Report Contents
[Report #. SR/O&G/2000-02]


Executive Summary

1. Overview of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Geographic Setting

2. Analysis Discussion

Resource Assessment
Method of Analysis
ANWR Coastal Plain Assessment

3. Summary















Potential Oil Production from the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Updated Assessment


ANILCA: Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act

ANS: Alaskan North Slope

ANWR: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

BBbls: billion barrels

Bbls: barrels

Daily Petroleum Production Rate: The amount of petroleum extracted per day from a well, group of wells, region, etc. (usually expressed in barrels per day)

EIA: Energy Information Administration

MBbls: thousand barrels

MMBbls: million barrels

NPR-A: National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

Petroleum Play: A set of known or postulated petroleum accumulations sharing similar geologic, geographic, and temporal properties such as source rock, migration, pathway, timing, trapping mechanism, and hydrocarbon type

TAPS: Trans-Alaska Pipeline System

Technically Recoverable Resources: Resources in accumulations producible using current recovery technology but without reference to economic profitability generally conceived as existing in accumulations of sufficient size to be amenable to the application of existing recovery technology (usually expressed in barrels, for oil)

USGS: United States Geological Survey

Yearly Petroleum Development Rate: The amount of petroleum potentially made available through the drilling of wells and installation of infrastructure in a region in a year (usually expressed in barrels per year)