Information Resources on the Care and Welfare of Rabbits

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Altbacker, V.; Fenes, D.; Pongracz, P. (2001). Human handling interferes with learning to recognise conspecifics in the rabbit.  Advances in Ethology 36: 115, ISSN: 0931-4202.
NAL Call Number: 410 Z35B
Keywords: young, conspecific recognition, human handling, olfactory learning.

Apel, S.; Coleman, G.J.; Kennedy, G.A. (2001). Evidence for an independent circadian oscillator for the nursing rhythm of rabbits. Chronobiology International 18 (6): 1061-1062, ISSN: 0742-0528.
NAL Call Number: QP84.6.C47
Keywords: circadian oscillator, maternal care, nursing rhythm, parturition.

Batchelor, G.R. (1996). The behavioural individuality of laboratory group housed half lop rabbits. II. Non-social behaviour. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 47 (3): 147-160, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: strains, behavior, individual behavioral variation, foraging, hopping, grooming, rest, drinking.

Batchelor, G.R. (1996). The behavioural individuality of laboratory group housed half lop rabbits. I. A behavioural class synopsis. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 47 (2): 79-94, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: strains, behavior, activity assessment, floor pens, group housed, fighting, social interactions, environmental marking, stable group size, individual activity score, ethogram, behavioral assessment.

Batchelor, G.R. (1996). The behavioural development of group housed New Zealand White laboratory rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology: August,14-17, 1996, Guelph, Ontario, Canada /International Society for Applied Ethology. International Congress, p. 75.
NAL Call Number: SF756.7 I57 1996
Keywords: group housing, floor, pens, environmental enrichment, behavior, age-related activity.

Batchelor, G.R. (1996). The behaviour of caged half lop and New Zealand White laboratory rabbits. I. General behaviour patterns. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 47 (2): 107-113, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55.I5
Keywords: video-recorded sessions, behavior, strain differences, age related activity, individually caged, individual behaviors, animal model selection.

Batchelor, G.R. (1995). Group housing on floor pens and environmental enrichment of Sandy lop rabbits (Ii): the 24 hour behavioural time budget of group housed rabbits. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal Technicians 46 (3): 167-190, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: breed, Sandy lop, housing, behavior, enrichment, group housing, floor pens.

Belova, O. (2002). Parent-offspring relations in brown hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas) under disturbed and undisturbed conditions. Advances in Ethology 37: 160, ISSN: 0931-4202.
NAL Call Number: 410 Z35B.
Keywords: habitat, parental care, defensive behavior, natural disturbance, human disturbance, altruism.

Berthelsen, H. (1999). The effect of hay on the behaviour of caged rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Animal Welfare 8 (2): 149-157, ISSN: 0962-7286.
NAL Call Number: HV4701 A557
Keywords: cages, hay, enrichment.

Bigler, L.; Oester, H. (1996). Verhalten und Schäden bei der Gruppenhaltung männlicher Mastkaninchen. [Behaviour and injuries among male broiler rabbits kept in groups.] In: Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemässen Tierhaltung 1995, Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft: Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 69-79.
Keywords: intensive husbandry, meat production, aggression, injuries, behavior, German language.

Bilko, A.; Cheritah, L. (2001). Sufficient and necessary conditions for rapid odour learning coupled with suckling in the newborn rabbit. Advances in Ethology 36: 121, ISSN: 0931-4202.
NAL Call Number: 410 Z35B
Keywords: maternal care, nursing, milk intake, nipple grasp frequency, rapid odor learning, suckling, nipple search, pheromone.

Bosco, A.D.; Castellini, C.; Mugnai, C. (June 2002). Rearing rabbits on a wire net floor or straw litter: behaviour, growth and meat qualitative traits. Livestock Production Science 75 (2): 149-156, ISSN: 0301-6226.
NAL Call Number: SF1.L5
Keywords: hybrid males, housing systems, comparison, wire netting, litter, straw bedded, animal behavior, growth, meat quality, stocking density, growth rate, liveweight gain, mortality, dressing percentage, carcass composition, body fat, muscles, pH, color, lipid peroxidation, oxidation, inhibitors.

