinical examination, restraint.] Le Point Veterinaire 28 (178): 55-61, ISSN:0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, physiology, health, diagnosis, veterinary medicine, French language.

Haffar, A. (1997). La visita del coniglio da compagnia. [Pet rabbit consultations.] Summa 14 (1): 23-30.
Keywords: pets, physiology, nutrition, blood specimen collection, veterinary practice, restraint of animals, clinical examination, Italian language.

Haffar, A. (1996). La consultation du lapin de compagnie. [Treating the pet rabbit.] Le Point Veterinaire 28 (178): 347-353, ISSN: 0335-4997.
NAL Call Number: SF602.P6
Keywords: pets, feeding, diets, natural, commercial, blood chemistry, hematology, clinical examination, restraint, physiology, anatomy, reproduction, hematology, blood sampling, radiography, pet foods, reviews.

Harcourt-Brown, F.M. (2001). Parathyroid hormone, haematological and biochemical parameters in relation to dental disease and husbandry in rabbits. The Journal of Small Animal Practice 42 (3): 130-136. ISSN: 0022-4510.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 J8292
Keywords: parathyrin, hematology.

Harcourt-Brown, F.M. (1995). A review of clinical conditions in pet rabbits associated with their teeth. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 137 (14): 341-6. ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Abstract: Pet rabbits are frequently treated by veterinary surgeons but most of the literature is based on diseases encountered in laboratory or commercial rabbits. Many pet rabbits suffer from dental abnormalities and 40 clinical cases of diseases associated with teeth problems are reviewed. The clinical and radiological examination of the oral cavity of conscious and anaesthetised rabbits is described and the treatment of dental disorders is discussed. Post mortem studies of 20 of the skulls revealed bone of poor quality. Deformed teeth with little or no enamel were found during clinical examination and post mortem. The poor quality of the teeth and bone was not related to malocclusion. Distorted growth of the crowns led to lacerations to the tongue or inside the cheek, causing anorexia, weight loss and problems with grooming. Distorted growth of the roots resulted in penetration of the weakened bones of the maxillae, mandibles and orbits. Osteomyelitis, abscess formation or infections of the lacrimal duct or nasal cavity were a result of this disease process. The cause of the defective teeth and poor bone quality was not determined but preventative measures are proposed.
Keywords: abscess, diagnosis, anorexia, lacrimal apparatus, mandible, pathology, osteomyelitis, diagnosis, paranasal sinus disease, tooth, pathology, radiography.

Harcourt-Brown, F.M. (1996). Calcium deficiency, diet and dental disease in pet rabbits. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 139 (23): 567-571, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Keywords: calcium, tooth diseases, mineral deficiencies, diet, calcification, feeding preferences, mineral metabolism, guidelines, surveys, phosphorus, vitamin D, nutrient content, pet foods, urolithiasis, osteodystrophy, rabbit feeding.

Harcourt-Brown, F.M.; Holloway, H.K. (2003). Encephalitozoon cuniculi in pet rabbits. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 152 (14): 427-31, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641.
Abstract: The results of a serological test for Encephalitozoon cuniculi in 125 pet rabbits are reviewed, together with follow-up studies of clinical cases. Blood samples were taken from 38 asymptomatic rabbits and 87 rabbits showing neurological, renal or ocular signs suggestive of encephalitozoonosis. In the asymptomatic group, six of 26 (23 per cent) apparently healthy rabbits, sampled as part of a health screen, were seropositive; of the remaining 12 asymptomatic rabbits, sampled because they lived with seropositive companions, eight (66 per cent) were seropositive. Fifty-eight of the rabbits with clinical disease showed neurological signs, including head tilt, seizures, ataxia and swaying; three of them also showed renal signs and two showed ocular signs, and these five rabbits were all seropositive. Head tilt was the most common neurological sign in 21 of 23 (91 per cent) of the seropositive cases. All nine rabbits with ocular lesions were seropositive. In follow-up studies of clinical cases, the rabbits showed variable responses to treatment with albendazole, fenbendazole, antibiotics or corticosteroids, and some cases recovered without treatment.
Keywords: pet rabbits, parasitology, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, diagnosis, drug effects, adrenal cortex hormones, therapeutic use.

Hartmann, K.; Fischer, S.; Kraft, W. (1995). Heimtiere als Patienten in der Kleintierpraxis. Teil 2. Handhabung, Geschlechtsbestimmung, Blutentnahme, Medikamentenapplikation. [Small pet animals as patients in veterinary practice. Part 2. Handling, sex determination, blood collection, drug application.] Tieraerztliche Praxis 23 (1): 83-91. ISSN: 0303-6286.
Keywords: rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, pets, sampling, blood, application methods, drugs, sex, handling, German language.

Hartmann, K.; Fischer, S.; Kraft, W. (1994). Heimtiere als Patienten in der Kleintierpraxis. Teil 1. Abstammung, Physiologie, Haltung, Fuetterung. [Small pet animals as patients in veterinary practice. Part 1. Descent, physiology, husbandry, feeding.] Tieraerztliche Praxis 22 (6): 585-591, ISSN: 0303-6286.
Keywords: rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, husbandry, feeding, ancestry, physiology, German language.

Heard, D.J. (1995). Rabbit supportive care. Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference 9: 670-671.
NAL Call Number: SF605 N672
Keywords: veterinary medicine, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, hypolemia, intravenous catheterization, intra-osseous catheterization, electrolytes, blood transfusion, endotoxemia, respiratory rate, arterial blood gases, endotracheal intubation, nutritional indicators, dental problems, nasogastric intubation, total parenteral nutrition, product information.

Hem, A.; Hansen, A.K.; Rehbinder, C.; Voipio, H.M.; Engh, E. (1995). Preliminary recommendations for health monitoring of mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig, gerbil and rabbit experimental units. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 22 (1): 49-51, ISSN: 0901-3393.
NAL Call Number: QL55.S322
Keywords: laboratory animals, mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, rabbits, monitoring, health, diseases, infection, environmental factors, feeding, housing, disease transmission.

Hermans, K.; Haesebrouck, F.; Vaneechoutte, M.; Devriese, L.A,; Godard, C; De Herdt, P. (2000). Differentiation between high and low virulence Staphylococcus aureu strains from rabbits by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Veterinary Microbiology 72 (3-4): 311-319, ISSN: 0378-1135.
NAL Call Number: SF601.V44
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, pathogen, strains, bacterial disease, infected commercial rabbitries, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, analytical method, diagnosis, prevention virulence.

