US Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Affairs Training Website
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Training Programs


The Coast Guard Auxiliary offers Public Affairs training for its officers to better enable them to perform their jobs.  This training is offered free and is available in several different formats.  Everyone should start off with the basic level classes and first take the FEMA 250 class in Public Affairs and our e-Learning classes.  Then they can move up to becoming a PA Specialist.  Officers wanting to advance their skills even more can apply for a 3 day AUX-12 training class.  All these classes and resources are available to you as a Public Affairs Officer.


Public Affairs Classes
A 1 hour on-line class offered through the FEMA ICS training website.  This class provides the basics of how to work with ESF 15 Standard Operating Procedures.
ComputerOnline Training Auxiliary E-Learning
The following online courses are provided for the training and development of Coast Guard Auxiliary members. Many of them are prerequisites for certain levels of qualification in the Public Affairs Advancement and Recognition Program.
Public Affairs Specialist RibbonPublic Affairs Specialist
A robust public affairs program is essential to Coast Guard Auxiliary success in every mission area.  Completion of these classes entitle the Auxiliarist to wear the PA specialist ribbon.
AUX-12 ProjectAux12 C School
AUX-12 Auxiliary Public Affairs C School is the boot camp for basic training for Auxiliary public affairs officers. The course teaches the students how to correctly send out Press Releases, manage Media Relations, Media Interviews, Photography, Copy Editing/News writing, Article submissions to local, national level and other public affairs matters of special interest to the Auxiliary.

Getting Started

PDF Download   Public Affairs Guide

PDF Download   Public Affairs Handbook

PDF Download   CG Public Affairs Manual

PDF Download   P.S.A. Primer

PDF Download   Boat Shows


BooksResources for Boating Exhibits
This program will teach the PA officer how to setup and work an exhibit.


Robert E. Nelson II, Department Chief | Tom Nunes, Deputy Chief
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2006 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Department of Public Affairs
United States Department of Homeland Security