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Beaufort Sea Publications


Beaufort Sea 1999
                          Final Finding

Final Finding of the Director
Beaufort Sea Areawide 1999
Oil and Gas Lease Sale
July 15, 1999

This finding will be used for successive Beaufort Sea Areawide sales.


Supplement to Finding (July 2008)
Discusses the listing of Polar Bears as a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act.

Supplement to Finding (August 2000)
Supplements the cumulative effects section; discusses effects of a major oil spill on polar bears.

Partial Lifting of Bowhead Whale Deferral Areas
July 29, 2004

Beaufort Sea Areawide 2008
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 22, 2008
Preliminary Sale Results
Beaufort Sea Areawide

Summary of Results
Preliminary report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of Sale Bids
Preliminary summary report of bids sorted by bidder.

Record of Sale Bids
Preliminary summary report of bids received sorted by tract.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Regional Tract Map
Combined Results Map

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2007
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 25, 2007
Final Sale Results

Beaufort Sea Areawide

Summary of Results
Final report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of Sale Bids
Final summary report of bids sorted by bidder.

Record of Sale Bids
Final summary report of bids received sorted by tract.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Map 1   Map 2   Map 3   Map 4   Map 5   Map 6  

Beaufort Sea/North Slope Combined Results Map .pdf

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2006A
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 25, 2006
Final Sale Results

Beaufort Sea Areawide

Summary of Results
Final report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of Winning Bids
Final report of the winning bids sorted by ADL number.

Record of All Bids
Final report of all bids received.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Map 3   Map 4   

Beaufort Sea/North Slope Combined Results Map .pdf .jpg

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2006
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
March 1, 2006
Final Sale Results
Beaufort Sea Areawide

Summary of Results
Final Report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of Winning Bids
Final Report of the winning bids sorted by ADL number.

Record of All Bids
Final Report of all bids received.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Map 1   Map 2   Map 3   Map 4   Map 5   Map 6   Map 7   Map 8  

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2004
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 27, 2004
Beaufort Sea Areawide

Summary of Results
Final Report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of Winning Bids
Final Report of the winning bids sorted by ADL number.

Record of All Bids
Final Report of all bids received.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Only Maps 3 and 4 had bids.
Map 3  Map 4   

Beaufort Sea, North Slope Combined Results Map

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2003
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 29, 2003
Beaufort Sea Areawide Summary of Results
Final Report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of Winning Bids
Final Report of the winning bids sorted by ADL number.

Record of All Bids
Final Report of all bids received.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Map 1   Map 2   Map 3   Map 4   Map 5   Map 6   Map 7   Map 8  

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2002
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 24, 2002
Beaufort Sea Areawide Summary of Results
Final Report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of High Bids
Final Report of the winning bids sorted by ADL number.

Record of All Bids
Final Report of all bids received.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.
Map 1   Map 2   Map 3   Map 4   Map 5   Map 6   Map 7   Map 8  

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2001
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
October 24, 2001
Beaufort Sea Sale Area Summary of Results
Report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Record of High Bids
Report of the winning bids sorted by ADL number.

Record of All Bids
Report of all bids received.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.

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Beaufort Sea Areawide 2000
Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sale
November 15, 2000
Beaufort Sea Sale Area Summary of Results
Final report that includes statistical data of the participants and their bids.

Summary of High Bids
Summary report of the winning bids.

Summary of All Bids
Summary report of all bids received, both granted and denied.

Bid Results Maps
Tract maps showing winning bidders.

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Maintained By: Bruce Buzby


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