Hermans, K.; Devriese, L.A.; Haesebrouck, F. ( 2003). Rabbit staphylococcosis: difficult solutions for serious problems. Veterinary Microbiology 91 (1): 57-64, ISSN: 0378-1135.
NAL Call Number: SF601.V44.
Abstract: Staphylococcus aureus infections are a major problem in rabbitries. The main manifestations are subcutaneous abscesses, mastitis, pododermatitis and septicaemia. Two patterns of infection can be distinguished. In the first type, clinical signs remain limited to a small number of rabbits in a flock. This type has little economic importance and is caused by low-virulence S. aureusstrains. In the second type, the disease shows an epidemic spread. Consequences are poor production results, infertility and death. This leads to chronic problems and a subsequent decline in production. The latter type is caused by high-virulence strains. Biotyping, phage typing and RAPD typing contribute to the characterisation of high-virulence S. aureus strains. Administration of antibiotics, disinfection of the environment and vaccination are not able to solve the problems. Therefore, the only effective measure is to cull the entire flock and to restart with a new rabbit population after thorough disinfection. Limiting the introduction of new rabbits in existing rabbitries and reducing contacts between rabbitries to an absolute minimum are currently the only way to face this most difficult problem.
Keywords: husbandry, disease outbreaks, prevention and control, microbiology, staphylococcal infections, epidemiology, pathology, prevention and control, growth and development, pathogenicity.

Hernandez-Divers, S.J. (2001). Molar disease and abscesses in rabbits. Exotic DVM 3 (3): 65-69, ISSN: 1521-1363.
NAL Call Number: SF981.E96
Keywords: clinical aspects, dental health, diagnosis, pets, postoperative care, surgical operations, tooth diseases.

Hobbs, R.; Twigg, L. (1998). Coccidia (Eimeria spp.) of wild rabbits in southwestern Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal 76 (3): 209-210. ISSN: 0005-0423.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 Au72
Keywords: Eimeria, coccidia, mammalian hosts, protozoan parasite prevalence, parasite identification guide, first records for Australia, Western Australia.

Hood, G.M.; Chesson, P.; Pech, R.P. (2000). Biological control using sterilizing viruses: Host suppression and competition between viruses in non-spatial models. Journal of Applied Ecology 37 (6): 914-925, ISSN: 0021-8901.
NAL Call Number: 410 J828
Keywords: pests, domestic cat, house mouse, European rabbit, viruses, biocontrol agent, competitor, pathogen, myxomatosis, fungal disease, viral infection, viral disease, sterilization, pest control, method, viral vectored immunocontraception [VVIC], contraception method, pest control method, biological control, birth rates, competition, demographics, epidemiology, genetic engineering, host suppression, host parasite models, mortality rates, non spatial models.

Hunt, T.K.; Hopf, H.W. (June 1997). Wound healing and wound infection. What surgeons and anesthesiologists can do. The Surgical Clinics of North America 77 (3): 587-606, ISSN: 0039-6109.
Abstract: Wound healing can be enhanced and wound infections prevented, often by simple, inexpensive, readily available means. Preoperative evaluation for impediments to healing, such as malnutrition, vasoconstriction, hyperglycemia, and steroid use, allows correction prior to operation. Intraoperatively, the surgeon should concentrate on surgical technique, appropriate antibiotic use, and prevention of vasoconstriction (volume, warming). Postoperatively, the focus should be on prevention of vasoconstriction through pain relief, warming, and adequate volume resuscitation and on maintaining nutrition and normoglycemia. These approaches apply as well to chronic wounds. Additionally, maintenance of a moist environment, correction of local vasospasm with sympathetic blockade or warming, and stimulation of angiogenesis through aggressive debridement or hyperbaric oxygen therapy enhance healing of chronic wounds.
Keywords: review, human, rabbits, anesthesiology, cicatrix, physiopathology, growth substances, physiology, human, intraoperative care, ischemia, complications, prevention and control, oxygen consumption, postoperative care, preoperative care, surgery, surgical wound infection, wound healing.

Jager, C. (1997). Vergleichende Untersuchungen and Rohrenknochen unterschiedlich gehaltener Kaninchen mittels Rontgenstrukturanalyse. [X-ray analysis of the structure of long bones from rabbits kept under different conditions.] Fachbereich Veterinarmedizin, Freie Universitat: Berlin, Germany, 101 p.
Keywords: thesis, radiography, intensive husbandry, exercise, bones, German language.

Jarvinen, L.Z.; Hogen, E.H.; Suckow, M.A.; Bowersock, T.L. (2000). Intranasal vaccination of New Zealand white rabbits against pasteurellosis, using alginate encapsulated Pasteurella multocida toxin and potassium thiocyanate extract. Comparative Medicine Memphis 50 (3): 263-269.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, animal care, infection, Pasteurella multocida, pathogen, host, male, toxin vaccine, antibacterial drug, efficacy, intranasal administration, potassium thiocyanate extract vaccine, pasteurellosis, bacterial disease, microsphere vs. unencapsulated vaccine, mucosal immune response, systemic immune response.

Jasni, S.; Noordin, M.M.; Zamri-Saad, M.; Chulan, U.; Lydia, M. (1997). Metastatic uterine adenocarcinoma in a pet rabbit. Jurnal Veterinar Malaysia 9 (2): 81, ISSN: 0128-2506.
NAL Call Number: SF604.J87
Keywords: pets, case reports, neoplasms, microscopy, lungs, kidneys, uterus, respiratory diseases, adenocarcinoma.

Jimenez, A.; Quirce, S.; Maranon, F.; Fernandez-Caldas, E.; Cuesta, J.; de las Hares, M.; Sastre, J. (2001). Allergic asthma to pet hares. Allergy 56 (11): 1107-8, ISSN: 0105-4538.
Keywords: human, case report, rabbit, asthma, antibody specificity, immunoglobulin E, blood.

