Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Afifi, E.A. (2002). The Gabali rabbits (Egypt). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 55-64, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Gabali, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, meat quality, genetic improvement, native livestock, performance traits, reproductive performance, spermatozoa, Egypt.

Anous, M.R. (2001). Selection indexes for improved weaning and marketing body weights of the Burundi local rabbits. Archiv fuer Tierzucht 44 (5): 561-567, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: Burundian, local breed, selection index, analytical method, average daily gain, body weight, genetic improvement, weaning weight.

Arnold, J. (1997). Rabbit breeding in the Middle Ages. [L’élevage du lapin au Moyen Âge.] Ethnozootechnie 59: 61-68,  ISSN: 0397-6572.
NAL Call Number: SF84.E8
Keywords: husbandry, history, breeding, reproduction, management, habitats, morphology, French language, Europe.

Barkok, A.; Jaouzi, T. (2002). The Zemmouri rabbits (Morocco). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 179-185, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Zemmouri, breed, husbandry, performance, genetic improvement, carcass composition, climate, native livestock, performance traits, Morocco.

Berchiche, M.; Kadi, S.A. (2002). The Kabyle rabbits (Algeria). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 15-20, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Kabyle, breed, husbandry, carcass quality, meat composition, native livestock, performance traits, reproductive performance, Algeria.

Bhushan, B.; Ahlawat, S.P.S. (1999). Estimation of genetic parameters for post-weaning body weights in New  Zealand White rabbits reared under agroclimatic conditions of Sikkim. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69 (7): 511-513, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, agroclimatic condition rearing, genetic parameters, post-weaning body weights, India.

Blasco, A.; Argente, M.J.; Santacreu, M.A.; Sorensen, D.; Bidanel, J.P.A. (2001). Bayesian analysis of response to selection for uterine capacity in rabbits. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 118 (2): 93-100, ISSN: 0931-2668.
NAL Call Number: 442.8 Z35
Keywords: uterus, reproductive system, analytical method, best linear unbiased prediction selection method, breeding method, uterine capacity selection response.

Bolet, G.; Monnerot, M.; Besenfelder, U.; Bösze, S.; Boucher, S., et al. (2002). Inventory, characterisation and conservation of European rabbit genetic resources. In: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, France, August, 2002. Session 4, 1-4 pp., ISBN: 2-7380-1052-0.
Keywords: genetic resources, breed differences, breeds, carcass quality, databases, genetic diversity, genetic variation, growth, meat quality, reproductive performance.

Bolet, G. (2002). Argenté de Champagne (France). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 97-100, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Argente de Champagne, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, reproductive performance, French language, France.

Bolet, G.; Saleil, G. (2002). Strain INRA2066 (France). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 121-124, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Strain INRA2066 (France), breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, France.

Bolet, G. (2002). Fauve de Bourgogne (France). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 89-92, ISSN: 1016-1228.
Keywords: meat animals, Fauve de Bourgogne, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, France.

Bolet, G.; Saleil, G. (2002). Strain INRA1077 (France). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 113-116, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Strain INRA1077 (France), breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, France.

Bolet, G. (2002). Flemish Giant (France). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 105-107, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Flemish Giant, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, France.

Borthakur, B.; Das, D.; Das, G.C.; Goswami, R.N.; Buzarbarua, K.M. (2002). Studies on litter traits of New Zealand White rabbit. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (7): 712-714, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, kindling season, litter size, birth, weaning, litter traits, litter weight, parity.

Bouzekraoui, A. (2002). The Tadla rabbits (Morocco). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 169-174, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Tadla rabbits, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, Morocco.

Castro, F.O.; Ramos, B.; Aguilar, A.; Hayes, O.; Mulet, J.; Puentes, P. (2002). In vitro development and transfer of rabbit cloned embryos produced from fetal fibroblast cells.  Theriogenology 57 (1): 403, ISSN: 0093-691X.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A1T5
Keywords: somatic nuclear transfer, fertilization method, fetal fibroblast cell nuclei donors, cloning, cloned embryo, in vitro development.

