World Wide Web Resources


Coleoptera | Drosophila | Other Diptera

Hemiptera | Isoptera | Lepidoptera

Siphonaptera | Miscellaneous | Biocontrol





The Coleopterist


 An online journal for students of the beetle fauna of the British Isles. Here you will find a large photo gallery, a county-to-country guide to finding beetles, newsletters, a checklist of recorded species, and additional resources.





Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project


•“The Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project (BDGP) is a consortium of the Drosophila Genome Center, funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Cancer Institute, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, through its support of work in the Gerald Rubin and Allan Spradling laboratories.” See the site for additional information about this excellent resource.


Drosophila Virtual Library


“This directory points to internet resources for research on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.” The site also includes a link to the Drosophila Research Conference 2005




 Here’s another resource listed at the 2004 Drosophlia Research Conference site. “FlyBase is a database of genetic and molecular data for Drosophila. FlyBase includes data on all species from the family Drosophilidae; the primary species represented is Drosophila melanogaster. FlyBase is produced by a consortium of researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health, U.S.A., and the Medical Research Council, London. This consortium includes both Drosophila biologists and computer scientists at Harvard University, University of Cambridge (U.K.), Indiana University, University of California, Berkeley, and the European Bioinformatics Institute. A complete list of consortium members is available in Reference Manual I.4. The FlyBase Consortium.”


Flybrain: An Online Atlas and Database of the Drosophila Nervous System


 Developed at the University of Freiburg, the site contains an atlas of the Drosophila brain using a hypertext tour to the basic structural elements of the nervous system. It links schematic representations and serial sections through the brain, Golgi impregnations of individual cells, enhancer-trap images, and other gene expression data. Included are JAVA applets and VRML manipulatable reconstructions. Additional information covers staining for neuractive substances and comparisons of Diptera with Drosophila.


 Images of the Drosophila Nervous System , a database of Drosophila neurobiology, is being integrated into Flybrain and is still available. 


The Fruit Fly in You


 Although this is an example of the endless possibilities of the Drosophila model, it also serves as a valuable tool for handling/ rearing information such as this link contained: Drosophila Behavior and Gene Expression in Microgravity ( )




 This is a rather interesting database which states, “The purpose of the Homophila database is to utilize the sequence information of human disease genes from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database in order to determine if sequence homologs of these genes exist in the current Drosophila sequence database (FlyBase).” It is an NIH-supported joint venture between the University of California - San Diego and the Baylor College of Medicine.




 This Japanese site states, “Jfly is a data depository for Drosophila researchers. Information on the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and other insects are collected. The emphasis is placed on collecting information and documents for Japanese-speaking fly community.” Included are: images, movies, manuals and protocols, newsletter, products information, and more. Most of this site is available in English.



Other Diptera


The Chironomid Home Page


 This site is intended for researchers interested in chironomids (midges). It contains newsletters, extensive bibliographies, discussion groups, a directory of chironomid workers, and links to related pages, as well as aquatic biology and other insects.


Diptera Site - Systematic Entomology Laboratory


Also see the Systematic Entomology Laboratory link below for additional information on this USDA facility.



Fruit Flies of NSW (Tephritidae:Diptera)


 This site is part of the a larger section of infomation (Information on Insect and Mite Pests of Agriculture in New South Wales and is a good resource for species identification and information.


Glossina morsitans morsitans EST sequencing - The Sanger Institute


 “The Sanger Institute is a genome research institute primarily funded by the Wellcome Trust”. The site contains sequence data for G. morsitans and is available for download or access using their online BLAST server. The library consists of approximately 20,000 cDNAs.


New Jersey Mosquito Biology and Control


 This site is made available by the Entomology Department at Rutgers University. Similar to those available through many university and state websites, it provides comprehensive information on mosquitos.


U.S. Geological Survey - West Nile Virus Mosquito Maps and Additional Information


 These maps of mosquitos found to be positive for West Nile Virus may prove useful to some researchers. Additional information is available from the Centers for Disease Control at






Hemiptera Site - Systematic Entomology Laboratory


Also see the Systematic Entomology Laboratory link below for additional information on this USDA facility.