Bosco, A.D.; Diverio, S.; Barone, A.; Canali, C.; Porfiri, S. (2003). Normativa e benessere aspetti da conoscere. [Information on welfare guidelines.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 40 (1): 37-42, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: behavior, housing, animal welfare, carcass quality, meat production, slaughter, transport of animals, Italy, Italian language.

Coureaud, G.; Schaal, B.; Coudert, P.; Hudson, R.; Rideaud, P.; Orgeur, P. (2000). Mimicking natural nursing conditions promotes early pup survival in domestic rabbits. Ethology 106 (3): 207-225, ISSN: 0179-1613.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E74
Keywords: parental care, nursing, natural vs free access nursing, pup survival, growth rate, reproductive productivity, parity effects, survival, population dynamics.

Daniewski, W.; Jezierski, T. (2003). Effectiveness of divergent selection for open-field activity in rabbits and correlated response for body weight and fertility. Behavior Genetics 33 (3): 337-345, ISSN: 0001-8244.
NAL Call Number: QH301.B45
Keywords: activity, coping strategies, active, passive, animal welfare, body weight, fertility, heritability, reproduction, selection.

Drescher, B.; Reiter, J. (1996). Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Gruppengrösse bei Mastkaninchen in Gruppenhaltung auf Kunststofffosten. [Investigations about the group size of fattening rabbits kept in the Hohenheimer group housing system on slatted plastic floor.] Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 109 (8): 304-308.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 B45
Keywords: finishing, animal welfare, aggressive behavior, abnormal behavior, housing, group size, performance, health, Germany, German language.

Drescherm, B.; Hanisch, A. (1995). [Testing of various drinking troughs in consideration of the physiological drinking behavior of rabbits] DTW Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 102 (9): 365-9, ISSN: 0341-6593.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 D482
Abstract: To investigate the drinking behaviour of rabbits as well as to prove the suitability of different drinker systems under animal suitable conditions all in all 32 rabbits aged four to eight weeks have been held to test in free choice four drinker types usually applied in practice. The rabbits could choose between swimmer-, low pressure-bowl-, nipple- and automatic minidrinkers. In two passages four animals in each of the four boxes have been held for four weeks and watched by video once a week during 24 hours to register the frequency of the animals’ drinking at the four alternative drinkers. The choice experiments show that the low pressure bowl-drinker has been preferred in frequency, followed by the nipple drinker. The swimmer-bowl-drinker was less frequented, the automatic minidrinker was avoided in tendency. All in all we see, that by offering bowl- and/or nipple-drinkers we present a natural adequate drinking to the rabbits. Both drinker-systems can be assessed as those with respect to animals’ behaviour.
Keywords: husbandry, instrumentation, choice behavior, comparative study, drinking behavior, equipment design, physiology.

El-Mahdy, M.R.; Karousa, M.M. (1995). Social behaviour, growth performance and carcass traits in growing New Zealand White rabbits as affected by iodine-treated water, water source and watering system. Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science 5 (1): 65-76.
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, feed conversion efficiency, thyroxine, feed intake, drinkers, feeding, aggression, scratching, biting, animal welfare, carcass weight, dressing percentage, liveweight gain, water intake, behavior, nipple drinkers, water troughs, water, sources, iodine, supplements, rabbit feeding, drinking water.

Fortun, L.L.; Gidenne, T. (2000). The effects of size of suckled litter on intake behaviour, performance and health status of young and reproducing rabbits. Annales de Zootechnie Paris 49 (6): 517-529, ISSN: 0003-424X.
NAL Call Number: 49 F84
Keywords: reproducing, young, feed intake behavior, growth performance, health status, milk intake, mortality, suckled litter size.

Fuentes, V.; Villagran, C.; Navarro, J. (2002). Sexual behaviour of male New Zealand White rabbits in an intensive production unit. Journal of Dairy Science 85 (Suppl. 1): 83, ISSN: 0022-0302.
NAL Call Number: 44.8 J822
Keywords: breed, New Zealand white, commercial species, female, male, aggression, ejaculation, urination, environmental temperature, grasping, housing, intensive production unit, kicking, mating, mounting, photoperiod, sexual behavior.