Choudhary, H.; Goswami, R.N.; Das, D.; Das, A.; Roychoudhury, R. (2001). Genetic studies on the reproductive performance of Soviet Chinchilla breed of rabbit under the agroclimatic conditions of North Eastern region. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 71 (10): 946-949, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Soviet Chinchilla, heritability, reproductive efficiency, reproductive performance, agro-climatic conditions, seasonality, Meghalaya, India.

Choudhury, H.; Goswami, R.N.; Das, R.N.; Bujorbaruah, K.M.; Roychoudhury, R. (2002). Post-weaning bodyweight of Soviet Chinchilla breed of rabbit at different ages. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (8): 820-823, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, Soviet Chinchilla, post-weaning body weight, growth performance, parity, litter size, seasonality, India.

Chrenek, P.; Boulanger, L.; Fischer, D.; Chesne, P.; Heyman,Y. (2000). Preimplantation development of rabbit chimeric embryos after transfer of cloned and transgenic embryonic cells. Theriogenology 53 (1): 511, ISSN: 0093-691X.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A1T5
Keywords: chimeric embryo, cloned embryonic cells, theriogenology, transgenesis, transgenic embryonic cells, meeting.

Coulibaly, S.; Besenfelder, U.; Zinovieva, N.; Miller, I.; Gemeiner, M.; Kotler, T.; Jameson, J.L.; Mueller, M.; Brem, G. (2000). Secretion of functional recombinant bovine follicle stimulating hormone in the milk of transgenic rabbits. Theriogenology 53 (1): 512, ISSN: 0093-691X.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A1T5
Keywords: transgenic, milk, reproductive system, functional recombinant bovine FSH, theriogenology, transgenesis, meeting.

Daniewski, W.; Jezierski, T. (2003). Effectiveness of divergent selection for open-field activity in rabbits and correlated response for body weight and fertility. Behavior Genetics 33 (3): 337-345, ISSN: 0001-8244.
NAL Call Number: QH301.B45
Keywords: activity, coping strategies, active, passive, animal welfare, body weight, fertility, heritability, reproduction, selection.

Das, S.K.; Sarkar, A.B.; Bora, N.N.; Nath, D.R.; Barua, K.K. (2002). Effect of housing, floorspace and breed on the carcass traits and composition of broiler rabbits. Indian Veterinary Journal 79 (10): 1051-1054, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed differences, Soviet Chinchilla, New Zealand Whites, carcass composition, carcass weight, dressing percentage, floor space, liveweight, offal, housing, slaughter weight.

Dige, J. (1996). Kaninavlen i Danmark gennem 100 yr. [100 years of rabbit breeding in Denmark.] Dansk Pelsdyravl 59 (11): 476-479, ISSN: 0011-6424.
NAL Call Number: 412.628 D23
Keywords: breeds, history, meat, husbandry, housing, shows, hides and skins, furbearing animals, production, meat production, wool production, pelts, Denmark, Danish language.

Drescher, B.; Loeffler, K. (1996). Skoliosen, Lordosen und Kyphosen bei Zuchtkaninchen. [Scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis among rabbits bred for meat.] Tierärztliche Praxis 24 (3): 292-300, ISSN: 0303-6286.
NAL Call Number: SF603.V4
Keywords: breed, Zika, intensive husbandry, cage reared, diseases, spine deformities, German language.

Edwards, J.L.; Schrick, F.N.; McCracken, M.D.; van Amstel, S.R.; Hopkins, F.M.; Welborn, M.G.; Davies, C.J. (2003). Cloning adult farm animals: A review of the possibilities and problems associated with somatic cell nuclear transfer. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 50 (2): 113-123, ISSN: 1046-7408.
NAL Call Number: R180.A53
Keywords: sheep, goats, cattle, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, cloning, methods and techniques, laboratory techniques, somatic cell nuclear transfer, bioreactors, pharmaceuticals, organ donors, clone death.