Kaliste, E.; Linnainmaa, M.; Meklin, T.; Nevalainen, A. (2002). Airborne contaminants in conventional laboratory rabbit rooms. Lab Animal 36 (1): 43-50.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L33
Abstract: Besides the well known allergens, several other risk factors may exist for health in a laboratory animal unit. The exposure to these factors may be significant in animal units with poor general or local ventilation systems. Moreover, means to prevent the distribution of airborne contaminants may be limited in animal units housing rabbits or other bigger laboratory animals. Airborne contaminants in conventional laboratory rabbit rooms were sought to evaluate the occupational exposure of animal care personnel. Concentrations of airborne dust, bacteria, fungi, ammonia and endotoxins were measured during 2 days in three phases: before working activities began, during them and afterwards. Both stationary and some personal samples were taken. All of the contaminants sought were found in the rabbit room air. When compared to reported levels in farm animal production areas, the concentrations measured were generally low. However, moderate or high levels of airborne bacteria and fungi were found occasionally during work routines. Airborne contaminants should be considered as a potential occupational health risk for persons working with laboratory animals.
Keywords: air microbiology, air pollutants, occupational hazards, ammonia, analysis, husbandry, laboratory animals, dust, endotoxins, occupational exposure, analysis, pilot projects, ventilation substances, occupational endotoxins.

Kelleher, S.A. (2003). Surgical considerations. In: Scientific Proceedings Veterinary Programme: British Small Animal Veterinary Association 46th Annual Congress, Birmingham, UK, April 3-6, 2003, Coles, G.; Dobson, J.; Elliott, J.; Elwood, C. (Eds.), British Small Animal Veterinary Association: Quedgeley, UK, pp. 503-508, ISBN: 0-905214-77-3.
Keywords: abscesses, anesthesia, castration, entropion, enucleation, fracture fixation, ovariectomy, preoperative care, surgery, surgical operations, wound treatment.

Kerr, P.; Twigg, L.; Silvers, L.; Lowe, T.; Forrester, R. (1998). Serological monitoring of the epidemiology of myxoma virus to assess the effects of imposed fertility control of female rabbits on myxomatosis. Wildlife Research 25 (2): 123-131. ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: fertility, imposed fertility control on females, epidemiology, natural viral disease, viral diseases, myxomatosis, epidemiology, implications for effects of fertility control, viral disease epidemiology, fertility control, Western Australia, Wellstead.

Klusek, J.; Rafay, J.; Swiderska-Kolacz, G.; Kolataj, A. (1995). Influence of displacement stress on the concentration of some lipids in rabbit organs. Archiv für Tierzucht 38 (6): 673-677, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: New Zealand White, Zobor, Nitran breed, genetic strain, displacement, stress, lipids, organs, cholesterol, animal welfare, housing, breeds, kidneys, liver, serum, lipid metabolism, breed differences, triglyserols, husbandry, cage changes.

Kontio-Jalanka, K. (1997). Eläinsuojelu joidenkin pienten lemmikkien ja eksoottisten eläinten hoidossa. [Animal welfare and the treatment of small and exotic pets.] Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti 103 (3): 146-147, ISSN: 0039-5501.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 F49
Keywords: pets, aviary birds, hamsters, gerbils, rodents, reptiles, rabbits, behavior, animal welfare, veterinary practice, exotic pets, small mammals, Finnish language.

Kovaliski, J. (1998). Monitoring the spread of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus as a new biological agent for control of wild European rabbits in Australia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34 (3): 421-428. ISSN: 0090-3558.
NAL Call Number: 41.9 W64B
Keywords: viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, spread of disease following accidental release, Australia, monitoring study.

Kpodekon, M.; Alogninouwa, T. (Dec. 1998). Control of rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease in Benin by vaccination. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 143 (25): 693-4, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Keywords: husbandry, methods, caliciviridae infections, prevention and control, disease outbreaks, hemorrhagic disease virus, immunology, virology, viral vaccines, Benin.

Lange, I.G.; Daxenberger, A.; Meyer, H.H.D.; Rajpert, D.M.E.; Skakkebaek, N.E.; Veeramachaneni, D.N.R. (2002). Quantitative assessment of foetal exposure to trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol acetate, following maternal dosing in rabbits. Xenobiotica 32 (8): 641-651, ISSN: 0049-8254.
NAL Call Number: QD415.A1X4
Keywords: growth promoting agents, meat residue, endocrine disruptor, fetal toxicity, hormone, drug, metabolism, pharmacokinetics, placental barrier passage, reproductive toxicity, toxin, melengestrol acetate, trenbolone acetate, high performance liquid chromatography, maternal dosing, drug administration method.

Lebas, F.; Coudert, P.; De Rochambeau, H.; Thebault, R.G. (1997). The Rabbit: Husbandry, Health and Production. FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization), Animal Production and Health Division: Rome, Italy, 205 p., ISBN: 92-5-103441-9.
Keywords: husbandry, production, health, nutrition, feeding, reproduction, breeds, breeding, housing, rabbit meat, hides and skins, hair, rural development, diseases, animal products, meat, production, socioeconomic development.

Lebastard, D.; Morisset, M.C.; Michel, F.; Rubillard, P.; Dupont, P. (1995). Salmonella typhimurium in un allevamento cunicolo intensivo. [Salmonella typhimurium infection on an intensive rabbit farm.] Summa 12 (7): 55-59.
Keywords: intensive husbandry, salmonellosis, disease, Salmonella typhimurium, France, Italian language.

Lenarduzzi, M.; Borso, F. da (1997). Aspetti igienico-sanitari in diverse tipologie di allevamenti cunicoli. [Hygiene and health aspects of various types of rabbit housing.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 34 (2): 51-55, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: diseases, hygiene, housing, Italian language.

Lindsey, M.J. (2000). Adverse experiences to veterinary immunobiologicals and the profession’s duty of care. Australian Veterinary Practitioner 30 (3): 111-119, ISSN: 0310-138X.
NAL Call Number: SF601.A9
Keywords: pet animals, cats, dogs, rabbits, adverse effects, maternal antibodies, safety, vaccination, vaccines, veterinary products.

Litwin, C.M. (2003). Pet-transmitted infections: diagnosis by microbiologic and immunologic methods. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 22 (9):768-77, ISSN: 0891-3668.
Keywords: human, children, birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, bacterial infections, diagnosis, etiology, bites, complications, risk factors, mycoses, protozoan infections, virus diseases.

Lucas, A. (1998). Small companion animal emergencies. In: Internal Medicine: Small Companion Animals. The T G Hungerford Course for Veterinarians. Proceedings 306, Stephen Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney, Australia, June 15 -19, 1998, Bryden, D. (Ed.), pp. 1-40. University of Sydney, Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science: Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 1-875582-69-X.
NAL Call Number: SF604.R37 no. 306
Keywords: pets, ferrets, mice, rabbits, emergencies, small animal practice, diagnostic techniques, diagnosis, treatment, therapy, case reports, body temperature regulation, hematology, blood chemistry.

