Elections: 2007 Survey of State Voting System Programs (GAO-08-1147SP, September 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-874

Successful Practices and Lessons Learned

64. Does your state have any practices that you believe are successful or lessons learned within the following areas that you would be willing to discuss with GAO?
(Check one in each row)
    Yes No Don't know
  a. Approval/Re-approval of voting systems
  b. Revocation of approval of voting systems
  c. Testing of systems for election use
  d. Monitoring voting systems for errors or malfunctions during the election cycle
  e. Collecting and documenting voting system errors or malfunctions
  f. Performing post-election audits
  g. Measuring voting system performance
  h. Taking corrective action on voting system errors or malfunctions found in elections
  i. Interacting with the EAC regarding the above topics
  j. Interacting with other states regarding the above topics
  k. Adopting practices from other states (please identify state(s) below)

  l. If applicable, state(s) from which practices were adopted:

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