El-Raffa, A.M.; Kosba, M.A. (2002). The Chinchilla rabbits (Egypt). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 79-82, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Chinchilla, breed, husbandry, native livestock, performance traits, reproductive performance.

El-Raffa, A.M.; Kosba, M.A. (2002). The Bauscat rabbits (Egypt). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 69-73, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Bauscat, breed, husbandry, adaptation, climate, native livestock, performance traits, reproductive performance, Egypt.

Facchin, E., Giovannoli, M.; Benedetti, R.; Zanon, F. (1999). Hygienic-sanitary plan in rabbit breeding belonging to Italian Rabbit Breeders Association (IRBA) selective programme: preliminary results. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes 41: 195-200, ISSN: 1022-1379.
Keywords: hygiene, animal welfare, animal health, drug therapy, animal husbandry, Italy.

Farghaly, H.M.; El-Mahdy, M.R.M. (1999). Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting live, carcass and non-carcass  traits of New Zealand White rabbits in Egypt. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69 (8): 596-603, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, dam, female, sire, male, carcass traits, dam effects, delivery, season effects, genetic factors, heritability, meat/bone ratio, non-genetic factors, seasonal effects, sire effects, Egypt.

Farghaly, H.M. (2000). Influence of inbreeding level on economic traits of imported rabbit populations in Egypt. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 70 (10): 1077-1080, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Bauscat, Californian, New Zealand White, imported breeds, inbreeding coefficient models, mathematical model, birth weight, economic trait influences; inbreeding, inbreeding depression, litter size, pre weaning mortality, weaning weight, weight gain Egypt.

Fijal, J. (1998). Young rabbit rearing is a decisive factor in breeding success. Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 36 (2): 35-46, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: young rabbit, production, probiotics, profitability, breeding success, fattening period, feeding, mortality, rearing practices, preventive vaccination, feeding hygiene,  performance, concentrate diets, dry season, weight gain, dry matter intake, Guinea grass hay, feed, Verano style hay.

Foote, R.H.; Hare, E. (2001). Blood catalase and haematocrit values in a breeding colony of Dutch-belted rabbits.  Laboratory Animals 35 (2): 140-146, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Keywords: female, male, breed, strain, Dutch belted, breeding colony, catalase, blood, hematocrit, heritability, sex differences, laboratory animal science, laboratory animal welfare.

Fukase, T. (2001). Pets. 53. Albino animals. Journal of Veterinary Medicine 54 (1): 31-32.
Keywords: pets, albinos, pets, mice, rabbits, rats, rodents, Japanese language.

Gacek, L.; Barabasz, B. (2002). Improvement of welfare using plastic crates in commercial rabbit breeding. Annals of Animal Science 2 (Suppl. 1): 191-194, ISSN: 1642-3402.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A66
Keywords: New Zealand White, commercial breeding, animal welfare, meat animals, plastic crates, disinfection, feed conversion efficiency, female animals, reproductive performance, finishing, liveweight gain, pups, housing.

Garcia, M.L.; Baselga, M. (2002). Estimation of correlated response on growth traits to selection in litter size of rabbits using a cryopreserved control population and genetic trends. Livestock Production Science 78 (2): 91-98, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: young rabbits, genetic selection, genetic trends, growth traits, litter size, post weaning daily gain, weaning weight, embryo cryopreservation, embryo transfer.

Garcia, M.L.; Baselga, M.; Viudes de Castro, M.P.; Vicente, J.S. (2000). Reconstitucion de una linea de conejos a partir de embriones crioconservados. [Rabbit line reconstitution by cryopreservation embryos.] Archivos de Zootecnia 49 (185-186): 81-86, ISSN: 0004-0592.
NAL Call Number: 49 AR22
Keywords: embryo, cryopreservation, embryo preservation method, embryo transfer, assisted reproduction method, Spanish language.