Gacek, L. (2000). Behaviour of rabbits under commercial farm conditions. [Etologia krolika w warunkach fermy przemyslowej.] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 38 (3): 81-90, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: commercial rabbit, farm conditions, reproductive performance, behavior, mating, 24-hour observations, Polish language.

Gerson, P. (2000). The modification of “traditional” caging for experimental laboratory rabbits and assessment by behavioural study. Animal Technology: Journal of the Institute of Animal 51 (1): 13-36.
NAL Call Number: QL55 I5
Keywords: cages, enrichment.

Gunn, D. (1995). Inventory of the behaviour of New Zealand white rabbits in laboratory cages. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 45 (3/4): 277-292, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: housing, behavior, physical activity.

Hansen, L.T.; Berthelsen, H. (2000). The effect of environmental enrichment on the behaviour of caged rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 68 (2): 163-178, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: housing, cages, conventional caging, enriched caging, shelter, platforms, animal welfare, space requirements, stress, enrichment, behavior, restlessness, timidity grooming, bar-gnawing,.

Hayes, R.A.; Richardson, B.J.; Wyllie, S.G. (2003). To fix or not to fix: the role of 2 phenoxyethanol in rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, chin gland secretion. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 (5): 1051-1064, ISSN: 0098-0331.
NAL Call Number: QD415.A1 J6
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, behavior, social hierarchy, scents, chin gland secretion, 2 phenoxyethanol, role in dominance hiearchies, fixative properties, perfume industry.

Held, S.D.E. (1995). Choices of laboratory rabbits for individual or group-housing. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 46 (1/2): 81-91, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: housing, groups, social dominance.

Held, S.D.E. (2001). The behavioural repertoire of non-breeding group-housed female laboratory rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Animal Welfare 10 (4): 437-443, ISSN: 0962-7286.
NAL Call Number: HV4701 A557
Keywords: female animals, floor pens.

Hoy, S.; Selzer, D. (2002). Frequency and time of nursing in wild and domestic rabbits housed outdoors in free range. World Rabbit Science 10 (2): 77-83, ISSN: 1257-5011.
Keywords: behavior, female animals, frequency, nursing, lactation, photoperiod, pups, suckling, wild versus domestic rabbits.

Hoy, S. (1998). Nutzung der Infrarot-Videotechnik in der angewandten Nutztierethologie. [The use of infra-red video technology in the study of animal behaviour.] Tierärztliche Umschau 53 (9): 554-559, ISSN: 0049-3864.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 T445
Keywords: rabbits, pigs, behavior, ammonia, infrared imagery, infrared photography, housing, weaning, finishing, breeding, dust, ammonia, German language.

Hoy, S.; Seitz, K.; Selzer, D. (2002). Investigations on time of nursing in domestic and wild rabbit does (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Advances in Ethology 37: 39, ISSN: 0931-4202.
NAL Call Number: 410 Z35B
Keywords: doe, domestic, female, immature, pup, wild, diurnal variation, housing, nursing time, photoperiod.

Hubrecht, R.; Beeston, D.; Cubitt, S.; Gunn-Dore, D.; Grey, C.; Hawkins, P.; Howard, B.; McBride, A.; Moore, S.; Ostle, T.; Wickens, S.; Weduwen, S. der; Wills, T. (1999). Refining rabbit housing, husbandry and procedures: report of the 1998 UFAW/RSPCA Rabbit Behaviour and Welfare Group Meeting. Animal Technology 50 (3): 155-164, ISSN: 0264-4754.
NAL Call Number: QL55.I5
Keywords: housing, husbandry, animal welfare, behavior, floors, cages, legislation, laboratory animals.

Hudson, R.; Cruz, Y.; Lucio, R.A.; Ninomiya, J.; Martinez, G.M. (1999). Temporal and behavioral patterning of parturition in rabbits and rats. Physiology and Behavior 66 (4): 599-604, ISSN: 0031-9384.
NAL Call Number: QP1.P4
Keywords: birth, parturition, temporal and behavioral patterning, comparative description.