Identification Keys and Checklists for the Leafhoppers, Planthoppers and their Relatives

Occurring in Australia and New Zealand (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)


 This site, another section of the NSW Agriculture site, states: “These keys will allow identifications of the Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) known to occur in Australia, New Zealand and neighbouring areas to the taxonomic level of Superfamily, Family, Subfamily or Tribe, depending on the currently accepted classification for each group. A checklist of known species, in their most recently accepted taxonomic combination, is provided for each group for the Australian, Indonesian and New Guinean faunas. Links to checklists and keys to the New Zealand fauna on the New Zealand Arthropod Collection website are provided. Photographic images are provided for many species in each group.” Also see the Agricultural Scientific Collections Unit’s page


Illustrated Key to the Economically Important Leafhoppers of Australia (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)


 This is part of the NSW Agriculture site and is descibed, “The leafhopper species included in this interactive key (see list) are those of most significance to agricultural activity in Australia. Many other species occur in Australia and, although not directly affecting agriculture itself, may easily be confused with those included here. Care therefore needs to be taken in relying on use of this key for identification of economically important leafhoppers. Confirmation of identifications, requiring dissection of the genitalia of male specimens, needs to be carried out by a specialist cicadellid taxonomist.”


Odonata Dragonfly Biodiversity


 A nice compilation of lists, keys, photos, and additional material from the University of Puget Sound, Museum of Natural History.


Odonata Information Network (Dragonflies and Damselflies)


 “This Web Page serves as a place to post news stories, information requests, e-mail address directory, events, meetings etc. It also serves as a link to other Odonata related sites.” This is another excellent starting point for additional dragonfly and damselfly resources.





Termites - Urban Entomology Program


 Although this program was initially established to foster new and better strategies for control of termites, some excellent research information also resides on this site. Some of the highlights include a phylogenetic tree, beneficial uses, biologic and taxonomic information, distribution data, images, movies, additional links, and a world tour of termites in cyberspace.





Butterfly Larvae of Australia


 See additional information below under Caterpillars: Especially Australian Ones.


The Butterfly Website


 Billing itself as “the most complete information on butterfly gardening, farming, ecology and education”, this site contains articles, photos, conservation alerts, fact sheets, mailing lists, chat rooms, and a very comprehensive list of links to entomology and lepidoptera societies worldwide. The site is geared towards butterfly natural history and hobbyists. It is managed by private individuals with strong interests in butterflies. Contributors include lepidopterists and naturalists.


Caterpillars: Especially Australian Ones


 A nice resource for taxonomy and identification of the unique Lepidopterans of Australia. Also see the Caterpillars of Australian Moths and Butterfly Larvae of Australia, both listed below, for additional information.


Caterpillars of Australian Moths


 A nice compilation of moth families. This is from the introduction, “ Most of the Caterpillars which we have found are the larvae of moths. Moths far outnumber butterflies both in numbers and species. In Australia, there are over 10,000 named species of moths compared with only about 370 species of butterflies. Added to this, many moths have yet to be collected and named, whereas very few butterfly species remain to be discovered in Australia.”


 This additional website is also made available in addition to the ones above: Butterfly Larvae of Australia


The Dominick Moth and Butterfly Collection


 This site is made available by the University of South Carolina. “The Richard B. Dominick Moth and Butterfly Collection consists of 25,215 moths and 1,758 butterflies of which there are 1,167 species; the collection is currently located on the Columbia Campus of the University of South Carolina.” Includes a large list of species collected, references, and an extensive list of links to other Lepidoptera and insect sites.


Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms


 This site was prepared by a private citizen (who may be affiliated with the Finnish IT center for Science). It contains good background and taxonomic information; including, an extensive image database. Additional resources and links are also listed.