Gómez, E.A.; Rafel, O.; Ramon, J. (2002). The Caldes strain (Spain). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 193-198, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Caldes, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, Spain.

Gómez, E.A.; Rafel, O.; Ramon, J. (2002). The Prat strain (Spain). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 203-208, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Prat, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, Spain.

Gondret, F.; Combes, S.; Larzul, C.; De Rochambeau, H. (2002). Effects of divergent selection for body weight at a fixed age on histological, chemical and rheological characteristics of rabbit muscles. Livestock Production Science 76 (1-2): 81-89, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: longissimus lumborum muscle, muscular system, myofibers, nervous system, semitendinosus muscle, selection, breeding method, genetic method, body weight, carcass traits, pH, rheology, shear force, slaughter.

Gupta, B.R.; Rao, V.P.; Reddy, C.E.; Satyanarayana, A.; Reddy, P.P. (2002). Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on post-weaning body weights and carcass traits of broiler rabbits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 72 (1): 70-74, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Flemish Giant, Grey Giant, New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, broiler, crossbred, body weight, carcass traits, litter size, post weaning.

Hajj, E.; Boutros, C.; Samra, J.A. (2002). The Baladi rabbits (Lebanon). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 157-161, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Baladi rabbits, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, Lebanon.

Hayes, H.; Urien, C.; Laloy, E.; Vaiman, D.; Rogel, G.C. (2001). FISH characterization of the R-banded rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) karyotype.  Annales de Genetique 44 (Suppl. 1): S37, ISSN: 0003-3995.
NAL Call Number: QH431.A1A56
Keywords: chromosome, R-banding, gene, fluorescence in situ hybridization, genetic method, cytogenetic type I marker map, karyotype.

Jiang, Y.L.; Fan, X.Z.; Lu, Z.X.; Tang, H.; Xu, J.Q.; Du, L.X. (2002). Detection of 881Afwdarw881G mutation in tyrosinase gene and associations with the black ear coat color in rabbits. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 15 (10): 1395-1397, ISSN: 1011-2367.
NAL Call Number: SF55.A78A7
Keywords: wool, rabbit breeding, genetics, 881Afwdarw881G mutation, amino acid sequence, nucleotide sequence, polymerase chain reaction, polymorphism, detection method, molecular marker, black ear coat color.

Kerdiles, V.; De Rochambeau, H. (2002). A genetic description of two selected strains of rabbits. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 119 (1): 25-33, ISSN: 0931-2668.
NAL Call Number: 442.8 Z35
Keywords: strain-1077, strain-2066, genetic selection, litter size, mating scheme.

Khalil, M.H.; Baselga, M. (2002). Rabbit Genetic Resources in Mediterranean Countries. Standardized Keywords for Breed/strain Characterization of Rabbits in Mediterranean Countries Prepared within the Framework of the Ciheam Mediterranean Rabbit Group. Centre international de hautes etudes agronomiques mediterraneennes: Montpellier, 262 p., Options Mediterraneennes, Serie B, no. 38, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682 no. 38
Keywords: genetics, breeding, France.

Khalil, M.H. (1997). Model for the description of rabbit genetic resources in Mediterranean countries: Application to the Egyptian Breeds Giza White and Baladi. Zaragoza (Spain). CIHEAM-IAMZ, p. 7-15.
Keywords: breeds, physical characteristics, genetic resources, farming, nutrition, housing, diseases, parasites models, performance characteristics, reproductive efficiency, semen characteristics, fertility, fecundity, lactation, maternal behavior, Mediterranean region, natural resources.

Khalil, M.H. (2002). The Giza White rabbits (Egypt). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 27-36, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, adaptation, Giza White, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, meat composition, climate, genetic improvement, native livestock, performance traits, reproductive performance, Egypt.

Khalil, M.H. (2002). The Baladi rabbits (Egypt). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 41-50, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: adaptation, Baladi, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, meat quality, native livestock, performance traits, reproductive performance, stress, Egypt.