Hudson, R.; Schaal, B.; Martinez-Gomez, M.; Distel, H. (2000). Mother-young relations in the European rabbit: physiological and behavioral locks and keys. World Rabbit Science 8 (2): 85-90, ISSN: 0984-7847.
Keywords: animal husbandry, parturition, suckling, weaning, maternal behavior, animal behavior, nesting, reviews, French language.

Jezierski, T. (2000). Interakcje miedzy czlowiekiem a zwierzeciem: Zarys badan prowadzonych w IGHZ. [Human animal interactions: An outline of studies conducted at the Institute.]  Prace i Materialy Zootechniczne 57: 145-154, ISSN: 0137-1649.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A53
Keywords: rabbits, dogs, horses, laying hens, human-animal interactions, heart rate, arteriosclerosis, vascular disease, arteriosclerosis, cage rearing, egg production, emotional factors, mortality, Poland, Polish language.

Jezierski, T.A. (1996). Handling and rearing results in young rabbits. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 46 (3/4): 243-250, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: laboratory rearing, small animal rearing, behavior, animal welfare.

Jezierski, T.; Konecka, A.M.; Gebler, E. (1997). The effect of certain factors on the behaviour of does, nest temperature and mortality of rabbit pups. Animal Science Papers and Reports - Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding Jastrze biec 15 (2): 107-117.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A53
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, body temperature, seasons, mortality, preweaning period, stillbirths, housing, nests, behavior, maternal behavior, wire nest boxes, wooden nest boxes.

Kalagassy, E.B. (1999). Effect of castration on rabbits housed in littermate pairs. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science: JAAWS 2 (2): 111-121.
NAL Call Number: HV4701 J68
Keywords: cages, group size, castration, siblings.

Katzner, T.E.; Parker, K.L. (1998). Long-distance movements from established burrow sites by pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southwestern Wyoming. Northwestern Naturalist 79 (2): 72-74. ISSN: 1051-1733.
NAL Call Number: QL671.M8
Keywords: Brachylagus idahoensis, Leporidae, home range, long distance movements.

Kehoe, E.J.; Horne, A.J.; Kingham, J.; Martin, T.; Roach, W. (Oct. 1995). Acquisition of a conditioned reflex in New Zealand White rabbits from three sources. Laboratory Animals 29 (4): 394-9, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Abstract: In studies of learning using rabbits, there has been standardization of behavioural procedures across laboratories. Less attention has been paid to variation that may arise from genetic differences and/or differences in rearing conditions. The present experiment revealed that acquisition of a conditioned reflex can be affected dramatically by such differences. Specifically, the acquisition of a conditioned reflex in New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits from 3 different suppliers was compared. All rabbits received behavioural training in which a tone or a light signalled an electrotactile stimulation of the trigeminal nerve near the rabbits' right eye. This tactile stimulus reliably elicited an eyeblink. Repeated presentations of the auditory and visual signals followed by the tactile stimulus yielded the acquisition of a conditioned response (CR), namely closure of the eyelids during the warning period provided by the signal stimuli. Two of the groups showed steady CR acquisition at a rate that matched previous results in other laboratories as well as in the senior author's laboratory. However, the third group of rabbits showed very slow acquisition, and some rabbits failed to show any CR acquisition.
Keywords: husbandry, laboratory animals, genetics, psychology, behavior, animal, blinking, classical conditioning.

Kersten, A.M.P. (1995). Nesting behaviour and reproduction of individually caged and group housed rabbits. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology: Exeter, UK, 3-5 August, 1995, Rutter, S.M.; Rushen, J.; Randle, H.D.; Eddison, J.C. (Eds.), Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW): Potters Bar, United Kingdom, pp. 189-190, ISBN: 0-900767-92-8.
NAL Call Number: SF756.7.I57 1995
Keywords: mating behavior, cages, groups.

Krohn, T.C. (1999). The effects of feeding and housing on the behaviour of the laboratory rabbit. Laboratory Animals 33 (2): 101-107, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Keywords: feeding, timing, abnormal behavior, bar biting, housing, group housing, floor pens, cages.

Lidfors, L. (1997). Behavioural effects of environmental enrichment for individually caged rabbits. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 52 (1/2): 157-169, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: enrichment, behavior patterns, animal welfare.