Luzi, F.; Heinzl, E.; Crimella, C.; Orsenigo, R. Piantanida, L.; Vallone, L.; Dragoni, I.; Gallazzi, D. (July-Aug. 1996). Utilizzo di materiali alternativi per la preparazione del nido nella specie cunicola. Aspetti produttivi e sanitari (Veneto). [Alternative materials for nests in rabbit species. Productive and health aspects (Veneto).] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 33 (7-8): 53-57, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: nest boxes, statistical methods, mortality, weight gain, animal performance, biological contamination, cladosporium, wool, paper, respiratory diseases, veterinary hygiene, microbiological analysis, housing, biological analysis, contamination, deuteromycotina, fungi, hygiene, Italy, Italian language.

Malley, A.D. (1995). The pet rabbit in companion animal practice. 2. General clinical examination. Irish Veterinary Journal 48 (9): 307-311, ISSN: 0368-0762.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IR4
Keywords: handling, restraint, small animal practice, veterinary practice, pets, fractures, lacrimal apparatus, skin, thorax, abdomen, mouth, limbs, diagnostic techniques, clinical examination.

Marai, I.F.M.; Habeeb, A.A.M.; Gad, A.E. (2002). Rabbits’ productive, reproductive and physiological performance traits as affected by heat stress: A review. Livestock Production Science 78 (2): 71-90, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: heat stress, seasonal effects, conception rate, disease resistance, embryonic development, energy metabolism, feed efficiency, feed intake, growth, litter size, litter weight, milk production, mortality, physiological performance, productive performance, reproductive performance, spermatogenesis.

Marchandeau, S., Chantal, J.; Portejoie,Y.; Barraud, S.; Chaval, Y. (1998). Impact of viral hemorrhagic disease on a wild population of European rabbits in France. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34 (3): 429-435. ISSN: 0090-3558.
NAL Call Number: 41.9 W64B
Keywords: age, mortality patterns,viral disease relationships, weight, immune response, viral diseases, rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease myxomatosis, epidemiology, patterns of mortality, development of immunity, immune response, antibodies to viral diseases, development in wild population, mortality, viral disease impacts, epidemiology, mortality patterns and immune response, France.

Marlier, D. (2001). Cross-sectional study of the association between pathological conditions and myxoma-virus seroprevalence in intensive rabbit farms in Europe. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 48 (1): 55-64, ISSN: 0167-5877.
NAL Call Number: SF601 P7
Keywords: intensive forestry, Myxoma virus.

Martini, L.; Giardino, R.; Bacchi Reggiani, G.; Stanzani, F. (1997). Mixomatosi del coniglio in uno stabulario del Servizio di Chirurgia Sperimentale. [Epidemic myxomatosis in the rabbit in a stable of the Experimental Surgery Department.] Obiettivi E Documenti Veterinari 18 (2): 75-80, ISSN: 0392-1913.
Keywords: myxomatosis, laboratory animals, legislation, regulations, symptoms, pathogenesis, disease surveillance, veterinary services, disease control, Italian language.

Milon, A.; Oswald, E.; De Rycke, J. (1999). Rabbit EPEC: A model for the study of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Veterinary Research 30 (2-3): 203-219, ISSN: 0928-4249.
NAL Call Number: SF602.A5
Keywords: Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic pathogen, colibacillosis, bacterial disease, diarrhea, bacterial disease, digestive system disease, pathogenicity island, literature review.

Mittra, S.; Agnohotri, R.K.; Sharma, H. (1999). Clinical management of facial mange in Angora rabbits. Indian Veterinary Journal 76 (9): 834-835, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, Angora, female, host, male Sarcoptes scabiei, parasite, mange, integumentary system disease, parasitic disease, diagnosis, management, case study.

Molina, X.; Casanova, J.; Feliu, C.; Castien, E. (1998). Studies of wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations in Navarra (Spain). 3. Qualitative and quantitative composition of the rabbit parasitic helminthfauna. Gibier Faune Sauvage 15 (2): 123-133. ISSN: 0761-9243.
Keywords: digenea, cestoda, nematoda, mammalian hosts, mammalian host, records and prevalence, Spain.

Morner, T. (1999). Monitoring diseases in wildlife a review of diseases in the orders Lagomorpha and Rodentia in Sweden. Erkrankungen der Zootiere 39: 255-262, ISSN: 0138-5003.
NAL Call Number: SF996.I5
Keywords: rabbits, rodents, parasites, diseases and disorders, surveys, cause of death, mortality, Sweden.

Morrison, G. (2001). Zoonotic infections from pets. Understanding the risks and treatment. Postgraduate Medicine 110 (1): 24-6, 29-30, 35-6, ISSN: 0032-5481.
Abstract: As much as we hate to admit it, even the gentlest of our friendly pets can harbor harmful pathogens, and although the fact is not widely known, pet-associated infections can significantly affect the health of humans. In this article, Dr Morrison focuses on pets and their accompanying potential zoonoses, outlining how these diseases can be transmitted to humans and how the infections are treated. Special attention is paid to rabies and toxoplasmosis, which have attained particular notoriety over time.
Keywords: human, children, child welfare, birds, cats, dogs, ferrets, fish, rabbits, reptiles, rodents, review, microbiology, parasitology, virology, transmission, bites, patient education, physician’s role.

Motha, M.; Clark, R. (1998). Confirmation of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in wild New Zealand rabbits using the ELISA. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 46 (2): 83-84. ISSN: 0048-0169.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 N483
Keywords: viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, first confirmed records after introduction, south island, introduced viral disease, first confirmed records for New Zealand.

Mullick, S.G.; Biswas, G.; Sikdar, A.; Das, S.C.; Ghosh, A.K. (1996). A natural case of rabies in domestic rabbit. Indian Journal of Animal Health 35 (1): 107-108, ISSN: 0019- 5057.
NAL Call Number: SF1.I4
Keywords: viral diseases, rabies, viral disease record, first record for India, West Bengal, Calcutta.

Mutze, G.; Cooke, B.; Alexander, P. (1998). The initial impact of rabbit hemorrhagic disease on European rabbit populations in South Australia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34 (2): 221-227, ISSN: 0090-3558.
NAL Call Number: 41.9 W64B
Keywords: viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, escape from quarantine station, mortality, population size, initial impact of viral disease epidemic, viral disease escape from quarantine station, initial impact on population, Australia.