Kjaer, J.B. (2000). Breeding and Feeding Experiments at the Rabbit Test Station 1995-1999. [Avlsarbejde og Fodringsforsog Ved Kaninforsogsstationen 1995-1999.] Danmarks jordbrugsforskning, Forskningscenter Foulum: Tjele, 60 p., ISSN: 1397-9892.
NAL Call Number: SF55.D4D54 nr. 19
Keywords: genetics, breeding, nutrition, performance, Danish language.

Kumar, S.; Gulyani, R.; Kumar, V.; Singh, R.N. (2001). Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on weekly body weight of broiler rabbits in semi arid-region of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 71 (11): 1075-1077, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Black Brown, Soviet Chinchilla, White Giant, broiler, body weight gain, doe weight, genetic factors, litter size, non genetic factors, season, semi-arid region, India.

Lazzaroni, C. (2002). The Carmagnola Grey rabbit (Italy). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 145-150, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Carmagnola Grey Rabbit, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, performance traits, Italy.

Levai, A.; Milisits, G.(2002). Einfluss des nach der TOBEC-Methode bestimmten Fettgehaltes bei Kaninchen auf die Wurfleistungen und die Korperzusammensetzung der Nachkommen. [Effect of selection on body fat content by means of the TOBEC method on some reproductive traits of rabbit does and on the body composition of growing rabbits.] Archiv fuer Tierzucht 45 (4): 403-411, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: breed, Pannon White, buck, doe, fat, female, lean, male, EM-SCAN-SA-3152, field equipment, small animal body composition analyzer, TOBEC method, abdominal fat content, body composition, body fat content, genetic selection, growth performance, reproductive traits, scapular fat content, German language.

Lopez, M.; Sierra, I. (1998). Breeds and populations of native domestic rabbits. Archivos de Zootecnia 47 (178-179): 467-471.
NAL Call Number: 49 AR22
Keywords: breeds, local breeds, genetics, Spain, Spanish language.

López, M.; Sierra, I. (2002). The Gigante de Espaa breed (Spain). Options Méditerranéennes. Série B, Études et Recherches 38: 213-220, ISSN: 1016-1228.
NAL Call Number: S19.O682
Keywords: meat animals, Gigante de Espaa, breed, husbandry, carcass composition, native livestock, conservation program, performance traits, Spain.

Luzi, F.; Barbieri, S.; Verga, M. (2003). Le biostimolazioni in coniglicoltura. [Biostimulation in rabbit breeding.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 18-26, ISSN: 0010-5929.
Abstract: This review cover the effects of the following techniques for stimulating ovarian activity: managemental procedures designed to reduce stress, different techniques for separating dams from their litters, manipulation of the light regime, supplementary feeding (flushing), housing close to males.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: husbandry, feeding, light regime, reproduction, estrus induction Italy, Italian language.

Medellin, M.F.; Lukefahr, S.D. (1999). Crossbreeding parameter estimates for growth and litter traits in commercial rabbits. Journal of Animal Science 77 (Suppl. 1): 132-133.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Keywords: breed, Altex, New Zealand White, commercial, crossbreeding parameter estimates, growth traits, litter traits, meeting.

Medellin, M.F.; Lukefahr, S.D. (2001). Breed and heterotic effects on postweaning traits in Altex and New Zealand White straightbred and crossbred rabbits. Journal of Animal Science 79 (5): 1173-1178, ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Keywords: breed, Altex, Altex x New Zealand White, New Zealand White, fryer, average daily gain, breed effects, breeding efficiency, feed efficiency, feed intake, heterosis, litter size, litter survival rate, market weight, postweaning traits, total litter weaning weight, weaning weight.

Moura, A.S.A.M.T.; Costa, A.R.C.; Polastre, R. (1999). Estimates of genetic parameters and genetic trends for reproductive traits in Botucatu rabbits selected for litter and growth performance traits. Journal of Animal Science 77 (Suppl. 1): 140-141, ISSN: 0021-8812.
NAL Call Number: 49 J82
Keywords: breed, Botucatu, genetic parameter estimation, growth performance, litter traits, reproductive traits, meeting.