Love, J.A. (1994). Group housing: Meeting the physical and social needs of the laboratory rabbit. Laboratory Animal Science 44 (1): 5-11, ISSN: 0023-6764.
NAL Call Number: 410.9 P94
Keywords: group housing, single caging, group sizes, management, space allocation, diet, stress, stereotypy, behavior, activity, disease, economic guidelines.

Lupo, C.; Fontani, G.; Girolami, L.; Lodi, L.; Muscettola, M. (2000). Immune and endocrine aspects of physical and social environmental variations in groups of male rabbits in seminatural conditions. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 12 (3): 281-289, ISSN: 0394-9370.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E82
Keywords: proteins, IFN [gamma], production in peripheral blood mononucleated cells, glucocorticoid receptor activity, evidence for endocrine links with social environmental changes, plasma corticosterone levels, immune parameter links, social environmental change relations, hormones, social environmental variation relations, agonistic behavior, seminatural conditions.

Maj, D.; Zarnecki, A.; Wronska, F.D.; Sechman, A. (2001). Zmiennosc genetyczna stezenia kortyzolu w osoczu krwi krolikow przed i w czasie stresu. [Genetic variation of the blood plasma cortisol concentration in rabbits before and during stress.] Prace i Materialy Zootechniczne 59: 127-134, ISSN: 0137-1649.
NAL Call Number: SF1.P67
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White and Tan, cortisol, radioimmunoassay, determination method, restricted maximum likelihood method, mathematical method, breeding selection, hanging stress, stress response, genetic variation, heritability, Polish language.

Marai, F.M.; Rashwan, A.A. (2003). Rabbits behaviour under modern commercial production conditions: a review. Archiv für Tierzucht 46 (4): 357-376, ISSN: 0003-9438.
NAL Call Number: 49 AR23
Keywords: review, aggressive behavior, breeding, husbandry, production, animal welfare, circadian rhythm, diurnal activity, diurnal variation, female animals, mating, prolactin, pseudopregnancy, stress factors, suckling, weaning weights, management programs, handling, nutrition, availability of water, trough versus nipple waterers.

Martinez, G.M.; Guarneros, M.; Zempoalteca, R.; Hudson, R. (1997). A comparison of spontaneous and odor induced chin marking in male and female domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus domestica). Ethology 103 (11): 893-901, ISSN: 0179-1613.
NAL Call Number: QL750.E74
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus domestica, chemoreception, defecation, urination, chin marking, frequency relationships, hormones, scent marking, spontaneous and odor induced behavior in males and females, social behavior.

McBride, E.A.; Wickens, S.M. (1997). The rabbit: An exotic pet with behaviour problems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Veterinary Behavioural Medicine, Birmingham, UK, April 1-2, 1997, D.S. Mills, S.E. Heath, and L.J. Harrington (Eds.), pp. 197-203.
NAL Call Number: QL750 I67 1997
Keywords: companion rabbit, prey species, trance state, aggression, socialization, pain, diet, reinforced aggression, dominance, territorial aggression, trauma, behavior modification, mental and physical stimulation.

Morisse, J.P. (1999). Preference testing in intensively kept meat production rabbits for straw on wire grid floor. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 64 (1): 71-80, ISSN: 0168-1591.
NAL Call Number: QL750 A6
Keywords: litter, straw, floor type.

Morisse, J.P. (1999). Benessere animale, obiettivo prioritario. [Animal welfare, an important objective.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 36 (1): 20-27, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: animal welfare, behavior, housing, Italian language.

Morton, D.B. (2002). Behaviour of rabbits and rodents. In: The Ethology of Domestic Animals: an Introductory Text, 193-209 pp., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon; New York, NY, ISBN: 0-85199-602 7.
NAL Call Number: SF756.7.E838 2002
Keywords: guinea pig, Mongolian gerbil, golden hamster, field vole, mouse, rat, rabbits, aggression, animal welfare, biological rhythm, birth, communication, development, domestication, ethology, feeding, foraging, housing, mating behavior, ontogeny, parental behavior, social behavior.