Ness, R.D. (2000). Chiropractic care for exotic pets. Exotic DVM 2 (1): 15-18.
NAL Call Number: SF981.E96
Keywords: pets, rabbits, ferrets, treatment, spine, physical therapy, spinal diseases, chiropractice.

Nicklas, W.; Baneux, P.; Boot, R.; Decelle, T.; Deeny, A.A.; Fumanelli, M.; Illgen-Wilcke, B. (2002). Recommendations for the health monitoring of rodent and rabbit colonies in breeding and experimental units. Laboratory Animals 36 (1): 20-42, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Keywords: mice, rats, rabbits, animal diseases, prevention and control, animal husbandry, standards, laboratory, bacterial infections, prevention and control, breeding, standards, health status, laboratory animal science, standards, mycoses, prevention and control, veterinary, parasitic diseases, prevention and control, virus diseases.

O’ Reilly, A.; McCowan, C.; Hardman, C.; Stanley, R. (2002). Taenia serialis causing exophthalmos in a pet rabbit. Veterinary Ophthalmology 5 (3): 227-230.
Online: /journals/jnltitle.htm
NAL Call Number: SF891 V47
Keywords: Taenia serialis, exophthalmos, eye diseases, symptoms, clinical aspects, case reports, treatment, cysts, histology.

O’Brien, P.; Thomas, S. (1998). Rabbit calicivirus: update on a new biological control for pest rabbits in Australia. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 18: 397-405. ISSN: 0507-6773.
NAL Call Number: SB950.A1V4
Keywords: viral diseases, rabbit calicivirus disease, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, biological control agent escape, population size, biological control agent impact, control agent escape, release and impact on populations, Australia.

O’Keefe, J.; Tempero, J.; Atkinson, P.; Pacciarini, L.; Fallacara, F.; Horner, G.; Motha, J. (1998). Typing of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus from New Zealand wild rabbits. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 46 (1): 42-43, ISSN: 0048-0169.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 N483
Keywords: viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, viral molecular characterization, New Zealand.

O’Malley, B. (2002). Common problems of the alimentary tract of the pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Irish Veterinary Journal 55 (2): 77, 79-81, 83-84.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IR4
Keywords: caecotrophy, clinical aspects, diagnosis, diets, digestive disorders, digestive system, digestive system diseases, digestive tract, digestive tract motility, enteritis, feeding, teeth, therapy, tooth diseases.

Oehme, F.W.; Pickrell, J.A. (1999). An analysis of the chronic oral toxicity of polyether ionophore antibiotics in animals. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 41 (4): 251-257, ISSN: 0145-6296.
NAL Call Number: SF601.A47
Keywords: calcium, furazolidone, antibiotic, feed additive, polyether ionophore, lasalocid antibiotic, maduramicin, monensin, narasin antibiotic, nitrogen, salinomycin, tiamulin, cardiomyopathy, heart disease, cardiopulmonary clinical signs, inotrophy, poultry litter, feed, Brazil.

Orcutt, C.J. (2001). Fluids and critical care in small mammals. Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference 15: 886-887. In the volume: Small Animal and Exotics. Part of a three volume set. Meeting held January 13-17, 2001 in Orlando, Florida.
NAL Call Number: SF605 N672
Keywords: fluid therapy, catheter placement, fluid maintenance, nutrition, pain management, gastric obstruction, endotracheal intubation.

Owiny, J.R. (2001). Hip dysplasia in rabbits: association with nest box flooring. Comparative Medicine 51 (1): 85-88, ISSN: 0023-6764.
NAL Call Number: SF77 C65
Keywords: laboratory mammals, hip dysplasia, floor type.

Papini, R; Gazzano, A; Mancianti, F. (1997). Survey of dermatophytes isolated from the coats of laboratory animals in Italy. Laboratory Animal Science 47 (1): 75-7, ISSN: 0023-6764.
NAL Call Number: 410.9 P94
Keywords: cats, mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, husbandry, microbiology, dermatomycoses, microsporum, isolation and purification, tinea.

Paul-Murphy, J.; Ramer, J.C. (1998). Urgent care of the pet rabbit. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice 1 (1): 127-52, ISSN: 1094-9194.
NAL Call Number: SF997.5.E95E97
Abstract: Emergency and critical care principles are similar for all mammals; however, the physiology and natural behavior of rabbits create an animal that is easily stressed and requires specialized handling techniques. This article reviews diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, nutritional support, and pain management for urgent care of pet rabbits. Common differential diagnoses for emergencies are briefly reviewed by the clinical presentation. A table of drug dosages used for urgent care is provided.
Keywords: disease, diagnosis, therapy, emergencies, stress.

Paul-Murphy, J.; Ramer, J.C. (1998). Urgent care of the pet rabbit. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice 1 (1): 127-52, ISSN: 1094-9194.
NAL Call Number: SF997.5.E95E97
Abstract: Emergency and critical care principles are similar for all mammals; however, the physiology and natural behavior of rabbits create an animal that is easily stressed and requires specialized handling techniques. This article reviews diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, nutritional support, and pain management for urgent care of pet rabbits. Common differential diagnoses for emergencies are briefly reviewed by the clinical presentation. A table of drug dosages used for urgent care is provided.
Keywords: review, diseases, diagnosis, therapy, husbandry, emergencies, emergency medical services, stress.

Peeters, J.E.; Milton, A.; Licois, D.; Morisse, J.P. (1997). Digestive diseases of rabbits. [Le “pathologie digestive du lapin.”] Cuniculture 136: 174-180, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: digestive disorders, diarrhea, disease prevention, treatment, disease control, enteritis, enterotoxemia, intestinal diseases, stress, enzyme deficiencies, photoperiod, cecum, pH, water quality, etiology, lesions, diagnosis, vaccination, parasitoses, antibiotics, disease transmission, helminthoses, coccidiosis, animal husbandry, animal welfare, legislation, anthelmintics, parasites, helminths, Escherichia, Rotavirus, Cryptosporidium, Escherichia coli, Eimeria, coccidia, protozoa, Clostridium piliforme, Bacillus piliformis, French language.

Percy, D.H. (2001). Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits. Charles Louis Davis, D.V.M. Foundation: Gurnee, Ill., [Video] 136 min.
NAL Call Number: Videocassette no. 3195
Abstract: A lecture utilizing slides on the pathology of various diseases of laboratory rodents and rabbits.
Keywords: disease, rodents, rabbits, laboratory animals, pathology.

