Elections: 2007 Survey of State Voting System Programs (GAO-08-1147SP, September 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-874

Documentation and Citations

62. Please identify any state document(s) that describes your state's approval process, including any standards or criteria for approval (and, if available, provide the Internet address where the document is located on your Web site).

63. For each of the following areas, please provide any state statute citations for current requirements, including any that will be in effect during the 2008 election cycle. (If your state does not have a requirement in your state statute for an area listed below, please indicate "N/A" in the space provided.)
(Click in the boxes below and enter the citation)
  a. State approval of voting system
  b. Federal certification of voting system
  c. Use of federally accredited voting system testing laboratories for state testing
  d. Use of national voting system software reference library
  e. Re-approval of voting system
  f. Revocation of voting system approval
  g. Acceptance testing of voting system
  h. Other testing of voting systems (e.g., logic and accuracy tests)
  i. Post-election audits
  j. Security management for voting systems
  k. Continuity of operations for voting systems
  l. Backup for voting system data
  m. Reporting information on voting system errors or malfunctions to the state (by local jurisdictions or others)
  n. Monitoring voting systems for errors or malfunctions during the election cycle
  o. Voting system performance measurement
  p. Vendor independence
  q. Election official independence
  r. Correcting voting system errors or malfunctions

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