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Future of Fire Grants Unclear

Chicago Tribune
July 30, 2007

By Liam Ford

Local Illinois fire departments and other emergency-response teams could continue to get cash grants from the federal government for equipment and staff under a Democratic version of next year's federal budget, but wouldn't under a Bush administration proposal, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin said Sunday.

Durbin, a Democrat who will be up for re-election next year, criticized the Bush administration during a news conference at the headquarters of Chicago's Fire Engine Co. 42, 55 W. Illinois St., saying Bush's proposed 2008 budget would slash some grants and eliminate others.

"When it comes to the first line of defense against terrorism, it starts right here," Durbin said. "We don't dial the president's number when we suspect terrorists. We dial 911."

The Bush administration is requesting about the same amount for Department of Homeland Security grants that it asked for in the 2007 budget, but Congress increased spending by about $1 billion over the $3.2 billion Bush asked for.

Under the proposed Bush budget, Assistance to Firefighters grants for local departments' equipment would decrease from $547 million in 2007 to $300 million in 2008 and grants to fund more salaries for local departments would be eliminated. The grants -- both popular among members of Congress -- are not guaranteed to any particular city, but are awarded based on applications submitted by local governments.

The Homeland Security Department also is trying to shift from providing grants for uses proposed by local governments to grants for specific uses, such as providing communications equipment that allows all emergency responders to communicate easily with each other, department spokesman Russ Knocke said.

"The solution is to not just throw money out to anyone who will take it. The solution is to have a targeted grants program," Knocke said.

The inability of fire and police personnel in New York City to use common radio frequencies after the World Trade Center attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, has frequently been cited as a shortcoming of that city's emergency response to them.

In fiscal 2004, the Chicago Fire Department received a $750,000 grant for chemical-protection masks.

Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) said taxpayers nationwide have an interest in protecting Chicago against attack.

"Chicago is critically important to ensuring that the nation's economy remains strong, so I think the federal government should play a role in helping fund it," Reilly said.

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