Murakami, H.; Fujimura, T.; Nomura, K.; Imai, H. (2002). Factors influencing efficient production of transgenic rabbits. Theriogenology 57 (9): 2237-2245, ISSN: 0093-691X.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A1T5
Keywords: transgenic, gene construct, donor recipient, embryo transfer method, assisted reproduction method, breeding method, tissue transplantation, embryo transfer, embryonic survival rate, recipient age.

Olmez, F.; Dellal, G. (2002). Some wool characteristics of German originated Angora rabbits breeding in Turkey. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 72 (1): 107-109, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Angora, German, wool, integumentary system, elasticity, wool fiber diameter, textile industry, Turkey.

Paula, M.G.; Ferraz, J.B.S.; Eler, J.P. (2000). Genetic parameters for Californian rabbits raised in Brazil. [Parametros geneticos para coelhos da raca.] Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 52 (5): 544-548, ISSN: 0102-0935.
NAL Call Number: SF604 .A76
Keywords: breed, Californian, average daily gain, individual weaning weight, pedigree, ten week weight, trait heritability, Portuguese language.

Piotrowska, K.; Modlinski, J.A. (1998). Multiple generational cloning of rabbit embryos. Animal Science Papers and Reports 16 (Suppl. 1): 43-44, ISSN: 0860-4037.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A53
Keywords: embryo, strain, California, New Zealand, blastocyst, embryonic structure, multiple generational cloning, reproductive method, nuclei transfer, reproductive method, meeting abstract.

Ponce De Leon, R.; Guzman, G.; Quesada, M.E. (2002). Growth and feed efficiency of four rabbit breeds. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science 36 (1): 7-14, ISSN: 0864-0408.
NAL Call Number: S1.R4
Keywords: breed, California, Chinchilla, New Zealand, Semi Giant, weaning, feed efficiency, maize soybean alfalfa feed, animal feed, molasses supplement, Cuba.

Ponce De Leon, R.; Guzman, G.; Tamayo, J.; Pubillones, O. (2001). The new synthetic rabbit breed Caoba. Environmental and genetic effects on growth traits. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science 35 (2): 107-113, ISSN: 0864-0408.
NAL Call Number: S1.R4
Keywords: breed, Caoba, growth traits, environmental effects, genetic effects, weight gain, Cuba.

Ponce De Leon, R.; Guzman, G.; Pubillones, O.; Garcia, J.; Mora, M. (2002). Performance of imported rabbit breeds. Evaluation of pre-weaning growth. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science 36 (4): 313-319, ISSN: 0864-0408.
NAL Call Number: S1.R4
Keywords: breed, California, Chinchilla, Flanders Giant, New Zealand White, imported breeds,  performance, linear model, mathematical and computer techniques, breed-x-sex interactions, daily gain, environmental effects, final weight, global-productivity, kidding number, litter size at weaning, pre-weaning growth, evaluation, season influence, weight at weaning, weight per age until weaning, weight per post weaning, age, year influence, Canada.

Poornima, K.; Gupta, B.R.; Rao, G.N.; Satyanarayana, A. (2002). Genetic study on pre-weaning body weights and growth rates in Californian White rabbits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 72 (7): 601-603, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22.
Keywords: breed, Californian White, body weight, pre-weaning, growth rate, pre-weaning, litter weight.

Poornima, K.; Gupta, B.R.; Rao, G.N.; Satyanarayana, A. (2003). Evaluation of Californian White rabbits for carcass traits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 73 (5): 564-566, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: birth month, carcass traits, dressing percentage, genetic correlations, heritability, meat production, phenotypic correlations, meat product, slaughter.

