Elections: 2007 Survey of State Voting System Programs (GAO-08-1147SP, September 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-874

Interaction with Federal Processes

42. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following resources or services from the EAC?
(Check one in each row)
    Not used Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Unable to judge
  a. Comprehensiveness of federal voluntary voting system guidelines
  b. Clarification of federal voluntary voting system guidelines
  c. Ease of use of federal voluntary voting system guidelines
  d. Utility of the federal certification process
  e. Utility of national software reference library
  f. Information in quickstart guides
  g. Information on voting system problems
  h. Information on test plans and test results
  i. Other (describe below)

  j. If applicable, briefly describe other resources or services:

43. As addressed in HAVA section 202, has your state been contacted by the EAC regarding states' experiences in any of the following areas?
(Check one in each row)
    Yes No Don't know
  a. Implementing federal voluntary voting system guidelines
  b. Operating voting systems during elections
  c. Activities undertaken for the effective administration of federal elections
  d. Federal testing or certification of system hardware/software

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