Lepidoptera Site - Systematic Entomology Laboratory


 Also see the Systematic Entomology Laboratory link below for additional information on this USDA facility


Nomina Insecta Nearctica


•“Nomina Insecta Nearctica is a complete synonymical checklist of the approximately 90,000 species of insects of North America north of Mexico published by Entomological Information Services in 1996 and 1997 in four volumes and a CD-ROM. An abbreviated version of this checklist is now available on Nearctica. The list contains all of the species of insects of North America with the synonyms removed.” The special section for Butterflies and Skippers has excellent background information and images.




 The highlight of this site is the ‘pherolist’ which is, “a database of chemicals identified from sex pheromone glands of female Lepidopteran insects and other chemicals attractive to male moths.” Additional product information relevant to capture/ husbandry of Lepidopterans and other insects is also provided.




 This commercial site, like many others of its kind, offers technical information and references to current and potential customers in support of its products. Some details included are: information on rearing, life cycles, artificial diets, and some additional on-line resources.





Fleas (Siphonaptera)


 This site is made available by the Laboratory of Parasitology, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. You can explore flea ecology, physiology, and morphology. Also included are a database, taxonomic classifications, images, host data, and additional background information.





The Agricultural Scientific Collections Unit


 “Information on insect and mite pests of agriculture in New South Wales.”


Animal Diversity Web


 “Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan. Animal Diversity Web has thousands of species accounts about individual animal species. These may include text, pictures of living animals, photographs and movies of specimens, and/or recordings of sounds. Students write the text of these accounts and we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Descriptions of levels of organization above the species level, especially phyla, classes, and in some cases, orders and families. Hundreds of hyperlinked pages and images illustrate the traits and general biology of these groups. Professional biologists prepare this part.”


Australian Insect Common Names


 “ This website is based on the CSIRO Handbook of Australian Insect Names - 6th edition, 1993. The database of names behind that Handbook has been updated and augmented to reflect taxonomic changes, new names and newly recorded species. Inevitably, we will have overlooked some changes in nomenclature or potential additions.”


BioImages: The Virtual Field-Guide (UK)


 “The Virtual Field-Guide for UK Bio-diversity. Content: This site offers a large selection of pictures of Natural History objects, mostly British in origin. Purpose: The images are presented to illustrate biodiversity and as an aid to identification. While pictures alone are generally NOT sufficient for identification, by showing different stages, states and views of the organisms more information can be offered than is available in field-guides.” The site includes a comprehensive linked index.




 This commercial publisher site contains some excellent background information with regard to species identification and current research. Many articles and additional resources are open to the public; although, sections of this site are only available with subscription. Nevertheless, one aim of this site is to provide expanded access to research results.


The Bugwood Network


 “The Mission of The Bugwood Work Group is to gather, create, maintain, promote the use of, and economically distribute digital information both as resources and as tools to enhance and complement information exchange and educational activities primarily in the fields of entomology, forestry, forest health and natural resources.” Links to other collaborate insect resources (i.e., Invasive and Exotic Species of North America ) are provided as well as extensive taxonomic information.


Clemson Entomology


 Some of the more interesting features of this site, hosted by the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences include: insect pictures, a virtual museum (where you can perform a very cool, self guided journey), and an insect information series (a very comprehensive collection of fact sheet-style publications.


Cooperative Extension Catalog of Publications – Insects & Pests


 Similar to many other excellent cooperative extension resources available, this site hosts an extensive list of insects and pests publications made available by the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


CRC Press


 Book descriptions, with regard to entomology, categorized and made available by CRC Press. Also listed are descriptions and related titles.


Crop Knowledge Master


 This site, “was prepared by an inter-disciplinary team of entomologists and plant pathologists from the University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, and Hawaii Department of Agriculture.” The site also states, “Everything you wanted to know about agricultural pests.”


Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Plant Health, UK) - Pest and Diseases


 The current law in the U.K. as stated on this official government site is“Under plant health legislation, a number of plant pests and diseases are classified as quarantine organisms and are therefore subject to statutory control. Anyone finding or suspecting the presence of a quarantine organism must contact their local Plant Health and Seeds Inspector (PHSI) immediately." "Identification Posters, Information Sheets, Information Booklets and Quarantine Information Cards are available on a number of these pests and diseases.” This site is yet another example of information available on a related topic that also serves as a valuable alternative resource.