Peters, M; Scheele, G. (Nov. 1996). [Listeriosis in a rabbitry.] DTW Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 103 (11): 460-2, ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Abstract: An enzootic of listeriosis in a rabbitry is reported. Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2a was isolated from the organs of a doe, which had died of septic metritits. From aborted fetuses of two other does Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2b and 4b were cultured, respectively. In feed samples of the rabbitry Listeria monocytogenes strains of the serotypes 1/2b and 4b besides the apathogenic Listeria species Listeria seeligeri and Listeria innocua were detected. Serological studies with agglutination test and complement fixation test on double serum samples of does, which had aborted, pointed to listeric infections as the cause of abortion. A doe, which had aborted and failed to become pregnant again, showed serosal adhesions of both uterine tubes and a sterile pyometra. Therefore, previous infection of the uterus by Listeria monocytogenesshould be considered as a cause of infertility.
Keywords: abortion, bacteremia, diagnosis, housing, infertility, female, Listeria, isolation and purification, diagnosis, uterine diseases, German language.

Pinter, L. (1999). Leporacarus gibbus and Spilopsyllus cuniculi infestation in a pet rabbit. The Journal of Small Animal Practice 40 (5): 220-221, ISSN: 0022-4510.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 J8292
Keywords: Leporacarus gibbus, Spilopsyllus cuniculi, infestation, pruritus, treatment, topical application, pyrethrins, case reports.

Quesenberry, K. (1998). Dental diseases of rabbits and rodents. In: Internal Medicine: Small Companion Animals. The T G Hungerford Course for Veterinarians. Proceedings 306, Stephen Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney, Australia, June 15-19, 1998. Bryden, D. (Ed.), University of Sydney, Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science: Sydney, Australia, pp. 75-80, ISBN: 1-875582-69-X.
NAL Call Number: SF604.R37 no. 306
Keywords: rabbits, rodents, chinchillas, guineapigs, dentistry, tooth diseases, teeth, mouth diseases, disease prevention, treatment.

Quesenberry, K. (1998). Nutritional and gastrointestinal diseases of rabbits. In: Internal Medicine: Small Companion Animals. The T G Hungerford Course for Veterinarians. Proceedings 306, Stephen Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney, Australia, June 15 -19, 1998, Bryden, D. (Ed.), pp. 61-65, University of Sydney, Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science: Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 1-875582-69-X.
NAL Call Number: SF604.R37 no. 306
Keywords: digestive system, gastrointestinal diseases, diets, nutrition, diarrhea, bezoar, digestive system diseases.

Quesenberry, K. (1998). Urogenital diseases of rabbits and rodents. In: Internal Medicine: Small Companion Animals. The T G Hungerford Course for Veterinarians. Proceedings 306, Stephen Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney, Australia, June 15 -19, 1998, Bryden, D. (Ed.), pp. 67-72, University of Sydney, Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science: Sydney, Australia. ISBN: 1-875582-69-X.
NAL Call Number: SF604.R37 no. 306
Keywords: rabbits, rodents, urinary tract diseases, urogenital system, female genital diseases, male genital diseases, neoplasms.

Ramer, J.C. (1999). Evaluating and stabilizing critically ill rabbits. II. The Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 21 (1): 116-125, 176-177, ISSN: 0193-1903.
NAL Call Number: SF601 C66
Keywords: clinical examination., radiography, blood sampling.

Ramer, J.C.; Paul-Murphy, J.; Benson, K.G. (2001). Valutazione e stabilizzazione dei conigli in condizioni critiche. Parte I. [Evaluating and stabilizing critically ill rabbits: Part I.] Veterinaria 15 (Suppl. 2): 77-85, ISSN: 0391-3151.
Keywords: anorexia, diagnosis, drug therapy, dyspnoea, fatty liver, gastrointestinal diseases, haematuria, heart diseases, infectious diseases, intensive care, paresis, reproductive disorders, splayleg, stress, tooth diseases, urolithiasis, Spanish language.

Rehbinder, C; Baneux, P; Forbes, D; van, Herck, H; Nicklas, W; Rugaya, Z; Winkler, G. (July 1996). FELASA recommendations for the health monitoring of mouse, rat, hamster, gerbil, guinea pig and rabbit experimental units. Report of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) Working Group on Animal Health accepted by the FELASA Board of Management, November 1995. Lab Animal 30 (3): 193-208, ISSN: 0093-7355.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Keywords: mouse, rat, hamster, gerbil, guinea pig, rabbit, guidelines, animal welfare, physiology, health status, laboratory animal science, standards, veterinary, records.

Reuter, K.; Pospischil, R.; Endepols, S.; Larsen, K.S.; Mencke, N. (2002). Flea infestation in exotic pet animals. The Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian 24: 10-13, ISSN: 0193-1903.
NAL Call Number: SF601 C66
Keywords: rabbits, ferrets, rats, mink, mice, pets, aviary birds.

Richardson, V.C.G. (2000). Rabbits Health, Husbandry, and Diseases. Blackwell Science: Oxford; Malden, MA, 178 p.
NAL Call Number: SF997.5 R2R335 2000
Keywords: diseases, health, husbandry, nutrition, clinical examination, skin, reproductive system, neonatal rabbit, urinary system, respiratory system, digestive system, musculoskeletal system, teeth, head and neck, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, viral diseases, behavior, anesthesia, surgery, drugs and treatments, zoonotic aspects.

Rosenthal, K.L. (2002). Gastrointestinal disease in the pet rabbit. In: Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference North American Veterinary Conference 16: 975-976. Meeting held January 12-16, 2002, Orlando, Florida.
NAL Call Number: SF605 N672
Keywords: digestive system diseases, nutritional deficiency, nutritional requirements, dental disease, physiology, signs of disease, hair ball disease, trichobezoars, foreign objects, bacterial infection, viral infection, parasitic infection, enteritis, liver disease, hepatic lipidosis, coccidiosis.

Ruiven, R. van; Meijer, G.W.; Zutphen, L.F.M. van; Ritskes-Hoitinga, J. (1996). Adaptation period of laboratory animals after transport: a review. Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 23 (4): 185-190, ISSN: 0901-3393.
NAL Call Number: QL55.S322
Keywords: laboratory animals, mice, rats, rabbits, adaptation, reviews, animal welfare, transport of animals.