Prakash, M.G.; Reddy, C.E.; Rao, V.P.; Reddy, G.R.; Satyanarayana, A.; Gupta, B.R. (2002). Prediction of dressed weight based on biometrical measurements in rabbits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 72 (8): 721-723, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: breed, Grey Giant, New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, White Giant, biometrical measurements, body height, body length, chest girth, paunch girth, body weight, breeding value, dressed weight, prediction, genetic group, litter size, rabbit meat, meat product.

Prayaga, K.C.; Eady, S.J. (2002). Performance of purebred and crossbred rabbits in Australia: Doe reproductive and pre-weaning litter traits. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 53 (9): 993-1001, ISSN: 0004-9409.
NAL Call Number: 23 Au783
Keywords: breed, Californian, Flemish Giant, New Zealand White, doe, female, crossbreed performance, doe reproductive traits, parity effects, pre-weaning litter traits, purebreed performance, phenotypic correlations.

Queney, G.; Vachot, A.M.; Brun, J.M.; Dennebouy, N.; Mulsant, P.; Monnerot, M. (2002). Different levels of human intervention in domestic rabbits: effects on genetic diversity. The Journal of Heredity 93 (3): 205-9, ISSN: 0022-1503.
NAL Call Number: 442.8 Am3
Abstract: The effects of human interaction on domestic rabbits were evaluated through the analysis of animals (up to 267) belonging to fancy breeds (22), a commercial breed (1), and selected strains (2). Microsatellite loci and mtDNA polymorphism revealed that the genetic pool of domestic rabbits studied only originated from that available in France. The good conservation of the original diversity was probably ensured through the multiplicity of samplings from wild populations. Selected strains, because of the breeding strategy, keep a fairly high level of diversity compared to other breeds.
Keywords: wild animals, husbandry, methods, genetics, DNA, Mitochondrial, genetics, variation, population.

Rastogi, R.K.; Lukefahr, S.D.; Lauckner, F.B. (2000). Maternal heritability and repeatability for litter traits in rabbits in a humid tropical environment. Livestock Production Science 67 (1-2): 23-128, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: New Zealand White rabbit, buck, doe, female, male, humidity, litter production traits, litter size, litter weight, maternal heritability, tropical environment.

Rathor, Y.S.; Thakur,Y.P.; Manuja, N.K.; Katoch, S.; Gupta, K. (2000). Performance of different meat rabbit breeds for litter traits. Indian Veterinary Journal 77 (7): 592-594, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed Gray Giant, New Zealand White, Soviet Chinchilla, White Giant, broiler, meat breeds, genetic group, kindling period, kindling season, litter size, litter weight, performance, weaning weight.

Reddy, S.S.; Reddy, C.E.; Gupta, B.R.; Satyanarayana, A. (2000). Effect of inbreeding on pre-weaning litter weights of broiler rabbits. Indian Veterinary Journal 77 (7): 597-599, ISSN: 0019-6479.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN2
Keywords: breed, Flemish Giant, Gray Giant, Soviet Chinchilla, broiler, inbreeding, litter size, pre weaning litter weight.

Redel, H.; Fritsche, J. (1995). Fleischkaninchenhaltung. Auf richtiges Management und gute Qualität kommt es an. [Breeding of rabbits for meat depends on good management and quality.] Neue Landwirtschaft 5: 54-58, ISSN: 0863-2847.
Keywords: housing, hygiene, nutrition, profitability, meat production, management, rabbit feeding, German, language, Germany.

Rudolph, N.S. (1999). Biopharmaceutical production in transgenic livestock. Trends in Biotechnology 17 (9): 367-374, ISSN: 0167-7799.
NAL Call Number: TP248.13.T72
Keywords: transgenic founder, cow, dairy, livestock, goat, dairy, sheep, rabbit, pig, transgenic bioreactor, biopharmaceutical production, synthetic method, recombinant human protein production, synthetic method, production efficiency, literature review.