 “ This site provides information on a wide range of invertebrate groups. It includes an overview of the biology, ecology and life cycle of invertebrates likely to be encountered and all insect orders found in Australia. The Ecowatch site focuses on the Ecowatch survey area of the Murray Riverland and many of the images and specific information relate to individuals found in the local area. Follow the links below to learn more about insects and their allies in Australia. This site is further divided by species at the insects home page and includes excellent graphics and background information


Entomology at Colorado State University


 Some excellent resources available via this site include: insect images, movies, books, selected publications/ databases, meetings, and links to additional entomology departments around the world.


Entomological Society of America


 “The Entomological Society of America (ESA) is the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and people in related disciplines. Founded in 1889, ESA today has more than 6,000 members. This number includes educators, extension personnel, consultants, students, researchers, and scientists from agricultural departments, health agencies, private industries, colleges and universities, and state and federal governments.” Additional resources include information from their annual meetings. See these two earlier meetings:


Entomology Index of Internet Resources


 This very comprehensive site is maintained at Iowa State University and is compiled by J.K. VanDyk and L.B. Bjostad. Categories include checklists, companies, bibliographies, databases, images, insect collections, pest management, listserves, online courses, regulations, professional societies, and software. The ‘organisms and species’ section contains descriptions and links to tens of other sites ranging from Drosophila to arachnids. Of particular interest is the medical entomology category which contains links to veterinary parisitology to vector biology to forensic entomology.


Entomology at Texas A&M University


 This site is another classic example of the vast resources both at the departmental and cooperative extension at this university and many others throughout America. Some of the more interesting topics included on this site are: insect images and sounds, animations, movies, and an extensive collection of insect links.


Environmental Protection Agency - Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Our Waters


 This page features benthic insects found in clean, moderately polluted, and severely polluted streams. Life cycles are included as well as physiology, images, background, and additional web links.


Featured Creatures


 “The site is a cooperative venture of the University of Florida's Department of Entomology and Nematology and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' Division of Plant Industry.” It has a well organized and searchable index. Provided are profiles of insects, mites, nematodes, and other organisms. Information is geared for both professionals and the public.


Florida Entomologist


 This site contains free access to journal articles from Florida Entomologist since 1917 and is sponsored by the Florida Entomological Society and Florida Center for Library Automation. The articles contained focus on insect issues in the Americas and include natural history, genetics, conservation, physiology, anatomy, pest control, and laboratory rearing. The database is easily searched.


Forestry Images


 This site is a companion to Insect Images (listed below). It is an excellent source for forest health, natural resources, and silviculture images. There is an emphasis on educational applications. Make sure also to see more at the Bugwood Network (listed above).




 The home page of this site is in French, which roughly translates into, “Database, encyclopedic HYPPZ gathers 297 ‘cards’ describing pests (insects, acarina, rodents, nematodes, gastropods and small vertebrate) important in Western Europe, a glossary of the terms of Zoology (280 words and concepts) and a table of the cultures and fruit trees concerned (more than 80 species). The unit is illustrated with color photographs (approximately 200) and some 150 original drawings.”  The sections below, available in English, provide information on taxonomy, biology, life cycle, and more. A large number of images are included.




Insect Bibliography Server


 This site includes bibliographies on Chironomidae (midges), FORMIS 95 (ants), Face Fly, Fire Ant, Horn Fly, Screw worm, and Stable Fly. Bibliographies under development include ITS (Intergenic Transcribed Spacer region, genetics), Insect Genetics, Insect Nematodes (entomopathogenic nematodes), and Parasitoids (filth fly parsitoids). The status of the individual bibliographies varies. Links to other insect sites are also included.


The Insects Home Page


 Although, this site appears to be for children, there is some good taxonomic information, a key to various insect orders, rearing information, and additional listings of suppliers.