Saito, K.; Tagawa, M.; Hasegawa, A. (2003). Rabbit syphilis diagnosed clinically in household rabbits. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science: The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science 65 (5): 637-9, ISSN: 0916-7250.
NAL Call Number: SF604.J342
Abstract: This paper deals with 16 cases presented from April to December 2001 and diagnosed clinically as rabbit syphilis, because they showed distinct lesions around the nose and/or mouth, responded to chemotherapy, and the “Rapid Plasma Reagin” test was positive. Twelve cases exhibited initial symptoms and four were relapses. Lesions around the genitalia and/or anus as well as the nose and/or mouth were seen in 8 cases, and 6 cases indicated sneezing. Fifteen cases were successfully treated with oral administration of chloramphenicol, and one was treated with long-acting penicillin by intramuscular injection. The mean age of onset was 8.8 months. As none of these cases had any mating history, the disease was likely to be maternally transmitted.
Keywords: disease, diagnosis, disease transmission, vertical, skin pathology, skin diseases, anti-bacterial agents, administration and dosage, therapeutic use, chloramphenicol, penicillins, syphilis, drug therapy.

Saito, K.; Hasegawa, A. (2003). Diseases and outcomes in rabbits with high BUN levels. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science: The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science 65 (5): 625-628, ISSN: 0916-7250.
NAL Call Number: SF604.J342
Keywords: blood urea nitrogen, high levels, bacterial infection, bacterial disease, gastrointestinal disorder, digestive system, heart disease, liver disturbance, molar teeth, overgrowth, dental and oral disease, neoplasm, neoplastic disease, neurological disease, nervous system disease, urolithiasis, urologic disease, uterine disorder, reproductive system, husbandry, failure, mortality, prognosis.

Saito, K.; Tagawa, M.; Hasegawa, A. (2003). RPR test for serological survey of rabbit syphilis in companion rabbits. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science/ the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science 65 (7): 797-9, ISSN: 0916-7250.
NAL Call Number: SF604.J342
Abstract: Since the RPR (rapid plasma regain) test was found to be useful for the diagnosis of rabbit syphilis, serological survey by this test has been carried out in Japanese companion rabbits. A hundred virgin household rabbits kept alone and without signs and history of syphilis were examined by RPR test from April 2001 to March 2002, in Tokyo, Japan. The test was positive in 35 cases and negative in 65 cases. RPR negative rabbits should be selected for breeding to prevent the spread of rabbit syphilis in companion rabbits in Japan.
Keywords: pet rabbits, disease, syphilis, evaluation study, diagnosis, testing, rapid plasma regain, Japan.

Sastre, J. (2001). Allergic asthma to pet hares. Allergy 56 (11): 1107-8, ISSN: 0105-4538.
Keywords: human, case report, rabbit, asthma, antibody specificity, immunoglobulin E, blood.

Schoemaker, N.J. (1999). Selected dermatologic conditions in exotic pets. Exotic DVM 1 (5): 5-11.
NAL Call Number: SF981.E96
Keywords: pets, rodents, guineapigs, rabbits, Psittaciformes, ferrets, skin diseases, exotics, dermatology, aviary birds.

Shek, W.R.; Gaertner, D.J. (2002). Microbiological quality control for laboratory rodents and lagomorphs. In: Laboratory Animal Medicine, Fox, J.G.; Anderson, L.C. ; Loew, F.M.; Quimby, F.W. (Eds.), Academic Press: London, United Kingdom, 2nd. ed., pp. 365-393, ISBN: 0-12-263951-0.
NAL Call Number: SF996.5.L33 2002
Keywords: animal welfare, health, diagnostic techniques, laboratory animals, microbiology, quality controls.

Shimoda, K.; Kimura, J.; Oguri, S.; Nakamura, N.; Urano, T.; Maejima, K. (2002). Penetration of drug resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from laboratory animals. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 64 (12): 1133-1135, ISSN: 0916-7250.
NAL Call Number: SF604.J342
Keywords: Escherichia coli, pathogen, isolated from laboratory animals, research laboratories, commercial laboratory animal breeders, laboratory specimens, guinea pig, mouse, rabbit, rat, ampicillin, antibacterial drug, antiinfective drug, drug resistance, cephaloridine, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, sulfadimethoxine, tetracycline, drug therapy, genetics, Japan.

Simon, M.; Ortega, C.; Maynar, P.; Muzquiz, J.; de Blas, I.; Girones, O.; Alonso, J.; Sanchez, J. (1998). Studies in wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations in Navarra (Spain). 1. Epidemiology of rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease. Gibier Faune Sauvage 15 (1): 47-64. ISSN: 0761-9243.
Keywords: conservation measures, viral disease epidemiology implications, age, susceptibility, resistance relationships, reproduction, sexual activity influence on viral disease, sex differences, viral disease prevalence, viral diseases, rabbit viral hemorrhagic disease, prevalence, management implications, prevalence, susceptibility, resistance, epidemiology, myxomatosis, epizootiology, Spain.

Singla, L.; Kaur, A.; Sandhu, B.; Chowdhury, N. (1998). Experimental infection of amphistome metacercariae (Paramphistomum cervi) in rabbit. A preliminary study. Indian Veterinary Journal 75 (8): 690-692. ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: Paramphistomum cervi, Digenea, mammalian hosts, new host record, experimental infection.

Sommerville, L.M. (1998). Treatment of a uterine adenocarcinoma in a domestic rabbit by ovariohysterectomy.  Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 142 (20): 550-1, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Keywords: adenocarcinoma, surgery, female, hysterectomy, ovariectomy, postoperative care, treatment outcome, uterine neoplasms.

Suckow, M.A.; Brammer, D.W.; Rush, H.G.; Chrisp, C.E. (2002). Biology and diseases of rabbits. In: Laboratory Animal Medicine, Fox, J.G.; Anderson, L.C. ; Loew, F.M.; Quimby, F.W. (Eds.), Academic Press: London, United Kingdom, 2nd. ed., pp. 329-364, ISBN: 0-12-263951-0.
NAL Call Number: SF996.5.L33 2002
Keywords: animal welfare, bacterial diseases, biology, parasites, viral diseases.

Suedmeyer, K. (1998). Myiasis in exotic pets. Exotic Pet Practice 3 (2): 9-10.
Keywords: pets, rabbits, rodents, myiasis, parasites, diagnosis, treatment.