Negatu, Z.; McNitt, J.I. (2002). Hormone profiles and nest-building behavior during the periparturient period in rabbit does. Animal Reproduction Science 72 (1-2): 125-135, ISSN: 0378-4320.
NAL Call Number: QP251.A5
Keywords: doe, female, mammary tissue, reproductive system, beta-endorpin, beta-estradiol, bromocriptine, hormone, progesterone, prolactin, nest building behavior, periparturient period, pregnancy.

Notari, L. (2002). Il coniglio: caratteristiche etologiche e principali problemi gestionali. [Rabbits: behavioural characteristics and the main problems in managing rabbits.] SISCA Observer 6 (1): 19-22.
Keywords: behavior, husbandry, social behavior, Italian language.

Raje, S. (1997). Group housing for male New Zealand White rabbits. Lab Animal 26 (4): 36-38, ISSN: 0093-7355.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L33
Keywords: strains, housing, behavior patterns, enrichment, animal welfare.

Schaal, B.; Coureaud, G.; Langlois, D.; Ginies, C.; Semon, E.; Perrier, G. (2003). Chemical and behavioural characterization of the rabbit mammary pheromone. Nature 424 (6944): 68-72, ISSN: 0028-0836.
NAL Call Number: 472 N21
Keywords: milk, reproductive system, mammary pheromone, behavior, inclusive fitness, evolutionary success, maternal care, maternal odor cues, neonatal behavioral cues, newborn feeding behavior, oral grasping behavior, reciprocal female offspring exchange, energy, immunity, information.

Schueddemage, M.; Hoy, S.; Lange, K. (2000). Influence of artificial and natural light on behaviour during collection of semen and on spermatological parameters in rabbit bucks. Archiv fuer Tierzucht 43 (4): 351-362, ISSN: 0003-9438.
Keywords: New Zealand White, hybrid, buck, male, artificial light, natural light, semen collection, sexual activity, spermatological parameters, German language.

Scott, S. (2001). Welfare considerations of companion animal behaviour problems. Research in Veterinary Science 70 (Suppl. A): 31.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 R312
Keywords: companion animal, dog, horse, cat, rabbit, reptile, care, behavior, animal welfare, behavior problems, management, meeting.

Seitz, K.;  Hoy, S.; Lange, K. (1998). Untersuchungen zum Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren auf das Säugeverhalten bei Hauskaninchen. [The influence of different factors on the suckling behaviour of domestic rabbits.] Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 111 (2): 48-52.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 B45
Keywords: breed, New Zealand White, ZIKA hybrid, Belgian crossbred and German crossbred, behavior, circadian rhythm, suckling, behavior, video recordings, housing, flat deck cages, get-away-cage, frequency, cages, breeds, breed differences, genotypes, parity, hybrids,  light, dark, duration, lactation, German language.

Shomer, N.H. (2001). Enrichment-toy trauma in a New Zealand white rabbit. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 40 (1): 31-32.
NAL Call Number: SF405.5 A23
Keywords: laboratory mammals, enrichment, toys, behavior.

Skolarski, I. (2001). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Käfighaltung von Weiblichen Laborkaninchen in Einzel- und Paarhaltung. [Comparative studies on the housing of single and pair-caged female laboratory rabbits.] Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin, Germany, 176 p.
Keywords: laboratory animals, thesis, behavior, aggressive, animal welfare, cages, physical activity, housing, German language.

Stauffacher, M. (2000). Refinement in rabbit housing and husbandry. In: Progress in the Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Bologna, Italy, August 29 to September 2, 1999, Balls, M.; Zeller, A.M. van; Halder, M.E. (Eds.), Elsevier Science B.V.: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1269-1277, ISBN: 0-444-50529-6.
NAL Call Number: QL1.D48 v. 31
Keywords: laboratory animals, rabbits, behavior, experiments, housing, husbandry, cages, stocking density.

Sunnucks, P. (1998). Avoidance of novel objects by rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.). Wildlife Research 25 (3): 273-283. ISSN: 1035-3712.
NAL Call Number: S960.W5
Keywords: avoidance behavior, response to novel objects, auditory stimulus, influencing factors, England.

Surridge, A.K.; Bell, D.J.; Hewitt, G.M. (1999). From population structure to individual behaviour: genetic analysis of social structure in the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 68 (1-2): 57-71, ISSN: 0024-4066.
NAL Call Number: QH301.B56
Keywords: molecular genetics, population genetics, evolution, biochemical variation, dna analysis of population, social groups, social organization, distribution within habitat, England.

