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Akaka Commends Hawaii Warrior Football Team on Senate Floor

December 5, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Senator Daniel K. Akaka spoke on the floor of the United States Senate to commend the University of Hawaii football team on their undefeated season and Sugar Bowl birth.  The speech took place at about 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time. 

TV stations: Broadcast quality video of the speech is available now on PATHFIRE.

Radio stations: An mp3 audio file of the speech is available at

Web developers: A Flash video file of the speech is located at


The text Senator Akaka's speech as prepared for delivery appears below:

Mr. President, I rise today to commend the University of Hawaii Warrior football team, which completed the first undefeated season in the team's history, securing a first-ever appearance in the Sugar Bowl on New Years' Day. 

Facing powerful schools from across the country, this dedicated, hard working, selfless team found the courage, strength and discipline to emerge victorious from every challenge.  A spirit of support and teamwork, as well as confidence under pressure, made this historic undefeated season possible. 

In addition to their victories on the field, the Warrior football players have also introduced viewers to the diverse cultures they represent.  They have become positive role models for young people not only in Hawaii, but in Samoa, Australia, around the South Pacific and in communities across the United States. 

They have made many people proud. 

They honor the people and land of Hawaii before every game.  They have shared our unique culture with the world. 

The Warriors have brought the people of Hawaii together, united in supporting this incredible team that continues to defy the odds.  I join the people of Hawaii in congratulating the University of Hawaii Warrior Football team, and rooting for victory in the Sugar Bowl New Years' Day in New Orleans. 

As we say in Hawaii, "Hana Hou," do it again!  Go Warriors!                          


Year: 2008 , [2007] , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1900

December 2007

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