Szulowski, K. (1999). Diagnosis of Brucella suis infections in pigs and hares by ELISA. Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2 (2): 65-70, ISSN:1505-1773.
NAL Call Number: SF604.P65
Keywords: pigs, hares, Brucella suis infection, bacterial disease, diagnosis, anti-Brucella antibodies, diagnostic method, ELISA kits, evaluation, serology.

Takimoto, K.; Yamada, Y.K.; Ami, Y.; Suzaki, Y.; Yabe, M.; Asano, T. (1999). Endotoxin, sepsis, and the primrose path. Experiences of microbial contamination of animal colonies maintained in the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan (NIID). Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases 52 (6): 255-6, ISSN: 1344-6304.
Keywords: mice, rabbits, laboratory animals, husbandry, microbiology, virology, Bordetella infections, epidemiology, veterinary, Bordetella bronchiseptica, isolation and purification, coronavirus infections, epidemiology, virology, disease outbreaks, viral hepatitis, housing, Japan.

Taylor, K.C. (Oct. 1996). Viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 139 (17): 427, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Keywords: animal welfare, caliciviridae infections, hemorrhagic disease virus, epidemiology, immunology, prevention and control, viral vaccines, Great Britain.

Thomson, S.E. (1997). Rabbit calicivirus disease in Australia: implications for the pet rabbit. Australian Veterinary Practitioner 27 (1): 40-44, ISSN: 0310-138X.
NAL Call Number: SF601.A9
Keywords: pets, rabbits, disease transmission, symptoms, pathology, immunity, disease control, calicivirus, Australia.

Toula, F.H.; Ramadan, H.H. (1998). Studies on coccidia species of genus Eimeria from domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus L.) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology 28 (3): 691-698. ISSN: 1110-0583.
Keywords: Eimeria exigua, Eimeria piriformis, Eimeria stiedae, coccidia, mammalian hosts, new host record for Saudi Arabia.

Turuno, S.; Kagawa, N.; Saeki, H. (2001). Experimental trials on the use of imidacloprid against ectoparasitic insects on various exotic pets. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Japan 54 (7): 537-540, ISSN: 0447-0192.
Keywords: pets, ferrets, guineapigs, rabbits, rodents, ectoparasites, ectoparasiticides, imidacloprid, insecticides, Japanese language.

Tynes, V.V. (2001). Managing common gastrointestinal disorders in pet rabbits. Veterinary Medicine 96 (3): 226, 228, 232-233, ISSN: 8750-7943.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 M69
Keywords: treatment, diagnosis, digestion, feeding, bezoar, obstruction, enteritis, parasitism.

Tynes, V.V. (1998). Fibrosarcoma in a house rabbit. Exotic Pet Practice 3 (1): 5, 7.
Keywords: pets, rabbits, neoplasms, case reports, skin diseases, rabbit diseases, fibrosarcoma.

Vangeel, I.; Pasmans, F.; Vanrobaeys, M.; De Herdt, P.; Haesebrouck, F. (2000). Prevalence of dermatophytes in asymptomatic guinea pigs and rabbits. Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association 146 (15): 440-1, ISSN: 0042-4900.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 V641
Keywords: guinea pigs, rabbits, arthrodermataceae, isolation and purification, dermatomycoses, epidemiology, housing, prevalence.

Vangili, R.A. (1999). Rischio da animali familiari. Ruolo del veterinario. [Risks from pet animals. Role of the veterinarian.] Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari 20 (1): 13-16, ISSN: 0392-1913.
Keywords: pets, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, rodents, veterinary services, zoonoses, bites, Italian language.

Verstraete, F.J.M. (2003). Advances in diagnosis and treatment of small exotic mammal dental disease. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 12 (1): 37-48, ISSN: 1055-937X.
NAL Call Number: SF994.2.A1S36
Keywords: rabbits, rodents, dental disease, care, diagnosis, treatment, pathology, dentition.

Weber, K.O.; Willimzik, H.F. (1998). Intrathorakales malignes Lymphom und Pseudochylothorax bei einem Zwergkaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus). [Intrathoracic malignant lymphoma and pseudochylothorax in a pet rabbit.] Kleintierpraxis 43 (8): 617-626, ISSN: 0023-2076.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 K67
Keywords: pets, lymphoma, diagnosis, case reports, neoplasms, histopathology, lymph nodes, German language.

White, P.C.L.; Newton, C.G. (2000). An introduced disease in an invasive host: the ecology and economics of rabbit calicivirus disease (RCD) in rabbits in Australia. In: The Economics of Biological Invasions, Perrings, C.; Williamson, M.; Dalmazzone, S. (Eds.), Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, Northampton, p.117-137, ISBN: 1840643781.
NAL Call Number: QH353.E36 2000
Keywords: disease, viral, control, ecological consequences, food webs, population dynamics, habitat impact, Australia.

White, P.C.L.; Newton, C., Geraldine, A.; Gray, M.; Ashford, R.; White, C.; Saunders, G. (2003). Spatial interactions and habitat use of rabbits on pasture and implications for the spread of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in New South Wales. Wildlife Research 30 (1): 49-58. ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, viral diseases, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, population control, habitat utilization, surface range rabbits, warren based rabbits.

Wilkinson, M.J.; Bell, S.; McGoldrick, J.; Williams, A.E. (2001). Unexpected deaths in young New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 40 (4): 49-51, ISSN: 1060-0558.
NAL Call Number: SF405.5A23
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, liver pathology, hepatic coccidiosis, parasitic disease, differential diagnosis, symptoms, histopathology, microscopy method, unexpected deaths, origin of outbreak.

Wolvekamp, W.T.C. (1996). Radiology of exotic pets (small mammals, birds, and reptiles). Veterinary Quarterly 18 (Supp1.): S52-S54, ISSN: 0165-2176.
NAL Call Number: SF601.V46
Keywords: pets, diagnosis, radiography, poultry, rodents, mammals, birds, reptiles, guineapigs, rabbits, pigeons.

Worell, A.B.; Nelson, W.B.; Vogel, K.; Goebel, G. (1999). Potential zoonotic diseases in exotic pets. Exotic Pet Practice 4 (8): 57-58, 60.
Keywords: birds, reptiles, rabbits, ferrets, guineapigs, rodents, zoonoses.

Zheng, T.; Napier, A.M.; Parkes, J.P.; O'Keefe, J.S.; Atkinson, P.H. (2002). Detection of RNA of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus from New Zealand wild rabbits. Wildlife Research 29 (6): 683-688, ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: wild rabbits, parasites, diseases and disorders, rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), antibodies, New Zealand.

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