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Hawaii to Receive $35.7 Million in Federal Funds for Road And Bridge Repair to Help with Earthquake Recovery, Senators Inouye and Akaka Announce

July 19, 2007
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Daniel K. Inouye and Daniel K. Akaka announced today that the State of Hawaii will receive more than $35.7 million in federal emergency funds to repair roads and bridges damaged by the October 15, 2006, earthquakes and aftershocks.

Senator Inouye, a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee who helped to secure the funding, said: "Nine months ago, Hawaii was shaken violently by the earthquakes, and fortunately no lives were lost.  But our transportation infrastructure suffered much damage, isolating communities and making travel difficult.  The funds from the Federal Highway Administration's emergency relief highway fund will help to make our recovery complete." 

Senator Akaka added: "These critical resources will help repair essential roads in Hawaii, Maui, and Honolulu counties that were damaged by the earthquakes and aftershocks.  This funding will help strengthen and improve vital portions of our transportation infrastructure."


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July 2007

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