Rychlik, I. (2001). Doswiadczalna stacja hodowli malych zwierzat w kitzingen dawniej i dzis. [Small animal breeding station in Kitzingen in the past and today.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 39 (2): 43-45, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: poultry, rabbits, Angora rabbit production, housing, husbandry, animal welfare, feed supplements, performance testing, Germany, Polish language.

Sandford, J.C.; Thebault, R.G. (1996). Quelques notes sur l'histoire du lapin.. Le lapin Angora travers les sicles. [Some notes on the history of rabbits. Angora rabbits through the ages.] Cuniculture 130: 171-174, ISSN: 0152-3058.
Keywords: breed, Angora, animal welfare, domestication, nutrition, fibres, history, wool production, growth, reproduction, genetic improvement, France, French language.

Sen, A.R.; Bhagwan, P.S.K. (1999). Appraisal of two genetic groups of rabbits for carcass and meat quality traits in males and females. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 69 (8): 631-633, ISSN: 0367-8318.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 IN22
Keywords: broiler, female, male, carcass, genetic groups, meat quality, meat.

Shahin, K.A.; Hassan, N.S. (2000). Sources of shared variability among body shape characters at marketing age in New Zealand White and Egyptian rabbit breeds. Annales de Zootechnie 49 (5): 435-445, ISSN: 0003-424X.
NAL Call Number: 49 F84
Keywords: Egyptian breeds, Black Baladi, New Zealand White, Red Baladi, market age, body length, body shape characters, shared variability, chest width, shank length, thigh circumference.

Shahin, K.A.; Hassan, N.S. (2002). Changes in sources of shared variability of body size and shape in Egyptian local and New Zealand White breeds of rabbits during growth. Archiv fuer Tierzucht 45 (3): 269-277, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: breed, Egyptian, Black Baladi, New Zealand White, Red Baladi, Egyptian breeds, body shape, body size, chest width, shank length, breed differences, growth.

Shemeis, A.R.; Abdallah, O.Y. (2000). Possibilities of developing favourable body fat partition via selection indexes: Application on rabbits. Archiv fuer Tierzucht 43 (2): 193-201, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, buck, doe, body fat partition, genetic parameters,phenotypic parameters, body length, heart girth, loin width, marketing body weight, selection indexes, weaning body weight.

Slipka, J.; Hola, S.; Kolarova, S. (2001). Nektere aspekty uspesneho velkochovu kraliku. [Some aspects of successful large-scale breeding of rabbits.] Collection of Scientific Papers Faculty of Agriculture in Ceske Budejovice Series for Animal Sciences 18 (1): 65-70, ISSN: 1212-558X.
NAL Call Number: SF1.S26
Keywords: broiler, large scale breeding, reproduction, number of sucklings, Czech language.

Tinaeva, E.A.; Markovich, L.G.; Mashurov, A.M.; Tkhan, K.K.; Kulikova, I. (2000). Populational genetic analysis of intra- and interherd differences in rabbits of the Kalifornium breed on the polymorphic systems of blood proteins. Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya 4: 49-55.
Keywords: population, genetics, blood proteins, polymorphic systems, interherd differences, population genetic analysis, intraherd differences, geographic zones, Tyumenskaya, Moskovskaya, Odesskaya regions, Kabardino-Balkarskaya republic, Russian language.

Wegner, W. (May 1997). [Problematic aspects of breeding dwarf rabbits.] DTW Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 104 (5): 181-3, ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Abstract: Some aspects of relevance for animal protection in breeding dwarf (pet) rabbits are enumerated and discussed. The predisposition of these standard dwarfs (Dw/dw) for certain defects and diseases underlines the partial dominance of Dw; mating of these heterozygous dwarfs is an open neglect of the German animal protection law (section 11b). For feasibility of control breeders (and especially so in commercial pet rabbitries) should be obliged to guarantee unambiguous identification of breeding animals and their progeny.
Keywords: female, pet rabbits, animal welfare, legislation, breeding, methods, dwarfism, physiopathology, Germany, German language.

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