Insect Images


 “ has been under development for a number of years, and is the result of the efforts of a large number of people. In the mid-1990's we recognized a need for quality photographs of forest insects and disease organisms to use in information technology applications.” Special thanks to InsectImages and Chuck Bargeron for his help and permission to use images from their collection on the cover page of this publication.


The Insects of Cedar Creek


 This site is made available by the University of Minnesota. It consists of a large online image collection and excellent associated taxonomic information. There are also alphabetical listings and a checklist of Minnesota insects.


Insect Orders and Common Families


 This site contains links for information on the various orders of insects. It connects to various web pages of many of the sites described in this document.


Insects on the Web - Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Department of Entomology


 “Entomologists at Iowa State university have engaged in teaching, research, and extension for more than a century. Professor Herbert Osborn taught the nation's first entomology course in 1880, beginning a tradition of excellence in basic and applied entomology. The Department of Entomology faculty work to provide an excellent education, develop innovative research programs and supply a creative, highly visible problem-solving extension program. The Department is part of the College of Agriculture at Iowa State, which is Iowa's land-grant university.” Also included are an image gallery, integrated pest management information, insect zoo complete with webcam, two insect-related listservs with archives, and additional extension information.


Insect Photos Identification - (A Strange Site)


 “An easy guide on identification of insect order. More than 200 insect photos.” Some high quality images are available in this easy to search database.


Integrated Crop Management - Complete Insects and Mites Index


 This site contains an excellent compilation of, “Detailed, research-based articles for better management decisions produced weekly from spring to fall.” This section on insects and mites, published by the Entomology Department at Iowa State University, is only one part of the full selection at


International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology


 “The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) is a unique inter-governmental research organisation which specialises in research and development into arthropod-based issues which impact on the economics and welfare of tropical developing countries. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the Centre was founded in 1970 by a Kenyan scientist, Professor Thomas R. Odhiambo.”


Introduction to the Uniramia


 This site is made available by the University of California, Museum of Paleontology. It’s mission is, “to investigate and promote the understanding of the history of life and the diversity of the Earth's biota through research and education.” They describe Uniramia as, “the largest major group of arthropods that includes insects, millipedes, centipedes, and their relatives.” Included are specific sections on: the fossil record, life history and ecology, systematics, and morphology.


Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz On-line


 This traditional biomedical journal features many of the citations referenced in the bibliographic sections of this publication. I have listed it merely as an excellent resource for those interested in obtaining full-text articles.




 This site is part of a larger compendium at:
. The information is made available by the Entomology Department. North Carolina State University. There is a wealth of information, such as life history and ecology, classifications, images, and additional background and links. It was designed to instruct graduate-level students as part of a class. There are many sites similar to this available through many college and university sites.


PAN Pesticides Database'Insects'


 “The Aquatic Ecotoxicity section includes 223,853 aquatic toxicity results from U.S. EPA's AQUIRE database. These data can be searched by species, Chemical or Effect.” Even though this database is aimed toward the toxicologist, there is some excellent taxonomic information. Search for ecotoxicity by species at


Parasites and Parasitological Resources


 Included in this site, made available by the College of Biological Sciences, Ohio State University, are: an extensive image database, taxonomical listings, life cycles information, and labeled images/ drawings.


The Pherobase


 This site consists of a database of insect pheromones and semiochemicals. Although it is a private site, there is an extensive listing of insects and associated semiochemical compounds. Also included are: taxonomic information, chemical structures, and extensive references.


Resistant Pest Management at Michigan State University: Database of Arthropods Resistant to Pesticides


 “The Michigan State University Resistant Pest Database includes mites, spiders and insects that have had one or more documented cases of resistance.” Currently, there are 543 cases. Listed individually and also searchable are: list of resistance cases by country, citations, and pesticides.


Rutgers Entomology


 This university website, like many others of its kind, offer an incredible amount of information including a worldwide directory of entomology departments, museum information, course/ seminar listings, links to numerous cooperative extension resources, and more.


Systematic Entomology Laboratory - USDA


 This USDA laboratory’s mission is to:


        Develop comprehensive classification systems for insects and mites on a world basis.

