Welcome to the National Chief of Staff’s Webpage

National Staff Mission Statement

The National Staff will provide the tools necessary to ensure that all program and training materials are appropriate in executing the missions of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and that the materials reflect those elements allowing the member to be the best trained volunteer in America. Partnering with the National Board, the National Staff will manage, maintain the standards-qualifications, create the tools necessary, and communicate them to the members, in a timely manner, consistent with best practices established by the National Commodore for continuing Auxiliary support to the Coast Guard, the boating public and the members. (PDF Version)


Vision Statement
To support the National Commodore’s watchwords of “LEADERSHIP”, “PERFORMANCE”, and “READINESS”, the National Staff will adopt it’s watchwords to guarantee the successful term of this bridge and the future of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.




CREDIBILITY--The National Staff will strive to maintain a credible image by providing the National Commodore, the National Board, and the general membership with instructional products that ensure all elements of the organization are able to function at peak performance in all arenas.


INNOVATION--Only through new ideas and methods of delivery can the Auxiliary membership be prepared for the ever changing environment of the Coast Guard and public boating needs.  The National Staff is committed to exploring these concepts that will afford the members the most effective way of training and to provide the boating public with an array of programs to enhance their safety and enjoyment of America’s waterways.


OPPORTUNITY--The National Staff will strive to develop training materials, programs, and membership benefits which will give the members maximum rewards for being a part of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.  This will prepare the member for all support roles of the organization.  A variety of opportunities to receive these benefits will widen the members’ ability to remain well trained, receive enjoyment of membership, and ready to support all missions.

Auxiliary National Staff BadgeNational Staff Badge

While serving on National Staff, Auxiliarists may wear the Auxiliary National Staff identification badge. Upon notification of appointment by the Department Chief, new staff members may purchase their National Staff badge to wear during their term of active service. Upon retiring as a National Staff member, the badge is no longer worn.


The badge is worn on Dress uniforms, and is not worn on Undress or Working uniforms. Female staff members may wear the staff badge above the name tag and in the same relative position on the Dinner Dress jacket. When worn above the name tag, the AUXOP device is worn below the nametag on the pocket flap. Male staff members wear the badge centered on the right breast pocket. On the Dinner Dress Blue jacket, men wear it centered on the right side between the top two buttons and women wear it centered on the right side above the top button. On the Dinner Dress White jacket, both men and women wear it on the right side centered above the top button. Further guidance can be found in the Auxiliary Manual, section F.9.b.3. Wear it proudly!


What is the National Staff?