Szendro, Z.; Gyarmati, T.; Maertens, L.; Biro-Nemeth, E.; Radnai, I.; Milisits, G.; Matics, Z. (2002). Effect of nursing by two does on the performance of sucking and growing rabbits. Animal Science Penicuik 74: 117-125.
NAL Call Number: SF1.A56
Keywords: breed, Pannon White, commercial species, doe, female, growing, kit, newborn, nursing, once a day nursing, twice a day nursing, milk, reproductive system, body weight, carcass composition, food intake, growth, live weight gain, nursing, suckling, weaning.

Turner, R.J.; Held, S.D.; Hirst, J.E.; Billinghurst, G.; Wootton, R.J. (Oct. 1997). An immunological assessment of group-housed rabbits. Laboratory Animals 31 (4): 362-72, ISSN: 0023-6772.
NAL Call Number: QL55 A1L3
Abstract: Laboratory rabbits kept in barren “traditional” cages tend to develop stereotypic behaviours and bone deformities. We have used an alternative regime, housing adult does as groups of four or five in floor pens (2.5-3 m2) supplied with hiding places and bedding. High- and low-ranking members of each group were identified, and their immunological status compared in terms of blood leucocyte function (chemiluminescence and mitogen tests), complement activity, and antibody production to soluble and cellular antigens. We found no evidence of immunosuppression, either in groups of a “docile” breed (New Zealand White) or Dutch crosses. These results, together with the animals’ general health and ease of handling, lead us to conclude that group-housed does are suitable for raising antisera and other purposes, provided that they are adequately monitored.
Keywords: antibody formation, immunology, animal behavior, physiology, complement activation, housing, phagocytes, drug effects, metabolism, respiratory burst.

Vandenheede, M. (1996). Les réactions de peur chez les animaux d'élevage: quantification, facteurs de variation et effets sur le bien-tre et la productivité. [Fear reactions in farm animals: assessment, factors of variation and effects on welfare and productivity.] Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire 140 (6): 423-432, ISSN: 0003-4118.
NAL Call Number: 41.8 An78
Keywords: cattle, goats, horses, pigs, sheep, rabbits, dogs, reviews, livestock, assessment, variation, effects, productivity, poultry, breed differences, sex differences, fearfulness, fright, stress, behavior, animal welfare, adaptation, behavior, selection, French language.

Verga, M.; Ferrante, V. (2002). La ricerca su benessere e adattamento nel coniglio. [Studies on well-being and adaptation of intensively-reared rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 39 (2): 31-34, 36-39, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: animal welfare, well-being, adaptation, housing, Italian language.

Verga, M. (1997). Troppo stress fa male ai conigli. [Too much stress is bad for rabbits.] Rivista di Coniglicoltura 34 (6): 13-19, ISSN: 0010-5929.
NAL Call Number: SF451.R5
Keywords: animal welfare, stress, Italian language.

von Holst, D.; Hutzelmeyer, H.; Kaetzke, P.; Khaschei, M.; Schonheiter, R. (1999). Social rank, stress, fitness, and life expectancy in wild rabbits. Naturwissenschaften 86 (8): 388-393, ISSN: 0028-1042.
NAL Call Number: 474 N213
Keywords: fitness, stress, behavior, social rank, life expectancy, reproductive productivity, natural selection, fighting, Germany.

von Holst, D. (1998). The concept of stress and its relevance for animal behavior. Advances in the Study of Behavior 27: 1-131, ISSN: 0065-3454.
NAL Call Number: QL750.A33
Keywords: literature review, physiological techniques, stress levels in social situations, hormones, reproductive behavior, social behavior, wild populations.

Zajac, J. (1999). Chorobliwe nawyki krolikow. [Vices in rabbits. ] Biuletyn Informacyjny Instytut Zootechniki 37 (2): 73-78, ISSN: 0209-2492.
NAL Call Number: SF1.K7
Keywords: abnormal behavior, vices, agonistic behavior, animal welfare, Polish language.

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