        Furnish taxonomic services to Federal, state, and private organizations involved in research and action programs in agricultural, biological, and health sciences.

        Cooperate with the Smithsonian Institution on a working basis in the continuing development and maintenance of a large portion of the U.S. National Collection of Insects as a working tool to support systematic studies and identification needs of Federal, state, and private user organizations.

        Develop information, storage, and retrieval systems for systematic and biological information.


 There are separate sections for various different orders; also an insect and mite database is available. Additionally, there is access to the national collections of insects and mites. See the insects and mites section at:


Tree of Life Web Project


 “We envisage the Tree of Life being used by those interested in locating information about a particular group of organisms, by biologists seeking identification keys, figures, phylogenetic trees, and other systematic information for a group of organisms, and by educators teaching about organismal diversity.” There is a huge amount of information on this site with exceptional taxonomic descriptions including excellent background data and references. The site is fruther broken down into sections, such as:





University of Florida Book of Insect Records 2003


 Since 1994, graduate students in the Insect Ecology course at the University of Florida have contributed chapters to the University of Florida Book of Insect Records that name insect champions and documents their achievements. Each chapter deals with a different category of record. The records range from fastest flier to most tolerant, cold or largest blood meal, and greatest bioluminencence. All records include a research paper and references.


University of Queensland Insect Collection


 This collection contains ~700,000 insects and related arthropods from Australia and elsewhere. You can browse their collection on-line, listed by order. Like many other university entomology and museum sites, the internet provides the convenience of browsing and researching a collection remotely.


U.S. Geological Survey - Stoneflies of the United States


 This official U.S. Deptartment of Interior website states, “This Web site is a "work in progress,"consisting of information on the known distribution of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in the United States. Distribution maps and county checklists were created by extracting information on stonefly distribution from publications listed in References.” Additional information includes taxonomic data (incorporated into the distribution maps), bibliographic references, and links to additional web resources.





Biobest n.v.


 This site contains information on a selection of beneficial insects and mites used for biological control. Although the contents is for arthropods this company sells, excellent background and technical data is available.

Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America


 “This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM).” Information is contained for a wide audience and includes approximately 100 species of pests. Descriptions of life cycles and habitats is also included.


Compendium on Post-harvest Operations


 This site is produced by the Information Network on Post-harvest Operations and led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in partnership with GTZ and CIRAD. There is some excellent background information on Coleopteran and Lepidopteran species, including control methods and references.


The Corn Rootworm Home Page


 “This site is intended to serve as a central reference point for information about the Corn Rootworm Beetle in the midwestern United States.” It was created by the Entomology Department, Iowa State University. There is an interactive node-injury scale available and state listings of corn rootworm web resources.


International Society for Pest Information


 “ISPI is a non-profit organization, registered in Darmstadt, Germany, with the aim to promote information exchange on: animal pests, diseases and weeds in agriculture, forestry and stores arthropods (e.g. insects) which are harmful to livestock or effect humans directly. We collaborate mainly with scientists and research institutes. Among others, we assemble addresses, lists of pests, and scientific literature.”  Included are locust and grasshopper pests and thrips pests databases, as well as listings of related journals and other web resources.


Knowledge Master


 From the author, “Knowledge Master contains general information on pest hosts, distribution, damage, biology, and management in the form of pest summaries, reports and recommendations, and resource information. Knowledge Master was prepared by an inter-disciplinary team of entomologists and plant pathologists from the University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, and Hawaii Department of Agriculture.” Additional information includes a resource Toolbox with identification keys, slide mounting procedures, and quarantine regulations. Also provided is some excellent background on managing several species of fruit flies.


Plant Quarantine


 Although this site is aimed towards pest control, there exists some excellent background information on many different insects, including geographical information and factsheets.


Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America


 This site is made available by the California Environmental Protection Agency and is a list of commercial suppliers of biocontrol organisms. Also included are a taxonomic index and selected references and web sites for biocontrol and integrated pest management.


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